How truly reliable is such an alliance? What are Tarentum’s true motives for assisting Clan Plagueis? How wise is it to let them walk among our base freely? All these questions, and more will be answered in; FORGED ALLIANCES!
See what I did there? Kind of the old radio drama tagline at the end of the episode to get you to tune in next week? If only I could create that kind of suspense for my reports, am i right? In any case let’s get on with this shall we?
First things first (I’m the realist, sorry. Not sorry) If you haven’t taken part in the Forged Alliances events, well you’ve already missed round one but round 2 is live and moving. There are 4 different events to participate in:
Also if you are a member of a mixed quartet then your run-on deadline is steadily approaching. All of the fiction updates are located in the overall Forged Alliances competition:
There’s been great turn out from both clans and I can’t speak for anyone else but the events have been varied and fun. The events for round two are completely different. Three brand new types of events are around for this new phase and 4 new ways to challenge yourself to be better than the rest!
Pretty quiet on the western front regarding medals, promotions etc. However I do want to recognize two people. First Eiko, For those that don’t know Eiko is an old hand at brotherhood leadership going way back into the dark ages of Revan. Of course back then I worked for him. Oh how the turntables have... turned! Eiko is our new battle team leader and will be overseeing the development of our journeymen.
Second is Athrun. He’s been our Aedile for a little over a month or so but as is usually the case with this club real life gets in the way. It happens to all of us and despite his best efforts to strike that delicate balance it proved to be a difficult task. We want to thank him and wish him clear skies as he moves on from the position of my number two (is that my second Austin Powers reference this report?).
Also a special last minute cheer for those of you that completed all 4 events in the last round. You know who you are but I want to give a special highlight to Brimstone as he was the first one done and even created an email thread so we could all brag when we finished things.
Props to Mayda for earning a Steel Cross for her contributions during the Restoration event!
Also, even though she’s defected to the enemy (j/k) I want to extend a huge congratulations to Taranae, she’s earned a Grand Cross. I don't even have one of those. For her amazing work as Aedile for many months, her contributions during events, her energy, and positive attitude. I expect many many more great things from her over in Ajunta Pall.
Athrun: 2 CF
Brimstone: 6CF
Callus: PoB, 10CE, 1 CI
Doku 8 CF
Kz’set 4 CF
So I already filled you in on the major competitions we’ve got going on. Do those first. There are a few others going on right now though that may pique your interest.
Inquisitorius (fiction society) Has 2 inaugural events going on right now:
Deep Pockets:
All in a Day’s work:
Monthly Mobile Gaming:
Now back to my little jaunt about Radio Dramas. We all know about how the radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds”caused a panic and people really thought we were under attack from aliens. Well if you don’t you do now. Did you know there was also a Star Wars radio drama broadcast by NPR and produced at Southern Cal (Lucas’ alma mater)? It was scripted by Brian Daily, one of the earliest Star Wars fiction writers, and followed the plot of the films. Only it was 6 hours long instead of 2 hours and 5 minutes. So there is A LOT more stuff there. A scene with Leia and Bail on Alderaan where Leia gets courted by a scummy imperial officer. Luke and Windy taking on Beggar’s Canyon against Fixer. Just all this cool Star Wars stuff they couldn’t fit into the film. It is loaded with John Williams’ music Ben Burtt’s sound effects and guess who voices C-3P0? Anthony Daniels, Mark Hammil reads Luke. Leia is even voiced by Ann Sachs and she does an AMAZING job (Ann Sachs was in Out of the Darkness with Martin Sheen a TV movie but pretty good considering it was 1985) The best part is that there are Radio Adaptations for all three of the original trilogy films. The cast stays the same through the entire production. Well they couldn’t get Hammil to do Luke in the Return of the Jedi recording and it bugs me but the guy does a decent job. I have listened to all of them through Audible. Want to know the best part? I found A New Hope available on YouTube. If you’re interested take a listen:
It’s great background noise for writing fiction, gaming, or whatever you happen to be doing.
IT’s been an exciting month and we’ve got a great event going on right now. there is lots to do and we even got a Star Wars trailer Monday. Granted I still haven’t watched it but I’ve seen it meme-ified. (I know how can I call myself a fan if I haven’t absorbed everything about the new moive? I’m trying to temper my expectations. I still remember what happened at midnight in 1999 when I stood in line to see Episode 1. So forgive me if I’m not too thrilled about another possible blemish on my favorite franchise.)
If you need me please don’t hesitate to reach out in the normal way.
email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Find me on telegram @Callus
I’m also attempting to add more IRC hours as my time becomes available.
Have a great month and get moving on the Forged Alliances events!
Callus Bo’amar
Quaestor House Karness Muur
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Goid report boss
Gratz to the shoutouts