Greetings Knights, fellow Jedi and friends on the Dark Side,
This is a special report in which I make one announcement and do a lot of gushing.
There is one job vacancy I would like to draw your attention to, Knight-Commander of the Knight of Allusis Battleteam. Liam and Mirus will post details of what they want from the applications soon but go ahead and start polishing them up. That's right, I am stepping down (or more accurately stepping up) from KoA as I have been selected as the next Aedile of House Qel-Droma in Clan Arcona. The decision wasn't an easy one, I love this House and the HOU summit is like a quirky family but with a little push from the Summit I applied and was successful (remember all those time I listed jobs and encouraged you to apply, sometimes you get the job!).
In in the interim I will still take care of KoA business while my successor is chosen, I have some loose ends to wrap up administratively. Even after a new Knight-Commander is named, I will still be around and make myself available to anyone be it to game, ask questions, proof a fiction or whatever. No matter where I end up I will always consider myself an Odanite, and I hope you do too. Beyond that, we are a single, unified Brotherhood at the end of day. So don't be a stranger!
Four months is far shorter than I would have liked as Knight-Commander, I had always intended to lead the Knights through the Great Jedi War, but it seems that will fall to another and I know you will kick butt for the Light. In addition to Knight-Commander, I also relinquish the title of "Iron Man of Gaming" I look forward to seeing one of you take up the mantle of Odan-Urr's Iron Man or Woman of Gaming.
As I move on I must acknowledge V'yr Vorsa, my predecessor and mentor as Knight-Commander. I'll skip the tree puns this time, but V'yr took my under his wing and became one of my first mentors when I first joined the Brotherhood. He gave me the push to do more than I thought possible on more than one occasion and showed me what it meant to be a leader in the Brotherhood. I tried very hard to live up to the legacy he entrusted to me, and while I never got to do my own version of Tides of Freedom, I like to think I was a good steward of the banner which the next Knight-Commander will carry into the Great Jedi War.
I would like to close by recounting the legend of Ulic Qel-Droma, the patron of my new house. Ulic Qel-Droma, wishing to avenge the death of his master, defied the elders of the Jedi Order and left to infiltrate the Krath, ultimately falling to the Dark Side himself and becoming a Lord of the Sith. What many people forget is how his story ended. After being cut off from the Force by Nomi Sunrider, Ulic wandered the galaxy in self imposed isolation wracked with guilt over slaying his brother. It took Nomi's daughter, Vima Sunrider, seeking Ulic out for training as a Jedi to remind him that even blind to the Force, he was still a Jedi. Ulic Qel-Droma, former Jedi Knight and Sith Lord ended up fading into the Force when he died, as only a Jedi Master does. He died redeemed in the Force, he died a Jedi Master.
The redemption of Ulic Qel-Droma is probably one of my favorite stories from the Expanded Universe or "Legends" as it's known now. I can't help but notice the coincidence that I leave the House of the Jedi behind to go to House Qel-Droma. I recount the legend of Qel-Droma to say that the future is uncertain, and perhaps one day my path will return to the light. In any case, I will always be a Jedi at heart.
So for the last time, let me sign off with,
Turel Sorenn
Knight-Commander, Battle Team Knights of Allusis, House Odan-Urr
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Tureeeeeeeeel ;~; <3
You're awesome. Go kick ass in Arcona!
I agree with Rhi. Like I said whoever replaces you has rather large shoes to fill. Also, and I say this on a personal level, you have inspired alot of people to increase their activity level within the House. If it wasnt for you among a few others I would still be lurking in the shadows growing moldy in my old DJB age. Good luck man, cant wait to see you on the battlefield.