Knights of Allusis: New Year, New Opportunities


Knights of Allusis: New Year, New Opportunities



Where one year ends, a new one begins. With that said, happy New Years everyone! And what better way to kick off the new year than to get involved in some lovely Dark Jedi Brotherhood competitions, RP’s, or even just some good ol’ gaming sessions?

I would also like to give a special thanks to the wonderful Siv, who designed the beautiful new header up above.

Welcome to the report!

Awards and Ceremonials:

This has proven to be quite the month. Awesome work everyone, and thank you for your contributions!

Turel Sorenn- 3x Crescents with Ruby Star, 7x Crescents with Amethyst Star, 5x Crescents with Sapphire Star, 4x Crescents with Emerald Star, 1x Crescent with Topaz Star, 1x Crescent with Quartz Star, A Whopping 852x Clusters of Fire, 8x Clusters of Graphite

Jafits Skrumm- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star

Edgar Drachen- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 1x Crescent with Emerald Star, 1x Crescent with Topaz Star, 3x Crescents with Quartz Stars, A Whopping 95x Clusters of Fire, 1x Cluster of Ice, 8x Clusters of Graphite

Elyon de Neverse- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star, 1x Crescent with Topaz Star, 1x Cluster of Ice, 8x Clusters of Graphite

Jon Silvon- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star, 4x Clusters of Ice, 4x Clusters of Graphite

Frenek Mausma- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star, 5x Clusters of Ice

Fiction Update:

The construction of a new base has been successfully completed, marking the start of a new era for the Knights of Allusis. With an array of inspiring recruitment posters travelling to spread the word, various Jedi, soldiers, and displaced scoundrels have begun to emerge from hiding to take up arms within the ranks of the Knights of Allusis.

After the arrival to the base, they were met with a fully operational training room well stocked with various weapons. While the Knights have always been known to supply lightsabers, with the newest movement they have been able to create a larger expansion into the securing of additional blasters and blades. These blades range in form, some of which contain ornamental elements reflecting the overall spirit of the Jedi, to those of which are sleek in design with an emphasis on aerodynamics.

The Knights were able to sharpen their skills alongside their peers, while being able to offer training to the newest members of the ranks. Together they have shown strength in unity and taken their oaths, with the premise of providing aid to civilians in need, and bringing those in the galaxy causing harm to justice.

The base has proven to be successfully operational and well prepared for the future missions ahead, thanks to the important contributions from notable Knights such as Elyon de Neverse, Turel Sorenn, Frenek Mausma, Edgar Drachen, and Jon Silvon.

Call to Valor [A Momentary Pause]:

Stay tuned for a new release of competitions next month, which will feature some new adversaries and missions for the Knights to face head on.

In the meantime, in order to help my planning process, I would love to receive feedback from all of you in the Poll below:

Competitions and Involvement:

  • Western Marches Phase 4: Point of No Return: Play a role in navigating the ongoing conflicts, with an array of wonderful competitions from graphics/multimedia, multiplayer gaming, and fiction.

  • An Empire Reunited: Provide aid to the rebuilding process of the Undelm Domain, with this splendid range of several competitions.

  • Retro Gaming Club: Brought to you by our very own fellow Knight, Edgar Drachen, this competition explores the world of some fun vintage games.

  • Jack’s Haiku Extravaganza: A fun challenge here, A nice chance for you to write, Time to do haiku

  • Additionally, we have an RP currently going on within Odan-Urr. Do be sure to check out Praxeum Days: New Year, New and Old Friends.

A Quick Word:

I would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in Call to Valor: Phase One, and to those of you who helped spread word of the competitions. This was actually my first time ever posting any competitions within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and truth be told, I was uncertain of how the turnout would be. However, I am thrilled to say that it was a great joy to see that many of you participated!

It means a lot to see the efforts that you all put in. We certainly have some wonderful artists in our midst, and I adored seeing all the blades and Knights of Allusis posters that you all drew. Jon and Miho, it was a great pleasure getting to read more on your amazing characters with your literary submissions, and being able to gain glimpses into their mindsets. And shoutout to all of our gamers out there who took part in the multiplayer gaming challenge.

With all of that said, I am using this month to begin planning some storylines for the Knights of Allusis, and expect to have more competitions posted in mid-February. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to participate in the wonderful array of other competitions listed above from our fellow members of Odan-Urr.

May this year be prosperous and bright for all of you, and filled with many more gaming and creative endeavors.

-Syrena Valkar

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Looking forward to building up the team with yall

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