Knights of Allusis: Shiver Me Timbers


Knights of Allusis: Shiver Me Timbers



Welcome to the report! The Knights of Allusis: A Pirate’s Reckoning series, brought to you as a collaborative effort between Edgar Drachen and I, will run until the end of this month... Also, pirates. I encourage everyone to join in the fun!

Awards and Ceremonials:

What an exciting month! I would like to specially congratulate Edgar Drachen for earning a Ruby Scepter, Turel Sorenn for earning an Amethyst Kukri, Jafits Skrumm for earning a Sapphire Blade, and Frenek Mausma for earning a Grand Cross. Well done, gentlemen, well done!

Edgar Drachen- A Ruby Scepter, 2 Crescent with Diamond Stars, 5 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 1 Crescent with Quarts Star, 563 Clusters of Fire, 1 Cluster of Ice, 6 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Scroll of Foundation

Turel Sorenn- An Amethyst Kukri, 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 2 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 8 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, A Whopping 1261 Clusters of Fire, 4 Clusters of Ice

Frenek Mausma- A Grand Cross, 1 Crescent with Diamond Sar, 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star

Jafits Skrumm- A Sapphire Blade, 1 Crescent with Topaz Star

Elyon de Neverse- 1 Crescent with Topaz Star

Jon Silvon- 1 Cluster of Ice

Fiction Update:

A blue light began to glow from a message transmitter for the Knights of Allusis, followed by the crackling of static. An unstable hologram of Edgar Drachen appears, the blast of cannons echoing faintly in the background.

“Fellow Knights, I have been captured by pirates. These are the very pirates who have decided to infiltrate the Tepus Transfer station and a small portion of the main base. Thankfully I could prevent them from gaining access to the more sensitive parts of the base for now. The pirates are currently terrorizing the locals, and are currently gathering ionite to mass produce who knows what kind of weapons for themselves…”

The hologram wavers, followed by Edgar Drachen casting a quick glance at his datapad, triggering a map to appear through the message.

“However, rest assured Knights, my capture has allowed me to gather a layout of their ship, and study its potential weaknesses from the inside… But of course, I still need to escape, and these pirates still need to be driven out.”

“Their weapon array is crude but effective, some of which pack more of a punch now that they’ve started refining ionite. Most of this ship is a patchwork of stolen tech, with various reinforced steel doors separating each area, and wall-mounted cannons to blast at potential intruders… There’s a lot of those down at the brig, which is where I’m currently being held,” Edgar quickly continues.

“But listen– This ship’s real weakness is her reactor bay, in the lower decks past the cargo hold. A few well-placed charges or explosives, and she should cook from the inside out. In the meantime, I’ll do what a Knight does well in prison, gather intel, maybe even start a riot while I’m at it. Hurry up or you’ll miss all the fun!”

And with that, the hologram’s signal was abruptly cut off, and Syrena Valkar gazed towards the team.

“Edgar Drachen is a highly skilled Knight, yet he is still alone alongside those pirates…" she said. "We will need to infiltrate their ship using the map he has been able to provide, and break into the brig to set him free. The next step? Getting rid of that ship once and for all,” Syrena continued, gazing towards the Knights. "A few of us will also need to venture into the mines to provide aid to the locals, and to drive out any remaining pirates. We will need to work as a team to complete this mission together. Time is of the essence…”

Knights of Allusis: A Pirate’s Reckoning:

In Pirate’s Reckoning, it is time for the Knights to come together to takedown a crew of bloodthirsty pirates, alongside none other than our very own Edgar Drachen! We have both worked together in a collaborative effort to bring you this exciting competition series.

  • Breaking Into the Brig: Make your way into the under levels of the fearsome pirate ship, to meet up with Edgar for some good ol’ fun and chaos. How does your character take on the task of this mission?

  • Mounting a Defense: Hack into the security systems of the pirate ship and claim back their stolen treasure, in this exciting typing flash game competition!

  • A Pirate’s Vessel: Design and help build aspects of how you imagine the pirate ship known as the Star Scourge to appear, in this graphics/multimedia competition.

  • Fire the Cannons: Help in blasting away the pirates in this co-op gaming competition!

  • Down In the Mines: Journey into the mines of Solyiat to claim back the stolen treasure, in this gaming competition centered around Battlefront.

Community & Involvement:

  • Parabellum: This competition series is not only fun, but offers the chance to gain some great boons to support House Hoth and Clan Odan-Urr as a whole!

  • Jack’s Haiku Extravaganza: A fun challenge here, A nice chance for you to write, Time to do haiku

  • The Western Marches: In Point of No Return, the conflicts rage on. Play a role in shaping them in this competition series.

A Quick Word:

I would like to first and foremost thank those of you who regularly participate. Your work is much appreciated, and serves as an inspiration to me to want to do all the fun things this wonderful club has to offer!

I would also like to say a word of gratitude to Edgar Drachen, for taking the time to walk me through some of the exciting past of the Knights of Allusis. We have both collaborated together in an effort to put together the latest competition series, A Pirate’s Reckoning. Working alongside him has truly been a pleasure, and I look forward to seeing your submissions in this fun competition series.

And with that, should any of you be interested in certain questlines for the Knights of Allusis, by all means please feel free to share your ideas with me! It is an honor to serve as your Knight Commander.

-Syrena Valkar

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You'd best start believing in pirate stories....because you're in one!

Great report and congrats on your recent promotion commander!

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