Lay waiting for Dawn : GM Mini-Report


Lay waiting for Dawn : GM Mini-Report

A micro-report, wherein Muz answers to very pressing issues (and several related questions).


Most importantly, Kalen is going to be resigning very shortly. His real life situation (and location) has changed, and his time availiability has been grinding him down pretty ferociously. He's put in some solid work over his tenure, and I'd like to thank him for all that he's done for us.

The flip side of that is that we need to open up Master at Arms for applications. If you think you have what it takes, you should already know what it is that Raken and I expect to see on an application for a Dark Council position. If you don't already know, hit up the wikipedia article on what the Master at Arms does on the following articles:

Raken and I are hoping to get someone installed very quickly, so we're only going to give until this Saturday for applications. That means that the application will need to be in our inbox by 2359 EST 18th July, 2014. Yes, it is short notice, but considering that the MAA is going to need to have a quick turnaround in order to keep up the standards that the DB expects, it can almost be considered your first test.


The next subject has been one that a fair bit of confusion has been surrounding: the Dark Crusade Ribbons. Since the inception of the Dark Crusade, this project has been rehashed, retreaded, revisited and regurgitated more than any of us would like. We're on the third herald since the Crusade started, and i am sure that plays some significance into it. So, I'm going to answer a few things and lay out how it is going to work.

1.) If you have participated in an event in one of the planets of the Dark Crusade, you will receive a ribbon for that planet. If you have participated in many events for a planet, you will get 'upgraded' ribbons for that planet. These planets include all of the planets of the Dark Crusade, the planets of Fading Light, and Korriban (which will be GJWXI). Your personal participation numbers will be used to determine ribbons and a display will be created for each individual for display on the accessory slot of your dossier.

2.) Rather than have each ribbon hold a slot on the awards page or ignore the prestige that a person should rightfully earn for participation, the Seal of the Crusader has been created and will be issued to everyone who participated, on a 1:1 ratio for each event completed. This will include events played during the Dark Crusade and Fading Light, but NOT GJWXI, which will have it's own seal. Each Seal of the Crusader will have identical Prestige Values as every other Vendetta Seal.

3.) Jamez and several others on the DC are working to get a complete list of participation (to date) and get the Seal awarded as soon as possible, due to the fact that it may be some time before the ribbon displays are able to be completed, due to Korriban being part of the same fictional campaign.

4.) We are debating which of the following to use as the Seal of the Crusader design. Here they are. Tell us which you prefer.

soc1 soc2


Thanks for your time and energy! Have fun!


Seal 1

Seal 1!

Chevron Design.

I like that the second one looks like the little things that adorn the outside of that imperial-esque logo thing on the first one. Could we use the second one and put the outline for the first one around it?

Wait... which one is Seal 1?


Slight preference for 1

Do they absolutely have to be purple?

Good question... Sith are traditionally represented by red. And One Sith do the whole red and black tattoos... maybe use that as a motif? Though I think our Vong GJW seals were red and black, too...

The one with the Sith Empire one on it, for more than one reason.

Seal 1

Seal 1

They both look awful if you ask me but I'd go with Seal 2.

Seal 1

I like the chevron one. Looks like the Spartan shields on 300.


As for the MAA... I guess he left before he could do any further damage. Not that he did much while he was around, anyway. Good luck to all of the applicants for the position.

I choose death! I mean. Seal 1.

What Tarax said... about the MAA. The chevron looks less than sub-par. The border is cool and all... but, just a basic line with a bend in it? Simple isn't always best... especially after we all worked so hard to earn this things. Not that we'll care much about them once the next event comes along, anyways. I don't like either, really. But if I had to choose, I'd go with the first/imperial emblem.

Seal 1

Seal 2!

Seal 1

Seal 1 IE the first one

Seal 1

Appreciate everything you did, Dave. Enjoy your new opportunities.

Arion, GL HF!

The second seal, the one with the chevron.

Yeah - definitely. Thank you, Kalen, for serving in one of the club's hardest jobs and giving us a small mountain of your time to do so! We appreciate it.

Wait, what's a Chevron?

Seal 1

I can only imagine how difficult MAA is, and it seems Kalen did a helluva good job at it. Thanks!

It's a popular gas station

Thanks for your service, Arion. Thanks for your joke, Ernordeth. Thanks for Seal 2, Muz & Co.

Seal One, and thanks Kalen.

Seal #1 (in green :P)

Seal #1! Thanks for the memories, Kalen. :P Good luck to you!

Seal #1

Seal 1!

Thank you, Kalen! Seal 1 please

Thank you Kalen and good luck!

Seal 1

going to be different and vote for the 2nd one. so that I don't follow the crowed.

Kalen - Thanks for all your work over the last 10 months. Best of luck to you in your new RL adventure!

Wally - You're a chevron.

Good luck, Arion.

I'm for the chevron seal

@Valhavoc Yea well so's your face! #burn

Best of luck to you, Kalen; it's been great. I agree the chevron is a bit too bland on its own, so I'll have to pick Seal 1.

numero uno

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