Greetings, fellow Liathans and keen members from across the galaxy. I'm Ranarr Kul, Quaestor of House Liath since June 2nd, and this is my first report.

We are Liath
We’ve been discussing our fictional role, presented an idea to the Clan Summit and our Battleteam Leaders, and since there wasn’t anyone opposing, this is our history and our future. (Thank you Etah for putting this together)
In 24 ABY, many members followed the banner of Jedi Master (and apparently also Dark Lord of the Sith) Omancor Crask and his army of droid automatons in an attempt to seize the holy world of Antei.
Four years after the Ninth Great Jedi War in 28 ABY when House Odan-Urr was founded, the Jedi that would later become the founders of House Liath settled on the planet of New Tython. The problem with actually joining the ranks of House Odan-Urr was that House Odan-Urr sought to practice the path of the Jedi as purely as possible, something nearly impossible for the ardent followers of unfathomable Omancor Crash. It was here that they first met Kah Manet who would later serve as their first Quaestor.
The very next year in 35 ABY, after Darth Pravus gave gray and light Jedi safe haven within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Tarentum Consul Frosty Tarentae commissioned House Liath under the guidance of Quaestor Kah Manet and his Aedile, blackhawk. Liath was apportioned a high tech facility on the toxic moon of Salam, which orbited the uninhabited gas giant Yridia VIII.
During the next year other gray Jedi members with ties to Tarentum were inducted into House Liath but the core of the house remained the former followers of Jedi Master Crask. After finding out their mentor had been a Dark Lord of the Sith so many years before, his followers took more of an interest in the Dark Side truly becoming Gray.

Frosty’s tenure as Consul came to an end, with Proconsul Sith Bloodfyre succeeding him. Sith had always been a proponent of Clan Tarentum as the Clan of Life and Death. Death was well represented within the Clan but the newly commissioned House Liath gave Tarentum a real chance to fully represent the paradox. Rather than being trapped beneath a layer of toxic fog, Sith had his own ideas about how to best utilize the gray Jedi.
Clan Tarentum had always claimed authority over Yridia IX and the City of Eden, first under the Principality and then under the poorly executed Kratocracy. But the Clan never really controlled the nineteen million citizens of Eden. The Clan would often appoint a governor of the planet, but one with no influence over the actual Prefect of Eden. The Clans control of the world was a lie only other members of the Dark Brotherhood would believe.
Bloodfyre’s mission for House Liath was simple, gain control of the planet without revealing the existence of the Dark Brotherhood or their status as force users. This wouldn’t be as simple as declaring control of the planet or even as simple as dominating the planet through military force. Bloodfyre wanted Liath to spread among the people and to gain control of their social, governmental, and economic systems.
To undertake this difficult assignment the original leadership team of Kah Manet and blackhawk was replaced with Rekio Tarentae as Quaestor and Adrestia as Aedile. Rekio made all the preparations to move House Liath from Salam to Yridia IX, turning over leadership to Ranarr Kul shortly after executing those plans.

Liath we are
With this storyline we’d like to open up opportunities for all of you. A storyline that will take politics, business, espionage,… A possibility to tailor each person’s mission toward their character and interests. And we’ll be developing Eden while doing so. You will be creating the story!

In other news
Recent Activity
Activity fuels more activity.
For a detailed list on what YOU achieved, I'd like to direct you to Etah's latest Aedile Report. Etah and I, Lucifer and Dolash, keep track of everything (Creepy huh) to see you all get rewarded in time for your efforts. Speaking of efforts, and proof of our munificence: both Lucifer Scorpio Romanov and Dolash have been awarded for their work as Battleteam Leaders. Thank you guys, congratulations and keep it up.
Future Activity
Each day that passes we come closer to the twelfth Great Jedi War.
Any news on the exact start date yet? No,… but one thing is certain … we’ll be ready!
Gamers, writers, artists,… show of your skills and also find the courage to get into aspects of this club that you less explored upon. We have what it takes to win this. Go do your thing!
Recent Reports

That’s all… for now
I hope you enjoyed reading this report as much as I did writing it. Live your dreams and take risks. This is happening now.
Signed, Ranarr Kul
Woot for first report!
Grats and great report!
Great report Ranarr!!! :)