Liath Quaestor Report #3


Liath Quaestor Report #3

We’re half way August. Damn, it seems like this summer is passing by with the speed of lightning. A month has passed since my last report (yes…okay…little more than a month…) so time to write another one. Which brings me to my third report as Quaestor of Liath. Before we start: Days are getting shorter again, dark evenings, perfect for some DB-time! Enjoy!



Looking back… over my shoulder

Many reports and announcements have passed over the last month. Every leader of this club is keeping us well informed. For those who haven’t read them (shame on you, you should have), here’s another chance.


Tarentum news

You can find Beef’s most recent CON report here.

If you’re curious what our friends in Mortis have been up to, check this out.

DB news

Xen, Consul Emeritus of CSP, was awarded an Amethyst Kukri.

From the office of the Combat Master came the results of the pre-GJW ACC-event.

The Fist Staff has been busy with a wiki and RoC update.

Edgar, P:FIST, Drachen brought us more gaming news.

A piece of advice:

If you want to know exactly what is going on, all the time, always keep an eye on the news board :)

Looking for an Aedile

Etah and I have agreed on his resignation as Aedile, giving ‘new blood’ a chance. If not for Etah, we wouldn’t be on this track with Liath. He has been more then helpful with the creation of our backstory as well as with coming up with our ongoing event. Thank you for your help!

The Quaestor-Aedile team can work in different ways. They can be a team of equal leaders or the Aedile can be a puppet for the Quaestor, mwuhahahaa I’d like that…, NO seriously the way we’ll be looking at these positions in the future has slightly changed.

We’d like a new up-and-comer in the position of Aedile. I’ll be taking you under my wings and teaching you the ropes of leadership, during a period of 3-6 months, after which a new Aedile will be selected. (well, at least for as long as our CON likes me to stay Quaestor) I’d like every Liathan to rotate in this system, why?, we’re all shaping our future together, we’re all leading this House. All of you are able to decide on our future.

Interested? No need to write a full application. Contact me (email or Telegram) to let me know you’re up for it. Just remember: this position comes with responsibilities. We’re around for a while now and know who our potential great leaders are :)

A Liath Story:… - Some spoilers

Our house event is running for nearly two weeks now, we’re halfway through. All of the competitions (including gaming, writing, poetry, graphics,…) are ongoing until September 5th, so be sure to get your submissions in over the upcoming two weeks.

We’ve already received a few nice entries, and allow me to share with you some spoilers :)

  • From DistrictIII – Simple writing

    “Eden City was truly his oyster and the Force was the fulcrum device he would use to crack it open and retrieve his pearl.” - Anonymous One

  • From District VI – Humor

    “Why? Why? Why have you forsaken me so Wendy?” The sobs turn into a gentle snoring … - Anonymous Two

  • From District II – Poetry

    “But to Liath the police are only pawns in a game they can’t hope to understand” - Anonymous Three

  • So far in District I – Cluster Race eight PvP and eight PvE/PvO activities has been submitted.

I’m seriously curious with what else you guys come up with. Give it your best, and earn some shinies!


Here is what we’ve been doing over the last month (July18-August18):

  • Anshar Kahn Tarentae

    Active as Shadow Academy: Docent

  • Etah Shankura

    Active as Aedile / Competition participation: 1 / 11 SA-Courses / 1 SA-Degree / 1 Scroll of Indoctrination

  • Ranarr Kul

    Active as Quaestor / Competition participation: 24 / Competition organization: 3 / Crescents: 3A-2S-4E-1T / 2 Pendant of Blood / 211 Clusters of Fire / 15 Clusters of Earth

  • Lucifer Scorpio Romanov

    Competition participation: 3

  • Dolash

    Competition participation: 9 / Crescents: 1E / 1 ACC Battle finished / 25 Clusters of Fire / 3 Clusters of Ice

  • Blackhawk

    Competition participation: 5 / 1 Steel Cross / Crescents: 1T / 60 Clusters of Fire

  • Fadas Dealan-De

    Competition participation: 8 / Crescents: 1S-1T / 3 Clusters of Fire

  • Mugen

    21 SA-Courses / 2 SA-Degrees

  • Atton Jaq Rand

    Competition participation: 1

Promotion and Merit

Only a week ago Mugen joined the Brotherhood, and our House. Through his excellent work in the Shadow Academy, in only seven days, he was able to grow from Initiate, Apprentice, Novice, Proselyte, to the rank of Neophyte. Well done! Keep it up!

Another nice achievement is that of Blackhawk, who earned a Steel Cross. Congratulations man!



  • Read the news!
  • Aedile wanted.
  • Ongoing: A Liath Story
  • Activity equals awards.



Thanks for the work Etah! GL to the applicants.

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