Introduction - The Satele Shan Shuffle
After six months as aedile, Seraphol has decided to step down from leadership for a while. During that span he's been an invaluable source of advice (and puzzles) that I've leaned on quite heavily. I hope you'll all join me in thanking Sera for his service and wishing him a happy retirement from an AED position. This'll be his fourth - seriously, man, how old are you?
All old man jokes aside, in consultation with the CON I am appointing Len Iode to by my new AED effective immediately. Len's been on the house summit since May of last year, serving as BTL of the Disciples of Baas and subsequently Garza's Pathfinders. For most of that time he's served as a de facto junior aedile, and I'm looking forward to his continued service.
However, this does leave a vacancy. We will be accepting applications for the BTL position for Garza through March 20th. If you're interested in the position, please email Len and I your application. Specifically, address the following items:
- Your plans for competitions, lore, and other development for Garza's Pathfinders
- Your qualifications for leadership
BTL is a junior position, so you don't have to roll out grand plans for Satele Shan as a whole, but we are very interested in whatever ideas you do have.

All the News That's Fit to Print
Satele Shan and COU
- Ji'kip joined Satele Shan, adding to our NFU crew. Everyone say hi!
- Satele Shan has a fancy new headquarters in the form of Sky Breach Base, which was up for approximately five minutes before it naturally became the featured article for March. A big thanks to Korroth for doing pretty much all of the work!
- This is one of the many reasons Korroth was promoted to EQ3. Although I brag about him a lot, he's not a flashy man so you might not have known just how many projects he's contributed to over the past several months.
- Turel unleashed a very gify CON report with important news.
Dark Brotherhood
- The latest fiction update was released, seeing major changes for the clans who hadn't been hit as hard as COU, Taldyran, or Plagueis.
- Master at Arms: Over the course of two reports, the Oppressor of Medals has clarified some aspects of MAA policy on awards.
- Fist: Drac unveiled two new platforms, Titanfall 2 and Force Arena, and he's hiring two new magistrates. If you're interested, apply by March 21. On top of that, Eddyphotamus has all the gaming news you need.
- Voice and ACC: There was a whole plethora of good stuff in Wally's last report, including a new species. Meanwhile, Atra rolled out several changes to feats, Force powers, and resolve. Additionally, with Korroth stepping down, the ACC is hiring a new judge. Apply by March 12. I cannot stress enough how great the ACC staff is, so I strongly encourage interested members to apply.
- Regent: Evant clarified several things and is started to sollicit ideas on how to deal with pets.
- Shadow Academy: Farrin and his team have finished the great reorganization, reducing the number of departments and staff of the SA substantially.
- Wiki: Roh Roh Roh your boat, Korroth is a beast.

As a reminder, if you're interested in running a competition or just have an idea you like to see, don't hesitate to bring it up to your summit!
Satele Shan
- The Polyphemus Operation is still running, and I'm still open to extensions if people keep writing. That said, I'd like to see the story start to wrap up so I can reward you guys with CIs and participation credit.
Clan Odan-Urr
- If there's one thing our RM loves more than hugs, it's Sushi For Lunch!. Draw a special roll for someone special before March 13.
- Shore Leave #1 has you writing a short (250-1000 words) story about your night out on the town with a fellow Odanite. Runs through March 15. If you need a bit longer, Kordath's BLANK's Night Out has a similar theme and runs through March 31 with no word limit.
- Poster Puzzle Palooza is wrapping up, with the last two puzzles running through March 11 and 18, respectively.

Activity Report for February 2017
It's unsurprising, albeit somewhat disappointing, that we couldn't maintain the absurdly high rate of activity we saw in January. Nevertheless, some members managed to truly shine last month:
- Lithar was far and away our MVP for February in terms of activity. The month saw the end of his quest to become one of 15 members at SAS rank XII and the beginning of his push to become one of only eight members with a Dark Sage: Tactics degree, which he earned in early March. Between the two, he managed to submit to 25 competitions, earn 25 CIs and pass 20 SA courses, including both new courses and retakes. Definitely give our favorite Pole a pat on the back. He's certainly earned it.
- Both Mako and Juna upheld their normal high standards, participating in 33 competitions between them.
As a reminder, the following activity only covers the month of February.
- Participated in 25 competitions
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 4 Crescents with Sapphire Stars
- 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
- 25 Clusters of Ice
- 4 Scrolls of Foundation
- Passed Dark Brotherhood Basics, Ranged Weaponry Studies, Astronomy Studies, Capital Starship Studies, Lightsaber Studies, Galactic History 101: Formation of the Galaxy, Galactic History 104: The Great Sith War, Galactic History 105: The Saga of Revan and Malak, Freighters/Transport Studies, Poetry Studies, Runon Studies, Diablo III - Basics, General Warfare, ToR Basics, Markdown 101, Debate 101: Argumentation, Wiki Basics, Sentinel Legends, Sith Legends, and Consular Legends.
- Participated in 17 competitions
- 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars
- 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
- 1 Crescent with Quartz Star
- 5 Clusters of Earth
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
- Participated in 16 competitions
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars
- 22 Clusters of Fire
- 6 Clusters of Graphite
- Passed Lightsaber Studies
- Participated in 8 competitions
- 3 Crescents with Amethyst Stars
- 67 Clusters of Earth
- 4 Scrolls of Foundation
- 1 Legion of the Scholar
- Participated in 8 competitions
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 20 Clusters of Fire
- Participated in 8 competitions
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 15 Clusters of Fire
- Participated in 7 competitions
- 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
- Participated in 6 competitions
- 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 3 Crescents with Sapphire Stars
- 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars
- 3 Clusters of Ice
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
- 3 Scrolls of Foundation
- Participated in 6 competitions
- 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
- Participated in 4 competitions
- 1 Cluster of Fire
- 4 Clusters of Ice
- Participated in 3 competitions
- 53 Clusters of Fire
- 46 Clusters of Earth
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
- Joined Satele Shan!
- Promoted from NV 3 to NV 4 and then to JM 1
- Participated in 2 competitions
- 9 Clusters of Fire
- 2 Clusters of Ice
- Passed Dark Brotherhood Basics and GMRG History
- Participated in 1 competition
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 5 Clusters of Earth
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
- 3 Scrolls of Foundation
- Participated in 1 competition
- 23 Clusters of Earth
- Participated in 1 competition
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 6 Clusters of Graphite
- Participated in 1 competition

In conclusion, Carthage must be destroyed.
Alethia Archenksova
Quaestor, Satele Shan
B-e-a-utiful! Keep it up folks! (and get your apps in for that ACC position)
That is a tasty burger--I mean report. Great work, Archen.
Sorry to see you step down Sera but you did great work!
Also Congrats to the new Aedile Len Iode!