Master at Arms Staff
Non-Site XP
It seems that there is some confusion going on in the way we handle medals with site-tracked activity XP versus non-site-tracked activity XP. I get that, it's still a pretty new system - and everyone is learning it as they go. So here are some things I think will be helpful and/or to think about:
- When evaluating a member, think about what non-site activity they have accomplished since their last award. More importantly though? What did they do. The amount of non-site XP for holding the position of Consul for six months is zero. I am interested in what was done, how much effort it was, maybe some sort of modifier on impacts or success. Evaluating what you as the person writing the recommendation is the job of the Master at Arms office.
- When you are thinking about non-site activity, it is likely to be helpful to start there - think about what the person has done, document it, pick the medal and/or the amount of non-site XP that they have earned (based on the XP Policy listed below), and go from there. Then start working in the site-activity earned XP.
- When evaluating members, always remember to talk to their other bosses. If you're a DCer, talk to the clan. If you're a clan, talk to the DCer. There might be other aspects of a member's non-site activity that can be captured and rolled up into an even bigger award.
- Sometimes the right approach might be to award separate medals for non-site activity and then for Medal XP/site-activity.
- If all else fails, send us an email. That said - we have a pretty fancy website, it has tools and medal and promotion submission forms - use 'em first.
- If there is a problem with your competition? Do not close it and make a new one. Send us an email and we can fix it delete it - whatever the appropriate resolution is.
- Remember to CC Mune and Halcy on your emails (or use the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] - so that things get processed/edited faster.
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Hello, a question that has come up recently.
When awarding members, if the member has not completed the full auto ladder, aka gotten all the way to an AK, what is the procedure the office would like taken? Does the summit simply wait for the member to accrue that MXP over time, however active they may be, eg, a member who is present often but does little activity, or would that MXP be used up every 6 mo? Are higher awards in the ladder only obtainable in a 6 mo window? Or is this a case by case basis?
Either way, can we possibly add that clarification to the exam/wiki? Hi Arch ilu.
It's really up to the people awarding medals. If you think the next medal on the ladder is not going to happen for another full year, and now we're talking that the person hasn't gotten a medal in two years? I'd say call it and just award them something else. There isn't a hard rule.
A Wikipedia page would be great to especially give examples of what is intended or expected with non-site XP because truthfully this change to an XP-granted system changes how awards and merits are completed now. There is the XP Policy page and the Shadow Academy exam, but nothing shows what is expected or looked for in any of these merits. I don't care about fluff, but I know others do and want direction on what to provide.
This is the part where I plug the SA course on how to award medals good and do other things good too. If you read through that and you walk away feeling like you don't understand how something works, let me know so I can make it better.
Thank you for the clarity and update o7
Great report! Thanks Howie.
A great report Howie.
Ruka: The ladder was at least to my understanding; don't award something higher until they have received the ladder award. Anything under that ladder award is up for grabs. But it also depends on the member's activity level. if someone is close to the Ladder award I may hold off if they are pretty active. So if the Ladder says they need a Sapphire Blade but they only have enough for Dark Cross. A leader can go ahead and give them the Dark Cross.