Master at Arms Report 16


Master at Arms Report 16


Master at Arms Staff

Competition Creation

Double-check your competition's links, details, dates, and grading criteria. Errors happen, I get that, but people are still closing their competitions when there’s just one error – or at least requesting to – and we’ve had to head things off at the pass. People get XP and credits for running competitions and closing one just because of an error and then making a new one? Not cool.

Additionally, we’ve encountered issues where competitions have had to be fixed more than once because graders are not careful—and they need to be. This creates a lot of unnecessary and entirely avoidable administrative work that can cause delays in members receiving XP, awards and credits where due, or in the worst case, having to claw back the above in the case of placement corrections. As I’ve said many times before, we don’t mind fixing competitions; that’s part of the job of being in the Master at Arms office; we should just be doing our best to minimize the necessary fixes where possible.

So, to reiterate, if you’ve made an error in your competition, a date, a typo, or a critical error, Email the Master at Arms staff, and we’ll look into fixing it.

XP Update

Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Taldrya/Teebu pointed out an error in how XP is granted to competition organizers. Thanks to Teebu for pointing this out and to James and Erinyes for fixing it with their coding wizardry.

When this is posted, the update to XP should be live.

Promotion Authority Update

I just updated the promotion authority of Proconsuls to promote up to the rank of Sith Warlord (or, as you kids call it, Equite 4). Please enjoy! Consuls can now promote to Elder 2, given the changes to the XP System.


  • If all else fails, send us an email. That said, we have a pretty fancy website. It has tools and medal and promotion submission forms—use 'em first.
  • Not all placements assigned - The website is excellent at error tracking and will flag competitions that do not have all the placements assigned when closed. The website does not tell us about discrepancies (such as someone from outside the unit placing), so we don’t know unless you tell us. Just send us a quick email when this happens (or add a comment to the competition if you can, but usually you can’t), and then we won’t have to remand or comment on it.
  • Remember to CC Mune and Halcy on your emails or use the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] so things get processed/edited faster.
  • Don’t just send one of us a Discord message, we probably won’t see it for 12 hours, and in that time you could have sent an email and had it processed already.


Good bear!

Is it the Year of the Bear again?

That's quite a chunk of XP.


I'm sure I contributed to this report, but in a negative way...


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