New Alliances


New Alliances


Casino Vaults

Canto Casino

40 ABY


The private casino turbolift doors whisked open as the Consul exited, pulling his cloak over his head. A Duros wearing a half cape and a dark AirCav hat followed close behind DarkHawk. The crisp night air made the two Sadowans give a slight shiver as they made their way through the back alleys of the city.

“Well that whole ordeal was bloody gobsmacking was it not?” interjected the Duros, trying to stop the complete silence that currently filled the air.By the way, his assassin friend had pulled up the cloak over his face to conceal, Ty could tell that he was deep in thought.

“I say ol’e boy, we should do some sight seeing while we are here. Actually in all my travels, I've never been here.”

As Ty looked about, he had noticed that only the sound of the hustle and bustle of the city had remained. Unexpectedly DarkHawk stopped, he turned slightly towards Ty gesturing a gloved finger upward. The Duros tilted his hat back slightly and glanced upward. A bit of dirt and rubble had fallen just in front of them, however Ty spotted a retreating silhouette from the roof’s edge. Darkhawk then whispered back to his companion.

“Ty, tell Ellee to light the fires on the ship. I am gonna try to make contact with Tasha. We may have company.”

Ty quickly used a small comm device on his wrist and within moments Ellee received her instructions. Without any hesitation, the ship's pilot droid began the starting sequence of the ship.

Moving out of the alley and into its adjacent street, DarkHawk activated his comlink. “Perdition, this is Sepros One, how copy?”

A few static tones were heard through the earpiece before the recognizable voice of the Twi’lek Proconsul could be heard.

Sepros One, this is Perdition. I hear you loud and clear. What is happening down there?”

“The Council of Consuls was interesting. Will brief you immediately after arrival. Comms were jammed inside the casino. We are headed to the Tãron right now. Tasha, I need you to deploy a fighter escort to us, Ty and I are currently being followed by someone. Just in case this whole thing is a setup, I want to make sure we have a way outta here.”

“Roger that DarkHawk, they will be inbound soon.”

Tasha switched over to another channel on her terminal.

“Launch control, this is bridge control, launch flight one of Massassi Squadron immediately.”

In response, six T-70 X-Wings shot out of the port side hangar. The lead X-Wing swiftly executed a tight clockwise barrel roll before diving invertedly towards the planet's surface.

Tasha then switched back over to DarkHawk’s comm channel.

Massassi inbound in five minutes, DH. Will I need to send more?”

“I will keep you posted.”

DarkHawk closed his commlink and strode further into the growing crowds of patrons found in the city’s nightlife. Ty made sure to keep his right hand near his holstered DL-44 blaster and his eyes peeled for anything unusual.

Meanwhile back at the Perdition, Tasha left the comm terminal and approached Moff Simonetti, who was reviewing what looked to be jump data.

“Moff Simonetti, please prepare for a possible emergency evacuation for our Consul. Do you think we can move the fleet any closer to Cantonica?”

“Certainly Ma’am!” the Moff exclaimed.

“You heard the PCon, bring this ship about with a twelve o'clock bearing. Half impulse power.”

Immediately, the bridge engineering team went into action and after a sequence of control adjustments, the ISD’s engines roared to life. The capital ship was now moving closer to the planet’s exosphere.

Continue Reading Here:


Well folks, as you can see the Council of Consuls (TM pending) was eventful to say the least. With a pact amongst the Clans to kill off the C.o.M, (Children of Mortis) our strength has been increased for now. The C.o.M. will be crushed with the might of the Brotherhood Clans! We also have gained new intel that could help us eliminate whatever rogue C.o.M. forces we still have hiding within the system.

New threats come to life and C.o.M forces continue their attacks on Clan resources. It is time to impose the will of Naga Sadow on these nests of vermin!

ProBowl ‘22

The Pro Bowl results are in! If you havn't already checked out Slagar's Report! Check it out for all the details. Why check it out you ask? So we can sing praises to our brethren Sadowans, and our fellow Frog-Dogs and Rotworms! Thank you all for a very cool event!



As for the Pro-Bowl itself, it was a pretty close competition and it was fun to be a part of! The Rotworms pulled ahead in the final lap and garnered the victory! Congrats to you all!

Before we get into CNS specifics, I'd would just like to take a moment and thank the other Consuls, Slagar, Revak, Kamjin, Korvis, and Appius. You were all AWESOME to work with! I definitely learned a thing or two seeing the processes of a major Club event get implemented. Very cool and thank you again!

Now fellow Sadowans, it’s time to brag on you all!

PB ‘22 activity totals:

  • Adept Sanguinius Entar 128 points

  • Adept Locke Sonjie 126 points

  • Adept Bentre Stahoes 107 points

  • Reaver Malisane Sadow 87 points

  • Adept Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow 79 points

  • Adept Malik Sadow 56 points

  • Quintenshadows 48 points

  • Warlord Tasha Vel’Versea 26 points

  • Knight Konar Auryus-Saas 14 points

  • Augur Ashia Kagan Keibatsu 6 points

  • Neophyte LukeShadows 6 points

  • GM Muz Ashen Keibatsu 6 points

  • Warlord Hades 6 points


  • Adept Locke Sonjie

  • Adept Malik Sadow

  • Adept Bentre Stahoes

  • Reaver Malisane Sadow

  • Adept Sanguinius Entar

  • General Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow

Team Rotworms

                                      Total              Week 1            Week 2          Week 3

                                       3758                1235            1189             1055

Team Frog-dogs

                                      3651                  1138            1108             1185

Thank you all for the participation! We hope to see everyone in the mix in the next Club/Clan event. If you have not had a chance to read the fictions, find them below!


Clan News

Well in the last few weeks, we closed out two Club events. So You might recall that after the Great Jedi War, we were offered our own Robes. Well, our very own PCon and I have received snapshots of what Koda Kendis has been hard at work creating these dudes for us and has shared the images with us! Here is one of those renders!


Pretty flippin cool! These are available for all of us now!!

OK, Pro Bowl is over, awards are being reviewed, and a new quarter within the Clan begins. Future shenaniganz are in the works. Matter of fact, I believe a bit of HMR action is already live!

Currently LIVE:

HMR has a fun-filled Event to keep us busy! This event will take us through Turkey Day and ends on 12 Dec 22. Get your Sadowan booties over to the comp page and help save a Cathedral. Do not give HMR Summit a reason to nuke another CNS asset!(I have heard that my ProConsul might possibly stab someone if HMR nukes Kar Alabrek, so watch out!)

Also from Adept Satoes:

Go check out the comps page and have some fun! Don’tt forget Casual Gaming to help boost your gaming prowess! Or setup matches to snag a plethora of clusters. Now that football season is winding down around here, my photography gigs will be less time consuming. I plan on jumping in on some more gaming!



PCon Premonitions

To add to our buffet of awesomeness to jump into, our illustrious PCon is spearheading a RP for us to partake in later. Details and prompts are being tailored and worked so be on the ready for some side missions and shenanigans as she opens those literary sparks for us!

DJB News

Final Thoughts

Well folks, out of one frying pan and into another. Let us liberate HMR from their current threat. There are many more contingencies coming our way so keep your wits about you. The C.o.M. could strike at any moment. Are you ready?

If I missed anything or did not highlight a member or Clan accolade please let me know and I will correct ASAP!

For Sadow!

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Great Report DarkHawk. A pleasure to read 🍻

I like the robes. I like the event. Heck, what's not to like?


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