First, I apologise for the tardiness of this report. For those of you that don't know, I recently got hit by COVID and ended up in hospital on a ventilator. I'm back but still not firing well on all four cylinders. Add to that a damaged lung from the virus and being on the ventilator and you may get an idea of how I'm feeling right now. Because of this, I didn't fare well in the Feud and didn't play my part so once again I apologise. I know you'll say, "Don't apologise, it wasn't your fault.", but I am doing as I feel I should have done much more to help Plagueis in the battle against COU.
Anyway, enough of my ranting and down to business. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who did participate in said battle. As you all know, in this kind of feud participation is key. Lots of you stepped up to the oche and threw your darts at the board. Now we wait to see how well we fared; the results should be in soon™ so stay tuned!
James Winters Promoted to Cadet!
Khryso Mallus Promoted to Battlemaster!
Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Promoted to Warlord!
Selika Roh di Plagia Promoted to Master!
Livia Mariquita Daffel
Anteian Cross 3xCrescent with Sapphire Star
3xClusters of Graphite
Crescent with Amethyst Star
1xCluster of Ice
3x Clusters of Graphite
Sinya Ani
Trial of Acquisition
1xCluster of Ice
Crescent with Amethyst Star
3xClusters of Graphite
Qormus Aquila
Dark Maven-Galactic History
Dark Pundit-Communications
Dark Pundit-Competitions
Comms 101,102,103
Competitions 102,103,104
Galactic History 101,102,103,104
Story Structure 1
Fiction Studies
Personal Armor
Lightsaber Studies
Leadership Management
Debate 101,102
Societies: Shroud Syndicate
Societies: Shadow Academy Society
Societies: Inquisitorius
Mercenary Order Core
Loyalist Order Core
Character Sheets 101, 102
3xClusters of Ice
Crescent with Ruby Star
Kodais Solatus
Story Structure 1
Khryso Mallus
2xCrescents with Amethyst Star
21xClusters of Ice
2xCrescent with Ruby Star
12xClusters of Graphite
2xCrescent with Sapphire Star
Aleister Mavros
Crescent with Ruby Star
Taranae Rhode
2xCrescent with Ruby Star
Tisto Kingang
2xCrescent with Amethyst Star 5xCluster of Fire
Azmodius Equesinfernum
21xClusters of Earth
Liandry Lhucci Cataa
16xClusters of Fire Crescent with Ruby Star
Furios Morega di Plagia
6xClusters of Graphite Crescent with Sapphire Star Crescent with Amethyst Star 21xClusters of Earth
Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
4xClusters of Ice 3xCrescents with Amethyst Star
Selika Roh di Plagia
Character Sheets 102
Give a hearty hello and Welcome back to Ayden Dane!
Here is a round-up of some of the competitions on offer this month. Give one or two a try and above all, have fun :)
Annual Podracing Championship -
Soldier, Poet, King : Graphic -
Overwatch : Crashing the Archives III -
Represent the Brotherhood : The Old Republic -
Space Cop -
Remember, there are more on the competitions page so go take a look see!
If any of our members feel like giving organising a competition a try and you have no idea how to begin or need advice, feel free to reach out to your summit at any time. After all, we're here to help.
So another month rolls by in this upside down world we live in. I've had a taste of COVID and don't want it again, thankyou very much. Go out there, enjoy yourselves and most of all, follow rules. Don't let this virus get you. I'm talking as one who has been through the trauma. Stay safe and keep your loved ones safe.
And next, onto the Rite of Supremacy! The hype train will be rolling soon and I'm sure Arden's seals will put in an appearance on Telegram. Keep your eyes peeled and we'll see if we can come out fighting again!
Good luck and may the Force be with you, always...
I am, your servant,
Taranae Rhode, Tyranus Quaestor
Battlelord Taranae Rhode (Sith) / QUA / House Tyranus of Clan Plagueis [SA: IV] [SYN: V] [GMRG: VIII] [ACC: Q] [INQ: XI] GCx4 / SC / ACx5 / DCx4 / GNx3 / Cr:3D-16R-18A-28S-18E-11T / PoBx6 / CFx380 / CIx98 / CEx679 / CGx38 / DSS / SIx10 / SotMx2 / LS / SoLx4 / S:11Cr-9Rv-5Wr-10F-14Di-7Vi {SA: MVW - DPCM - DPE - DPV}
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I am glad you are okay! Don't feel so bad about the feud. I know I'm not a Plag person but I hate that COVID hit you and I hope you continue to recover.