Kordath Bleu was awoken by the buzzing of his comm unit, finding a message encoded simply as ‘come to the hangar bay.’ Grumbling, the Krath rolled out of bed, finding himself rumpled yet still clothed from the night before, and kicked aside a bottle which tried to roll under his feet. With a few stumbles, he made it to the bay, to be greeted by the sight of Captain Uji waiting with impatience, his gear being loaded on to a shuttle. “Oh good, you’re awake,” spoke the Obelisk, throwing a datapad at the Ryn, “I’ve been made Arcia’s second, you’ve got the ship until we find someone better, or till you drink yourself into an early grave. Don’t scratch the paint.” With but that bare exchange, the Captain, former Captain now, boarded his shuttle and left a confused, hungover, and possibly hallucinating Krath with the keys to one of the most advanced ships in the Arcona navy. “Oh, poodoo,” muttered the Priest, wondering if a nap was in order before facing this.
Ladies, Gentleman, and xenotypes of indeterminate gender, as you may know I’ve been made Captain of the Nighthawk. Please, do not be alarmed, I don’t intend to take the ship joyriding nor recklessly into combat where we’ll all die in a fiery ball of death, destruction and shame. After all, we should leaving the dying for Soulfire. Over the next month I’ll be running short competitions to see whose alive, while these aren’t mandatory they will be pretty simple and you’ll make the Ryn sad if you don’t do them. Either way, I look forward to seeing what we as a group can accomplish together! Also, don’t forget to congratulate our former Captain on his promotion up to Aedile!
Tides just wound down, so we’re a bit floaty on the set orders right now. Do comps, run some Academy courses, do some gaming (I know Ninj always needs company). Most of all, have fun and don’t hesitate to bring up comp ideas to myself if you want to run something for the Team. That being said, Do the BT Comps!
-Mako: 8 Clusters of Earth
-Zakath: 28 Clusters of Earth
-Kordath: 1 Crescent w/Emerald 1 Crescent w/Amethyst 3 Clusters of Ice 9 Clusters of Earth
-Egregious: 3 Crescents w/Sapphire 2 Crescents w/Amethyst 130 Clusters of Earth 2 Clusters of Ice
-Rulvak: 28 Clusters of Fire 194 Clusters of Earth
-Kordath: Retook Planets and Stars
Lots going on right now….
DB Wide:
Keeping it together: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8790
-Write a fiction about your character being summoned by the DC to their mobile base of operations and what they have in store for you
It's a Pancake: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8778
-Mobile gaming comp
Judecca World: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8794
-This is going to be a multiple sub-comp setup, with fiction and trivia having to do with...dinosaurs.
Speed Sporcle Challenge #15: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8808
-Quick Flash game, quickest time wins, helps to have paint open already.
Stormtroopoer Free-Fall: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8763
-Another mobile gaming comp
Learn to Fly 2: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8782
-Quick flash game where you force a penguin to FLLLLLLLY--Only running for FOUR DAYS
Into the Deadly Wild: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8757
-Survivalist fiction comp, going through the 18th
Star Wars Commander and Galactic Defense mobile gaming comps are of course running as per usual when an event is going on.
Clan Wide:
Shipping Arcona Style: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8798
-Write a fiction about two (or more) members of the Clan getting busy.
Seeing Double: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8705
-Fiction comp being ran by our recently promoted Kaiburr, running till the 26th now!
Treason? Treason!: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8711
-Fiction comp being ran by...me! Write up how you'd off the Consul. Theoratically. Running till the 22nd.
MB 20: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8795
-Sentence RO: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8780
Nighthawk comps:
You're My Only Hope: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8503
-Fiction comp being ran by our very own Nath. Currently set to end on the 18th! Only has ONE SUBMISSION! So that's Crescents up for grabs people, comeon!
Webhunt 001:https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8792
-Use the clues provided to find the target, quickest time wins!
Image Hunt 001:https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/8793
-Identify the image, again, quickest time wins!
So, as I covered before I’m the Captain now (insert meme here, if applicable). I look forward to the next couple months of fun and chaos, please don’t make it boring.
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EpicsaucefromtheRYN! - Random gnome
That is totally how Kord would get "promoted." I'd expect more crying on his part though, because space.
Let's see some awesomeness, Nighthawk! Nice report.
Do the comps! We don't want a sad Ryn.