Report Nine, everyone. Welcome to it and let’s get started!
Our House Run-on is currently on hold while we all 100% Fading Light 3. Yes, 100%. This means submit to everything, even if you feel you have no chance of winning! The show of force we can display will be winning enough in the end.
Put on your knuckledusters and go beat some faces in the ACC! I’m working on the finishing touches to my new character sheet, so look out for some challenges at some point soon!
The Antei Combat Center is still charging forwards with full force. If you like writing, make use of this brilliant idea for contract writing! Use the Contract Request Form to get started!
Our poor unit RO gets no love anymore. With O:R and FL3 taking our attention, she’s begun to collect dust again. But fear not! We’ll get it back on track in no time at all!
No transfers since last report.
Awards, awards, awards. I love detailing these, so keep up the great work everyone!
Awards since previous report (09/22/2014) -
Shadow Academy Courses:
Shadow Academy Degrees:
Here are some competitions that are available to participate in. Keep in mind, the Brotherhood wide vendetta Fading Light will be starting soon, then all comps will be on hold until the completion.
So the House RO is on hold for three weeks while Fading Light 3 takes over the Brotherhood’s attention. Not a problem. Go check out the cliff hanger posts and think about what we’ll be getting into next!
Fading Light 3 launches in just over a day, to which James has created a count down timer for everyone since the site has wonky timezones set up. You can see the timer here. We can probably expect the usual; gaming, fiction, puzzles, trivia, etc. So gear up and make sure we submit to everything for 100% participation!
Nighthawk wiki is still in the works, so make sure you volunteer to help out if needed. Antar and I have been mulling a few things around, to which we’ll be moving some of the information from the ship wiki over to the BT wiki and revamping them both to reflect the other Arconan pages. Stay tuned!
Hawk Tales 4 will probably come out after FL3, so keep an eye out for that one as well.
I want to apologize for my part in the late release of this report, but I have been sick for the last couple of days. It is hard to write a report, when you can barely get off the couch.
Normally I use this section to talk about competitions, not that I don’t like competitions anymore but Fading Light is putting all other comps on hold. So I am going to talk about a few things that are near and dear to my heart.
Firstly, Did you guys read Arcia’s post? I can’t believe how awesome it was. The Captain blew that one out the water and replaced the old adage about quality over quantity, with quantity stuffed with quality. And speaking of blowing it out the water, he fraked the ship and a good amount of the crew. I think it was one of the best post I have read.
Now to the RO in general, y’all are tearing it up! (that’s right I said “y’all”) Our word count makes up 45% of the RO. I can’t even describe how awesome you guys are! Everyone who is participating in the RO needs to make sure that they get at least two post of 250+ words to qualify, when we can start posting again.
Hey hit up the Shadow Academy. There are some really great courses out there and it looks good on the report and on promo/award request to fill it up with SA courses and degrees.
And on a final note I want to thank Maaks, who decided to go Rogue. I have enjoyed our time in Nighthawk together, we hope you decide to come back. Try not to get sick, because we are down a doctor.
Keep up the great work everybody!
Until next time! Signing off! Antar Locke
Keep up the great work everyone! See you next time!
Captain Arcia Cortel
Commander Antar Locke
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Nice report guys. Miss you Maaks!
Great report Esca! If you're looking for an ACC bout to test your new CS just drop me a challenge ;)
Whoo! Great report, Escalator