Heya all, your friendly neighborhood Twi’lek here just saying hi and giving some quick updates on the latest in the Club, House and Battleteam.
Our new GrandMaster calls for applications
Morgan becomes the new DGM! Here is the first report!
Marick gives an update for the Voice.
The Fist gives an update for the BGL
Armad gives the latest on Sanguination competition and the House’s people.
It was awesome to see the participation and work you all do.
I am going to be setting up some competitions for April and can't wait to see the NightHawks in action! I currently have a couple competitions in the works that will be to help hone our skills and work together. Because of the Collective being an ever looming presence on the horizon, we will be working on a scenario in which they will attack. What I would like to see is how your character would respond to the situation. However not only is there a scenario, but there will also be some sketching involved.
You all are awesome! Keep up the fight, work hard and reign destruction and chaos upon our enemies! I know you can do it! What I would also love to see is doing some gaming and having some fun weekends. So in the coming weeks I will try to be doing a hangout for all of you and do some games. That said, as always if you need anything at all, please feel free to email or message me on telegram. ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Till next time remember,
"On Wings of Hate, We Deliver Pain..."
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I don't know how to imbed on our site but that was the first thing that title made me think of :P