Odan-Urr Consul #6


Odan-Urr Consul #6



Artwork commissioned from Nunchaku at Nunchaku's DeviantArt for V'yr Vorsa

See full image!


Greetings, Jedi!

With summer now at a close, the time has come for some of us to return to our studies. Over these last few months, there has been a lot of transitions going around and changes that have added more goodies for making our characters unique entities in the Brotherhood. However, there’s still a lot left on the table for release!


Brotherhood News

Ooh, Shiny!

Some might recall that our beloved walking, talking tree has joined the Dark Council as the latest Herald. Within just a few short weeks, we have seen a new standard of craftsmanship coming out of the woodwork to make our site even better than it was before. As a result, the entire site was given a major facelift to reflect the changes from Orders to Paths that has been hinted at throughout several news posts. In fact, he has worked with James to deliver not one, but five different themes for the site, each with their own colours, backgrounds and banners for an ever better selection.

More recent, Vorsa released some new goodies to coincide with the launch of non Force-using orders to choose from (more on that later!) This includes the first glimpse of a major project in the works, in regards to custom blaster, slugthrowers and ermagerd, swords!

This is a big step in the right direction, and those old enough to remember the Brotherhood of a few years ago know just how much this improvement was needed. However, rest assured that this isn't the end of it, and we can expect to see a lot more goodies in the coming months flooding our dossiers!


Orders? Paths? My Head Hurts.

The wonderful changes that have been dangled in Grandmaster reports for months are finally making it onto the site. Ultimately, this means that we have moved away from the traditional Orders into something that has since been referred to as "Paths". Those who formerly had chosen to be Sentinels, Consulars and Guardians follow in the "Light Path" as Jedi, while Obelisks, Sith and Krath follow in the "Dark Path" as Sith. Recently, this change also meant that individual Orders (which are still selectable as traditions) no longer affect the character sheets and thus do not affect the number of points available to spend on powers and skills.

Still, one of the most exciting features of this change remains to be the inclusion of an entirely new Path. The "Gray Path" has been awaited for a long time, and previously a good portion of members were writing their characters differently from the six Orders available to them. As this rolls out in phases, it will expand to eventually fit each of the Paths into our club as seamlessly as Orders once did.

Yet, there's still more. Phase 2 has rolled out to give us the first chance to become affiliated with the exiting new Loyalist and Mercenary Orders branching off from the Gray Path. While the term "Order" here contradicts what I had mentioned earlier, the new adjustments aim to use it a bit differently than it was before. Now, those in the Gray Path have up to five options to choose from as an indicator to their character's alignment. Force-users in this path can choose to remain in a balance between both sides of the Force or prefer to lean on one side over the other without following in Jedi or Sith teachings. Non Force-users now have the opportunity to be either a part of the Loyalist or Mercenary Orders.

Rank and File

Speaking of Paths, the Grandmaster recently shared the updated ranks to coincide with the ongoing changes being made to completely reshape our structure, including ranks for the all-new Paths. This is an ongoing process that has already sparked some interesting changes coming from the Master-at-Arms to build a cleaner, uniform rank structure.

In the changes present, Aabsdu notes the adding of a new rank tier, Novitiate, in order to bring balance to an otherwise bottom-heavy rank structure. Counting the Grandmaster rank as fitting under the "Elder" tier, each of the four tiers now hold four distinct ranks which differ depending on the chosen Path of a member.


Well, That's a Lot of Changes

As far as the Brotherhood's concerned, it's just getting started.

For those who have been watching the countless updates being announced in our Combat Master's every report, the second edition of the new Character Sheets has just arrived, moving up to 2.0. Shiner and chrome, this has inevitably changed much that would conflict with existing sheets, so James has implemented some code that marks obsolete sheets as "invalid". While this could have the consequence of making one unable to participate in the Antei Combat Center, it's a relatively easy fix. Ultimately, the "invalid" tag appearing over affected character sheets could be the result of a few things.

As it turns out, a fair number among our Summit were involved in the process of making these changes, including myself, Nathan Deciarus and Turel Sorenn. So, it would be amiss if I weren't to remind everyone about the bug tracker, FAQ and ACC hotline address.

First of all, remember that Path change I mentioned? Now that Orders no longer affect character sheets, the modifiers that might have given Consulars three more points in Force Powers and three less in Skills is now gone. This change was made after the initial release of Character Sheets 2.0, so if you're seeing the invalid tag for a second time, go have a look at your powers and skills, and adjust them accordingly. Besides that, have a look at whichever skills, feats or powers might have been added, removed and replaced as having one from the old system will conflict with the new changes.

Need a Hand?

Since the Combat Master is having to address most of the concerns relating to the new character sheets, Nathan Deciarus has volunteered to proofread character sheets for members before sending them to be approved. I recommend doing this, as it cuts down on the number of times your character sheet might be remanded for certain mistakes and ultimately, helps you improve the quality of your character sheet. To do this, make a character sheet and pull up a preview of it. Once that is displayed, copy the link in the address bar and send it to him. As an example, here's one of mine.


Clan News

What's That, Witchcraft?

Wuruhi, a large Harakoan warrior of noble birth and standing, thundered through the ruined halls of his home. The ancient and sacred ruin of Kuku Hawene, a remnant from bygone ages, was his to defend and keep. It was a duty passed through the generations in his tribe and all of the warriors under his command shared the same sentiment.

Wuruhi’s tribe had suffered greatly in the years after the Jedi arrived on Harakoa. First the invasion by their enemy’s mighty ships, then the occupation by a soul-drinking madman they called Thuron, and now he felt another such occupation was taking place. The very enemy he fought during the first invasion was now allied to the Jedi. All of them were now his enemies, and he would see them beg for forgiveness - all, that is, but one.

“Lord,” he spoke loudly as he entered a large meditation chamber, “you must explain.”

The human, sitting quietly by the small natural pond in the middle of the room, slowly turned his head. Long brown strands of hair stuck to his face, sweat drizzled down his cheeks and nose and a barely visible shiver passed through his body. Mar Sul, leader of House Satele Shan and Jedi representative in the city of Seher silently replied.

“Explain what, warchief?”

Read the rest of the hidden teaser here.

For those who seen the spoiler in the Epilogue with our feud against Arcona (go check it out, I'll wait), a new chapter is emerging in Clan Odan-Urr. Grittier than our previous stories, this one follows the emergence of a new group calling itself the Force Ascendant. Now, I won't be able to go into detail without spoiling the fun, so I'll just leave another teaser here to drool over.



A shining beacon to the lost.

To start off with some Satele Shan news, here's an image that has been circulating the Telegram channel of our esteemed Quaestor in drag.

House Satele Shan's second event, Compass of Reason: Part 2: Conflict of Interest has ended a few weeks ago. I would like to thank all those who took the time an effort to contribute to the event's planning, as well as those who participated in what this event had to offer.

Now, it is time to drop the Baas. Lu'aisha Greese has announced the beginning of The Phantom of the Feud, with a brand-new take on the stories of Seher. There's some interesting and fun competitions, so I urge you to go have a look at Gresee's report (with one of them newfangled animated gifs)!


In peace, Vigilance.

First, have a look at Seraphol's excellent report in which he announces the second Butcher of Kamuekiko episode in this tale of events.

Done? Good. Until the release of our next Clan-wide event, I urge you to participate in these competitions so that we can keep the crescents flowing and our leaders from demanding a bit of vacation time on the beaches of Alderaan (too soon?)



That's it for this report!


(Because let's face it - this report was long)

  • New shinies from the Herald!
  • Paths and Orders Phase 2 Released!
  • Non Force-Users!
  • Ranks!
  • CS 2.0!
  • Need a hand with a Character Sheet? Call Nathan!
  • Upcoming Clan Event!
  • Released Disciples of Baas Event!
  • Ongoing Hoth Event!

Great news, COU! Keep up the great work!

Finally, Warhammer comes to Star Wars :P

Great report. ;)

Great report boss! Can't wait to unveil Force Ascendant

WAOW. I keep getting reminded how good lookin' Mar is with that image. Nice report!

Force Ascendant seems awesome just based on the art. Xan will try to make it into the forefronts.

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