Odan-Urr Report #5: Lying Awake


Odan-Urr Report #5: Lying Awake


Sound disagrees with the roots and trees, dying to glimpse the day

I've tasted gravel and I've washed it away, but I'm still so far away

Quermia Influence 3a

Click to expand

The Broken:

Camp Solari,
Eastern Continent, Quermia
Quermian System, Nilgaard Sector
42 ABY

Colonel Valan Gundyr stood at the back of the command tent as reports filtered through his dataslate, battlefield movement from the Marines and Naval forces as they responded to the Lifeday Ceasefire Agreement, logistics movements, the current status of the refugee evacuation points, and the unfolding events at Camp Tython. His brow furrowed as he reviewed the toll of the last month's events to the south. First, the Vauzem had opened fire in the vicinity of the outpost, then somehow they managed to tap into the holo feed network, displaying their propaganda, causing ongoing riots among the evacuating civilians. It was a miracle that the Shistavenen Jedi, Vad Shrano, and his Zabraki Sergeant, Avery Knox, could keep things together so far. Other efforts were on the ground, leading to various degrees of aid and confusion. A contract freighter, owned by Frenek Mausma, had been highjacked by belligerent Quermians and stolen off across the makeshift border, reports indicated contraband had been loaded onto the freighter before they departed. Two fresh-faced Jedi were also reported on the ground, unfamiliar to Colonel Gundyr, Syrena Valkar and Sonyo Rue. Another unexpected, but not unwelcomed, arrival on the scene had been the jack-of-all-trades, Jon Silvon. The Odanite had a knack for showing up wherever he was needed and turning the tide of rough scenarios in his favor, Colonel Gundyr gave a rare half-smirk as he appreciated the man's inherent luck or perhaps a possible flow with the force.

Exiting the command tent, Colonel Gundyr shouted after another officer, a tall Sephi woman with her blonde hair cropped back in locs. Hearing the Colonel she turned and offered a quick salute, her left hand still buried in the wiring panel she had been adjusting pulling the harness away from any hot electric sources.

"Sir?" She questioned, returning to the panel where she spliced a quick patch and threw the switch to restore the tent Air Conditioners and comm network to life.

As the radios began to play signals beamed from their support vessels in orbit, the tail end of an announcement from Kiast cycled, Duke Evran Anasaye, eminent of the Vauzem Dominion, delivering a stark condemnation of the Sephi Separatists attacking Quermia under the banner of his nephew.

"Captain Rahn! Gather your Company and load up. Camp Tython needs support. Civilian riot and logistics theft, I'm zipping the details to you now. I want no casualties, we're here to help these people." The Colonel ordered, knowing full well she would deliver.

"Sir." Her simple response as she saluted the man once more and broke away, shouting something indistinct in the distance, drawing the attention of several soldiers who ran off shouting into several tents, gathering even more men and women to the Captain's call.

Voraskel Palace
Essadan, Kiast
Kiast System, Nilgaard Sector
42 ABY

Empress Kaltani Anasaye had made the Palace Gardens a routine habitat in the days since she murdered her cousins in the Undelm Domain and forcefully returned the cities and their inhabitants to the rest of the Empire's control. Today as many before she sat beneath the shade of a Burmessian Oak, reading, when an all too familiar face trespassed on her solitary peace, Celevon Werd'a, the man who once acted as her personal guard, a former Proconsul of Clan Odan-Urr, a friend, a confidant, and more. As he cut through the gardens she shook her head.

"With all the subtlety of a brick, I thought you knew how to keep a low profile?" She called to the man, her eyes traced his frame as he walked along the pathways and stopped at the gnarled roots of the tree.

"If I have the subtlety of a brick, guess you're a rampaging Bantha then?" Celevon snapped back as he quirked a brow toward the Empress. "You know your actions in Undelm have caused quite a stir, 'Kal'i'. Evran is still afraid to leave his quarters, he's asked for a personal guard every time he's left, something we've been more than welcome to provide, as well as a new Vatali protective Guard, seeing as he's the new Governor of Undelm and we have to make sure someone doesn't do him in as a 'traitor'."

"You disagree then?"

"No, I would have done it sooner rather than later. Undelm was a sore, letting the remnants of the Vauzem linger on created the current conflict on Quermia, and honestly, they deserved a lot worse than what you gave them. At least you gave them the option to return to the fold before you stabbed them face-to-face. Don't think they would have been able to choose if you'd sent me. Don't think we really gave them a choice with Vanguard. Beldroth didn't see the blade coming before we took the head off of the Dominion back then."

"Surprise was key, it helped us then, and it helped that they continued to underestimate me, assuming that all of my guile and strength comes from you and yours, Celevon. Come, sit beside me. It's been a while since we've been able to speak peaceably." Kaltani chuckled as she closed her book, motioning for Celevon to join her before she patted a crook in the roots beside her.

"You've never told me why you always sit at this tree."

"Oh? I suppose it's because I grew up with it. There's a reason the Garden is as large as it is, a tradition, whenever a monarch has a child a new garden is planted. My mother, Darsayi, planted the first flowers in this bed, while my grandfather, not to be outdone, traveled to the outer reaches of the system and met with diplomats from the Burmessian Republic, to celebrate their recent elections, returned with this fine oak tree."



The Quermian Conflict has reached a stalemate following massive gains on the Western Front, with Jedi forces breaking Vauzem lines and preventing a massive terroristic scheme, instead utilizing the weaponry the Sephi Separatists had planned to use against the Quermians to break specifically targeted weapon stockpiles and supply depots. As the conflict has drawn closer and closer to Life Day the Vauzem reached out in a rare attempt at diplomacy, seeking a cessation of conflict for the holiday. While viewed with skepticism, due to recent thefts and targeted attacks on logistical targets, the Odanite forces were forced to reinforce against the attempted blockade ahead of the agreed ceasefire terms.


Turn the Page:

Officially the Vauzem Dominion is no longer recognized within Kiast, the last known remaining member of the former Vauzem Dominion within Kiast, Duke Evran Anasaye, has renounced the separatists currently attacking Quermia, and the Undelm Domain has been floated above cloud level, returning to the domain of the Empress. The disappearance of the nobles ruling over the floating cities is still under investigation, with many believing the Empress' recent diplomatic visit to the cities may have been to blame for them suddenly going missing. Duke Evran Anasaye, however, has been seen in public, with a mixed personal and Vatali-appointed entourage, deflating some speculation.



Even during the intermission, the narratives of this event start and ends with you. The Conflict on Quermia, the center point of The Western Marches is entirely driven and affected by what our members submit to the competitions. From the artwork submissions, fiction, and the continuing roleplay series we've been a part of. Everything, every twist, every weave, every sudden shift, stab, death, or new emergence plays out as a lasting piece of our overall story. The Chapter-by-Chapter concept was designed to have plenty of jumping points for anyone to catch up to speed and join. Another boon of the way our current Campaign system is established is that it allows us to focus on some of our separate narrative factions, using them together against a common enemy. If you need anything, need to understand what's going on, or even need some help getting into the story, don't hesitate, just ask Tisto, Jack, or myself. This has been a passion project and while some points of engagement have been slower than others, it's been great fun and we've enjoyed being here and running it with all of you!

Now, about what I said concerning, how everyone's actions, or rather relating to how much effort Odan-Urr puts in as a whole will affect our inroads into the Conflict on Quermia. We monitor various metrics, gather them throughout the phases, and use them to determine how our various factions sprawl out and gain territory. And sometimes, this can result in a negative net if there just isn't enough activity.

These metrics include:

  • The number of Members Participating in competitions,
  • Aggregate number of Clusters (gaming),
  • Total words submitted (fiction and roleplay),
  • Average Completion times (puzzles)

Each Competition type will spread the influence of the relative faction as indicated:

  • Fiction to the North
  • Gaming to the West
  • Puzzles to the East
  • Art to the South
  • Roleplay/Uncategorized Clockwise around influence zone


Hot on the Trail:

I want to take this chance to congratulate both Houses Hoth and Sunrider on wrapping up their first major events, A Light in the Tundra and Under the Sea. Both Houses have joined the other Noble Houses of the Vatali Empire and begun the impressive project of helping to reclaim and reshape the surface of Daleem, a planet recovering from shattering events in recent years. You can find more information on the plans and projections of both Units and their current and upcoming narratives through their recent reports:


Scimitar of Lord Hoth:

This month's competition for the Scimitar was a landslide, with Nero absolutely destroying the field to try and get his hands on that hallowed hilt, however, the records show that 68% of the Clan was engaged in some level of activity this month, whether it be finalized roleplays, Shadow Academy exams, a gaming session with another member, or even just a singular competition at any point throughout the month, 38 of you this month have chosen to spend time engaging with the club. These are the things that make me happy, seeing you find ways to enjoy this community.


Bringing it Back:

pcon's Corner

Firstly, a delayed introduction because I’m terrible at some things. Hello, everyone. I’m Jack and as you’ve no doubt noticed because I pester practically all of you, I’m the Proconsul now. I help Wolfe run things and keep him and others from going TOO crazy. You’ll always be seeing a lot of me because I love all of you (Except Nero) and want to see all of you succeed in whatever ways you want.

And now for something completely different.


We’ve got a lot of news to pack in so we’re just gonna step right along with it.

DB as a Whole News:

COU Newsroom:

  • Tisto gave us some pretty tasty soup to snack on where he talks about the event Hoth just finished. As someone who got to participate from the outside, it was a lot of fun to play with you guys and I look forward to the next one!
  • The ever inestimable Vyr (Tierra) also gave us an amazing rundown of Sunrider’s event that ran alongside Hoth’s. The opening story was, in part, written by Nikora Rhan. Well done to all of you and I had fun watching this event unfold as well. Maybe next time I’ll come play with you guys a bit more.


My favorite part of these things are the places where we get to mention and congratulate all of the people who got promoted recently.

  • Syrena joined us at the end of September and has climbed her way over the bodies of many things and reached JM3.
  • Frenek also joined us around the same time and has space ubered his own way to JM1.
  • Vyrese Palestar gamed his way to Knight
  • Erin Armis did much the same and finally made it. I owe you a story and I’ll post it up as soon as I finish with it :)
  • Jovian Grey reached Knight, as well, and received his official Knighting Fiction for it.
  • Alyan Voidwalker and Harper Starmonger joined us and reached the rank of Novice.
  • Ryuu Suoh, aka Nero, was finally promoted to Equite 4. Took ya long enough, old boy.

Awards time!

  • Neko got their first Dark Cross.
  • Vyrese snagged their first Grand Cross.
  • Nero got them a fancy Scroll of the Master for mentoring Vyrese.
  • Frenek got their first, uh, Dark Cross, Anteian Cross.
  • Syrena got themselves a whole bundle of shinies. A Dark Cross, an Anteian one and a Steel one.
  • Nikora got a Dark Side Scroll (Oh wait, I found ANOTHER ONE) for being the permanent Wikipedian of the Month.
  • Syrena got a Scroll of Foundation for conning Frenek into joining.
  • Those jerks Masahiro and Mihoshi got Scrolls of the Master for mentoring Erin and Jovian respectively.

PCON's Closing Thoughts:

Real talk time now, my darlings. We have all had a rough week. Some of you are happy about it, some of you are sad about it. You are entitled to your emotions one way or the other. But, please remember that we’re all people and we’re all here because we share a love of Star Wars. Do not pick fights with each other because of the election. Be kind to each other and be human. We have exciting things lined up for the Clan as we continue our march through the…Marches. I don’t even realize when I’m doing it anymore.

Go do all the things! We have RPs running, we have comps running and we have comps coming down the pipe for all of you to enjoy!


Closing Thoughts from the CON:

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated!

November's been off to a rocky start for me, including the transition to a new overnight job and a small health hiccup after being unable to sleep for 48 hours and the immediate fallout. I'm still having issues with my insomnia, but, I am back in control and have gotten the ball rolling. I'm proud of both my support staff and the members of COU for keeping things rolling and maintaining a general air of civility, activity, and the same welcoming air we've done our best to keep, sprinkled with healthy doses of sarcasm and loving jokes.

As noted by Jack above, there's also been a contentious election season, politics and personal views are at a fever pitch, and while we all come from our own respective backgrounds and creeds, we have differences and viewpoints that define us but we're brought together in this club by our mutual love of the Star Wars universe. While general political discussion happens, heated and contentious debate on political matters outside of the "Galaxy Far Far Away", inter-clan relations, and avoiding the Panda monium of sending bad paperwork to the Master-at-Arms should be kept to a minimum, the Brotherhood Chat Policies, as well as the Covenant, and respect for the individual should at all times be respected.


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