Odan-Urr Rollmaster Report - February 2015


Odan-Urr Rollmaster Report - February 2015



Wow! What a month. The Great Jedi War ended, and while Arcona won and gained the title of 1st Clan (and by god they gave such a showing that they deserved every praise), we didn't do bad either. We had a lot of problems with participation in the event - people were busy with school work, jobs, personal family stuff, etc.. In general real life sucked for HOU in January and February. Still we gave the other Clouses a hell of a ride. Placing 5th isn't much of a victory, but we'll get there, and we'll get there soon.

Couple of special mentions:

  • Aaleeshah who gave a great showing and got a Bronze Nova in Round II Graphics

  • Lu'aisha Gresee - participated in six events

  • Droveth Kathera Vectivi - participated in five events

  • Junazee - participated in five events

  • Talis - participated in four events

Good work everyone. Next time let's give them hell. ;)


New members

Only two members this time.

  • Ratnik

  • amadi burrah


Recruiting for Odan-Urr

Have you recruited anyone for House Odan-Urr in the last month? No? What are you waiting for?! Don't make me angry. :[ :P

Whenever you meet someone new (or some friend you really never mentioned the DJB to) who likes Star Wars, or go to a Con, or some sort of event, mention HOU and the DJB. You'd be surprised by the answers. ;)


Rollmaster Projects

House Odan-Urr Wiki Update

This is a big one. I've been working on HOU's official Wiki pages for a while now. But it's just too much work for one person. There are 48 pages that need work and I need everyone's help in doing this job. If you are a Journeyman who needs a project done for your next promo, or maybe an Equite who wants a nice shiny medal on his Awards page, check out the links bellow, pick an article that's not already taken, and contact me and the article's cartaker.

Wiki Update Project document

List of articles

Master/Student and Journeymen Tracking

Not much has changed. I've listed the promotions a few sections below so as not to repeat myself.

In general we're moving slow, but we are moving. I expect this to change in March and April when our big events hit the stage. Until then, Masters report your Student's progress on the 1st and 15th of each month, so I know how they're doing.


Journeyman of the Month

Journeyman of the Month: Junazee!

Juna has participated in five events this GJW. That is an excellent showing. But the main reason she is Journeyman of the month is this: Grand master Muz has recognized her efforts and she has been field-promoted to Jedi Knight. For those of you that don't know, field-promotions happen only during GJW and they circumvent any and all prerequisites for a certain rank, usually Jedi Knight.


Awards and promotions!

I know I said last time I wouldn't write this part of the report, but this time there have been a lot of awards and its only fitting I mention them. There will be Journeymen reward, mind you. The Aedile can handle you Equites :P

  • Aaleeshah - Anteian Cross, 2 Seals of Revelation, Promoted to Jedi Knight

  • Droveth Kathera Vectivi - Anteian Cross, 5 Seals of Revelation

  • Enric Galazin - Dark Cross, Promoted to Defender

  • Gellm'arco'nuruodo - 1 Seal of Revelation

  • Jabis Ravenhawk - Dark Cross

  • Junazee - 5 Seals of Revelation, Field-Promoted to Jedi Knight

  • Justin Wayne - 1 Seal of Revelation

  • Lu'aisha Gresee - 7 Seals of Revelation

  • Rangel - Dark Cross

  • Scrym Koon - 1 Seal of Revelation

  • Talis - Anteian Cross, 4 Seals of Revelation

Congrats everyone, and good work :)


Competitions and Events

Future events

I can't say much at the moments, but there are several House events planned March and April 2015. Some will deal with tales centered on New Tython, others will step into the stars to face new threats, but all will be fun and exciting. :D

Expect to be entertained. :D



In Closing

All in all, I gotta say, it was a good...month. Well it doesn't rhyme but it's the truth. :D I want to thank every Journeyman, and Equite, who stepped up in the Great Jedi War. We gave a solid showing and we got some pretty decent awards. Thank you all for your loyalty and your time :)

Now we turn to our home, to New Tython, for a time of peace and plenty. We will see it grow and prosper, and peace will finally settle on the war-torn planet. But will everything be so idyllic? Is New Tython truly a utopia we want it to be, or is it all a pretense, a mask created by more sinister forces plotting beneath the surface?

Stay tuned...


Random image

Say Palpatine had a stand alone movie. Who would play him? I say Billy Boyd is pretty damn close.

Excellent report, Echo-1. Have to agree with you on the comparison with Billy Boyd.

Hm. Either this is a very elaborate code, or you suck at Markdown, A'lora :P

Images have to be on a secure site (https:) to show up here. I'm guessing that's what you tried to do? :P

I suggest imgur :P

Nice report dude! tasty graphics too :D

This is what I get for being nostalgic with Internet Explorer. :P

Guess it has something to do with my browser, because I see it like this. Reported to the SCL just in case :)

Chrome doesn't seem to like http. :P

Chrome doesn't seem to like http. :P

That's because I've told it to. IE ignores security headers :P

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