Order of Trident BTL Report #2


Order of Trident BTL Report #2

"Make him pay." The imagine of the Consul, Farrin Xies, quickly flickered into nothingness from which it arose a few minutes prior. Hades nodded to no one before turning to his Trident's XO, Admiral Pel. 

"Call the Battleteam together. It's time we pay the Mayor of Eden City a visit." Pel smirked a bit, wondering if the wayward mayor even knew the levels of pain he will suffer for his actions.

"Right away." Pel said as he turned away to speak into the comlink. The two were in a small office onboard Altera Station. The Bothan- Class Assault Cruiser Doomsday lay berthed alongside the station taking on fresh supplies, which it will need very soon. The Belarus-class Medium Cruiser Coctyus just finished maneuvering to the opposite end of the station to also conduct replenishment operations. Both of these ships will accompany The Order of the Trident to Yridia IX, as well as all three Vanguard-class Heavy Assault Gunships. They will effectively blockade the planet until the situation has stabilized in Eden City. The Republic-class Star Destroyer Revenge will be on standby and ready to micro jump in case the Mayor has something else up his sleeve.

The pieces were finally together for a strike. 

"The team in en route. Give them an hour." Pel said after shutting off his comm unit. Hades nodded and looked at the time. "Very well. Contact the Detachment CO and request his presence here in 30 minutes. We need to brief him on the plan."

"Which plan is that?"

"The one we are about to complete."

========================================= OoT News!

Greetings Trident!

There is so much to go over for this report, so let's get to it.

First off, as you can see above we are ready for our strike into Eden City. The last comp was a Recon mission into Eden City. The winner of that comp was Warrior Kazarelth Talismarr from BT Deathsworn in House Mortis! Congrats to Kaz! His Ewok steak is in the mail. Promise! I suggest you read his entry to see what we are dealing with. As with everything else, the winner writes history so Kaz's entry is official OoT canon.

But that also leads us to our NEXT comp. It starts this Friday (the 18th) and will be a Battle plan comp. Once you subscribe to the comp you will receive a list of all Tarentum Forces and known enemy forces. But always be mindful of the unknown. I want to see you account for that in your battle plan. There is also a catch. This event is timed. Yes, Timed. Once you subscribe you will be on the clock to finish your battle plan as quickly as possible. This doesn't mean you can be sloppy either. We are looking for the best plan overall, but if two entries are tactically sound but one was completed in an hour and the other in 6 hours, the winner will be the one who finished in an hour. So keep that in mind. Why am I doing this in this manner? Simple. As military officers in the field, you sometimes have to make judgments and decisions that affect a great number of people in a very small amount of time. This is a test of your skills as a tactician and as a leader. As soon as the comp is approved I will email the link to the clan. Good luck.

Battle Team Sergeant SBL Pel is actually out being a Sgt in the military right now (nice!) and will be back soon. So you only have to deal with my broodiness for a few more days, lucky you. But I also want to congratulate Pel on his Sapphire Blade! That is an amazing achievement! This shows you that dedication to your position and your clan can and will be rewarded. We should ALL be very proud of him. Drinks are on him upon his return!


Tarentum News:

As you know, or should know, there is a massive clan comp going on right now called March to Danthomir. It lasts for two whole months and started on March 1st. There are a lot of separate competitions within the larger event and there is something for everybody. This is going to be a lot of fun and I look forward to competing against you all, and beating you. :P Details can be found here: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/10022

GM Havok and Adept Oberst have also been awarded for their efforts, one with an AK, and one with another SB! Congrats to both.


For you gamers, there is a new FIST: Cethgus Entar. His latest report can be found here: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/news/reports-fist-report-1 And latest gaming update here: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/news/djb-news-gaming-update-1


That wraps it up for me. Expect to see a lot more comps and fun stuff moving forward, both during the Clan event and after. I plan on running a lot of competitions that will be useful in building your skills, as well as a lot of fun!

And yes, maybe I can figure out markdown and these reports will not be so visually boring.

Until next time..


Battlelord Hades (Sith) / BTL / Battle Team Order of the Trident of Clan Tarentum [GMRG: II] [SA: III] [ACC: Q] [INQ: VIII] GC / ACx2 / DCx2 / BNx3 / Cr:3A-8S-9E-4T-3Q / PoB / CFx13 / CIx33 / CEx17 / SI / SotMx2 / LSx3 / SoLx3 / S:1P-6U-2B-1De-3Aff-1Rn-13Cr-6Rv {SA: MVF}

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