Overseer report #16: Wait, what's this coming around the corner?


Overseer report #16: Wait, what's this coming around the corner?



Well, well my Plagueians, it seems that the Right of Supremacy is nearly on our doorstep. There is a bit of difference between this RoS and the others before it, which I’ll be going into detail a little later. So let’s get into this and get down to the kyber heart of this report.

  • Promotions!
  • Competitions
  • RoS
  • News
  • Conclusion




We’ve had a couple big promotions this month. A huge congratulations to Aleister Mavros on his promo to Battlelord!! Well deserved my friend. Then a big congrats to Corvin Rootai ( aka Fenrir) on his ascension to the first Equite rank of Major/Warrior! Great job, and keep up the hard work!




Alright there are only a few quick comps left before the big RoS event.

  • As A Deity - Ends 05/24 - Draw you character as if they were a deity.

  • May Shadow Academy Decathlon - 05/31 - If you want to get some last minute exams before the RoS, now is the perfect time.

Look out for the RoS competitions, which should be up right before this next weekend!




Alrighty, so now let's get into the nitty gritty part of the report. The Right of Supremacy is coming up at the end of this week, and it’s going to be like no other. This is where I’ll help explain a few things about it, answer a few questions that I’ve seen pop up more than once, and then give a bit of extra info for those who really want to know behind the storyline. Let’s spread the HYPE!

  1. So, a quick explanation about the RoS. A Right of Supremacy is very different from the Great Jedi War, as it geared for focusing on Participation rather than Placement. As in even though one said member places a few times in the few comps they did, will lose to a member who might have only placed once (or maybe not at all) but did all of the competitions. Thus the more competitions you put an entry in, means you recieve more points. Now this means that even though you are unsure of your skills in certain areas, such as art, writing, or even gaming, you still have a chance of making an entry. You just have to try, no matter your skill level, and there are always members who are willing to help you, including your summit. The more you, the member, participates, then the more points you get in this event, along with the amount of comps you enter go towards awards and promotions later on down the road. So a win win situation. The other two big differences between the RoS and GJW is: that there are 3 individual Heroes of the event, instead of the top 3 clans of the event; and then there is the fact that you get to work with different clans members, as in inter-clan comps. Instead of like the GJW, where it pits the clans against each other in the comps.

  2. There will also be another difference for this RoS than any of the ones before, which is outlined more in Introducing Rite of Supremacy: Escalation report If you’ve participated in one before, awesome, then you kinda know how some things work. If this is your first, Hooray, you are in for some fun! Back to the different part, which is the Pledging to the sub factions. It seems the Severian Principate and the Tenexir Revenants are at each other's throats, but there seems to be division even within their own ranks about how to handle the situation. You will have to pledge to one of the sub-factions in order to participate in the competition itself. Even if you subscribe to a comp without pledging, it will prompt you to pledge before you can submit your entry. Another thing to understand is that once you’ve participated in a competition, the faction you have pledged to cannot be switched.

  3. Sub-factions. There are 4 sub-factions, 2 for each faction, and as per the announcement report above they coincide roughly with the Lawful and Chaotic Good/Evil alignments. The Severian Principate’s sub-factions being the Restorers (Lawful Evil) and the Harmonists (Lawful Good). The Tenexir Revenants sub-factions are the Retributionists (Chaotic Evil) and the Expansionists (Chaotic Good), there’s a quick clarification report on this one. If you are having trouble deciding, whether for where your character would fit lore wise or just as the way the character is. To be honest, this doesn’t completely matter if you just want to compete. This can be just a fun competition for you to participate in and just go with what you want to. Be with friends in the DJB, your clan mates, whatever. If you do want to have more of a storyline/cannon, then you can choose the faction that closely fits your character's alignment. If your character leans more towards the Chaotic pirate side, go wild! If your character is more inclined to the Imperial Lawful side, go for it. There are a variety of possibilities to choose from when making your decision. Below are a few things to think about when considering pledging.

    • Try looking at your character’s background, are they more inclined to be evil or the good side of things?
    • Look at the decisions your character has made in the past or even the choices they have made recently.
    • Do they make their own rules, or do they follow the laws already set?
    • Is there anything they wouldn’t or rather would do to get things done?
  4. A quick little thing on the alignments, cause I’ve already seen questions on this. Gonna sound like a broken record for a second The sub-factions are roughly aligned with the Lawful evil/good and the Chaotic evil/good. Took these off the net for the definitions, so bare with me:

    • A lawful good character typically acts with compassion and always with honor and a sense of duty. However, lawful good characters will often regret taking any action they fear would violate their code, even if they recognize such action as being good. The Harmonists
    • A lawful evil character sees a well-ordered system as being easier to exploit than to necessarily follow. The Restorers
    • A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. A chaotic good character does what is necessary to bring about change for the better, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well. Chaotic good characters usually intend to do the right thing, but their methods are generally disorganized and often out of sync with the rest of society. The Expansionists
    • A chaotic evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have much regard for the lives or freedom of other people. The Retributionists
  5. Here is all the Shadows Coalescing storyline fictions so far: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3.
    For those who would like a little more background here are the fiction from the previous GJW XIV: Prelude Part 1: Chaos on Tenixir, Prelude Part 2: Peace on Tenixir, Homefront Chapter 1, Homefront Chap 2, Homefront Chap 3, Homefront Epilogue

  6. If you need any help or have any questions, you can always come to me on Telegram @tahiri_drakon or through email, along with the rest of the summit. There’s our Consul Selika, PCON Alaris, and if you are in one of the houses, there is QUA Taranae and AED Khryso for Tyranus, and QUA Qormus for Ventress. Hopefully, I’ve answered any and all questions, and helped with the decision making for the new pledge system for this event.




Hyped <- -> Let’s go


There are a few last minute things I’d like to quickly add for those who are new. I’ve realized that a somewhat underutilized tool that is pretty easy to use once you get in is Discourse. A lot of the time it’s used for Run-Ons for Master-Student storylines, along with clan fiction updates (in conjunction with the wiki), and for team competition threads. So I made a thread called New Member and Character Introductions to help new members get used to it and introduce themselves. Click the link, log in, hit reply to the thread and introduce yourself. It’s that easy.
I’ve also revamped my Master-Apprentice program form, with some help from our new Consul Selika (Thank you Selika). So for those of you wanting a Master, or an Apprentice, click the link and fill out the form. I’ll do my best to hook you up with the best Master/Apprentice I can.

Before the last bit of my report, I want to welcome Alaris as our new PCON and Qormus as our new House Ventress’ QUA! Welcome to the team you two! Whooo!!!

As always, if anyone wants to reach me with questions or just want to talk, I can be found on [Telegram - Log in to view join link] and of course by email.


Great report Tahizzle!

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