Plagueis Consul Report 0.9


Plagueis Consul Report 0.9

So I'm not making this report #1 because I want to write a fuller report to lay out my plans for the clan and I won't have time to do that justice until the weekend, I do want to get one ball rolling now. As with any leadership transition, we need to start filling up the summit and during the process of getting a new consul, real life concerns persuaded our esteemed Proconsul, Laren, to step down. While I wish him all the best in his future endevours, that now leaves two spots on the clan summit to fill. Thus, I will be opening up both the Proconsul and Rolemaster positions for applications. All are welcome to apply and outside applications are encouraged as well. Feel free to send one app for both positions if you want. In addition to all the usual stuff about how your leadership style and what you've done in the Brotherhood, here's what I'll be looking for specifically:

  • For both positions, I want to know what you think Plagueis does well, what it could do better, and specific ideas on how to accomplish that.
  • For Proconsul specifically, I want to know how you can help develop the future leaders of Plagueis
  • For Rollmaster speciifically, I want to hear your thoughts on retaining and training new members and what we can do better on that front.

I want to get the summit repopulated quickly, so please send your apps directly to me by Midnight Pacific Daylight Time on Friday April 20th. Please note what position(s) you're interested in. Last note, I intend to fill all open positions in one process, which will include any positions vacated by internal promotion. Thus, even if you might not think you'll get PCON RM, if I need to replace a QUA/AED as part of the process, I'll be looking at this applicant pool to do that, so apply anyway. I'll also be using these applications to pick folks for future projects.

Take care, and more in a couple days!

Go, Consul Arden, go! (Waves pom poms)

Hmmmm, tempting.

Hey Ronovi, i thought i was the Cheerleader of Dread???

Excellent report. If I can eventually master MY personal wiki page, I may assist your venture.

Oops posted to the wrong spot. Damn broken phone.

well done consul..... hope clan plagueis filled up the empty slot for proconsul and roll master luck those application on it

Good luck to anyone who applies.

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