Sorry for the delay in my report things have been crazy but,
We are just a week away from the end of Great Jedi War XIV, which means it’s time for the final push of participation in order to show the other clans just what it is that Plagueis is made of. This will be a short report so that you can get back to it, so let’s dig in!
We were very pleased with our turnout for Phase 1 of the War, in total we had participation in 52 bins out of a possible 102 which brought our participation percentage to 50.98%. For those confused as to what exactly these numbers mean, basically if every member of Plagueis participated in every bin in Phase 1 it would work out to 102 bins total. Over 50% participation (even marginally) is a huge improvement over previous events and definitely something to be proud of, though there is always room for improvement!
In terms of individual Phase 1 competitions the participation rates were a little bit weaker. Out of a possible 340 competitions that Plagueis as a whole could submit to we ended up sitting with just 78 entries or 22.94% of total possible participation. Don’t let this number discourage you though, participation is weighted by bins participated in and placements on individual competitions meaning that completing just a single competition in a bin rewards you with participation points!
Speaking of completing all bins, we had an impressive 14 members complete all of the Phase 1 bins! Now I’ve dug into the specific numbers for Phase 1 however with the event long and Phase 2 bins still ongoing, I can’t quite do the same. What I can tell you is that out of the 14 people who participated in all of the Phase 1 bins, 9 are currently on track to complete every single bin in GJWXIV and remember, not only does getting 100% bin participation get you bonus points and help show the other clans whats up here in Plagueis but it will also get your character featured in an official DB fiction!
There’s still time to get participation in all of the currently running bins, if you need advice or a partner please don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the summit through either email or telegram and we will help you out as best we can!
GJWXIV Competitions - Find all of the GJWXIV Competitions here!
[GJW XIV] Homefront: Chapter 2 - The one where we learn about betrayal in the DC.
Competition Updates - We get an update on the Battlefront 2, Battle Plan, Audiobook and Poetry competitions.
Now, I’m going to go enjoy my Canada Day and dig into more GJW Comps!
As always, if anyone would like to reach out for any reason, I can be found on [Telegram - Log in to view join link] (if you’re not on Telegram yet, I’d highly recommend it. It’s free and our primary form of communication) and by email with very little delay.
Now go forth my Plagueians and show the rest of the Brotherhood what we are made of!
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I judge this post not sufficently Canadian due to a lack of geese, moose, or beavers.
Also, as a person of Qubecquois descent, the lack of French disturbs me. :)
Bonjour Arden. Ce'va?
Is that enough French for ya?