Welcome, one and all, to my second report as Proconsul. I know I might be just a wee bit late, but... Happy New Year! We're already twenty six whole days into it, if you follow the Gregorian Calendar. Otherwise, I'm not really too sure where you're at, but I believe it's around the time for most commonly practiced calendars used today.
Tangent aside, these twenty-six days have already been action packed. We just finished a recent Clan-wide event, and we're waiting patiently on the results of those to be officially released by the lovely organizers. The little snippet I can let you in on is this: you're going to like what you see. Plagueis seems to be successful with events that have a high number of low effort, maximum fun competitions as we've seen with the Pro Bowls and other events before. This was no different. But I'll leave the details - and more importantly, the results, for the organizers.
On the whole, this is going to be a short report. Now that our swamptastical vacation has ended, there remain loads of fun competitions to be done, and there are always activities you could be doing and receiving credit for. Following that, there will be a short tidbit regarding diversity of activity in the club. I'll end off by hyping some podcast goodness, which I highly recommend - whether a Plagueian or otherwise - you go listen to.
The club never sleeps, folks. Some even say they have been woken up in the middle of the night by a Panda with a delightful maple leaf tattoo under its left eye. Others have reported seeing a strange man with knives at his belt roaming the Telegram halls at night, alone, unyielding. And that's to our benefit. Below is a brief synopsis of some news posts I feel like you need to know about. But of course you already ready these reports, so perhaps you're one step ahead of me.
Combat Master Report 13 - A report where the Combat Master gives us details on the huge amount of work him and his team have been producing. The report includes numerous feat, skill and power changes, venue additions, and the announcement that they are in need of two judges to fill some vacancies. Hint: take the time and go apply, and make sure to read the requirements in the report. Applications are due no later than January 31, 2018.
Regent Report 12 - Darth Logistics strikes again, this time with a report detailing post-Great Jedi War changes. Of note, as of publishing the report, there were 106 items in development! And that's only the tip of the iceberg that the Regent and his team accomplish. I definitely recommend you check out the other cool things they're doing and reading the report.
Voice Update #14 - For you writing and fiction oriented types out there, this update from Wally is a must see. Besides a super cool fiction update by the Voice himself, there are also four really cool NPC-related competitions running right now (do the things!). As of now, I believe there are fifteen days left to complete all four, so the sooner the better!
Fist Supplemental 16.3 - Plagueis alumni Dracpool's most recent supplemental report dropped a super cool gaming bomb. He and his team, always hard at work, have decided to expand the possible methods DB members can play Starcraft II. Rather than just a PvP platform, with the introduction of Cooperative Missions, it is now a fully compatible PvE game as well. So for any of you out there a fan of the game, get on it!
Ajunta Pall Aedile Report 10 - All I'll say about this one is that it's a hoot, and go read it. ;) In all seriousness, Plagueis and company, it's always good to keep up-to-date on some House happenings. Oh, and did I mention Azmodius was one of our Vacation organizers?
Karness Muur Quaestor Report 11 - Where a wild Furios appears and drops some serious DB-related wisdom bombs down on us, as well as touching upon the end of the Vacation. By the way, another awesome organizer right here.
Competition Highlight
As always, remember to take a regular look at the Competition Page. Lots of competitions require little to moderate effort, and for the miniscule amount of time you take to participate, you get to have fun and enjoy yourself in the process. So please, for me, go and do the things! For valid gaming submissions, you can earn Clusters of Fire or Earth. For valid Fiction submissions, you can earn Clusters of Ice. For valid graphics submissions, you can earn Clusters of Graphite! And for all competitions, from flash games to gaming to puzzles and beyond, with a little effort, there is always the chance you can earn Crescents for a Top Three finish. But as I said, you’ll never know until you do it. :)
Type: Fiction
A fiction competition organized by one of our own, Areticus. Second Level Crescents are up for grabs, and all you have to do is write a nifty and creative piece on the subject and action of working as a team. Give it a write, feel what's right, and perhaps once you're done just call it a night.
Type: Container, Other
If you ever wanted a chance to contribute to world building in the club, look no further than this right here. Comprising four competitions and a super simple points-based formula for grading and placement purposes, this is a way to dig deep into your love for all things Star Wars, Great Jedi War XII, and world building in one beautiful container.
Type: Container, Multiplayer Gaming
Another container, this time featuring some good ol' Starcraft. Play cooperatively, against the AI, or online in this little event. But as the organizer states, remember, "You should also list your Battlenet profile on your dossier to ensure your submissions can be verified."
First and foremost, this club, this Dark Jedi Brotherhood we all know and love is a Star Wars fan fiction oriented group. Besides everything else, we're all here for the same reason: we absolutely love Star Wars, we love most of the people who love it with us, and we love it so much we want to create a plethora of unique and diverse characters to insert ourselves into the galaxy far, far away. But this club, made up of all you glorious people and developed by some equally wonderful souls, offers more than a writing platform, and that's what makes it awesome.
Whether you want to express your love for Star Wars and its fandom through gaming, through art, through trivia or literature, the Brotherhood has it all, and rewards your activity with character building incentives (and some credits, amirite?). There are teams working day in and day out, taking time out of their own real lives to continuously update, adapt, and expand these methods of activity all for our benefit. So while we're all off having fun, the Fist office is testing games and creating methods of play within the club; the Herald and company create art, whether personal or for club use, at lightning speeds and of a high quality; the Voice office and Combat Master are churning out fiction updates, character sheet changes, and opportunities to enhance your writing experience; and the Shadow Academy has a group of super dedicated people behind it, evolving the Academy experience year after year to make it fun and engaging.
This turned into more a personal gushing of how awesome all these things are rather than a 'what you can do' piece, but yeah. There is so much you can do, and it's all designed with you - with us - in mind. We're here to enjoy ourselves, to have fun, and we can do that in a great many ways. Embrace it, and have fun with it.
That's right, this Clan has a podcast! And it's super entertaining, if I do say so myself. If you haven't read the recent PlagCast update, go do so. Produced by Vivackus Kavon and joined by regular guests Ronovi Tavisaen and Dralin Fortea, the members sit down together and talk about stuff they find interesting. Below is an episode listing in chronological order.
As I mentioned at the beginning of the report, keep an eye out for a results report from Furios within the next week. Until then, keep having fun, always feel free to reach out to myself and the rest of the Summit, and have a wonderful month until my next report.
Signing off,
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Great report, PCON Pie! Hopefully you'll be able to make the next PlagCast episode. :P
Great report
Awesome read. I echo Dralin's sentiment; you better be on the podcast again!
If Laren can't make it, there's other members of the clan summit that kinda want in :)
There's always room for guests. Laren's one of our regulars. :)
Great report! I am eagerly awaiting the results of the Vacation!! #InPCONpieWeTurst
Is Laren himself the PCONpie or does he make it? Either way good report dude
Kelly, can't it be both?
The name is Pie. PCON Pie.
Also yes, I hope to be back on the podcast for Episode Four: A New Podcast! (Actual name and podcast episode pending.)