Hey Plagueians!
Well, it is officially summer which means it is way too hot outside and I don’t want to leave the house. Good thing there are a lot of things going on right now to keep everyone busy!

Table of Contents
- Plagueis News
- Clan Activity
- TL;DR Stats
- Brotherhood News
- Competitions
- Final Thoughts

Plagueis News
First up, I want to give a huge Plagueian welcome to our newest member, Cymbre Kall. Cymbre is a long time member of our little corner of the internet and comes to us from our friends over in CNS. Since joining Plag, Cymbre has been on a roll!
There has been quite a bit going on lately in the club. We had the end of the May the 4th event, the start of the ACC tourney, more changes to XP and a new addition to Star Wars gaming. The May the 4th event saw entries from 13 different Plagueians, 3 of the top 10 teams had clan members in them and the team that won it all included 3 different members of the clan! Congratulations to everyone who placed and great job to everyone who participated, there were some TRULY WILD submissions to the event this year!
Next up I want to talk about an ongoing event, the ACC championship - Singularity. There are 50 members signed up, 9 of which are from clan Plagueis. ACC tourneys are always a lot of fun both as a competition and as a spectator, and are a great way to get to know other members and their characters as well as hone your own skill as a combat writer. Going into this tournament I have a few pieces of advice for those participating.
Be aware of how long you have left to post:
There’s nothing worse than losing because of a time out. Ignore the peanut butter and try to manage your time (no matter how hard it can be sometimes).
Read your opponent’s CS:
This one is super important. Make sure you understand your opponent and how their character fights, and thinks. Realism is a big part of grading and you don’t want to lose points because you assumed they could do something they actually can’t or were carrying an item they don’t have on their loadout.
Proofread, proofread, proofread!!:
Whether you do it yourself or have someone else look over your posts, proofreading could be the difference between winning and losing. A lot of little things can get missed and they all add up. Put that extra bit of polish on your posts and bring home the win! If you’re looking for someone to proof your posts, don’t be afraid to ask in fiction chat or in the clan channel.
Finally, we have
Star Wars Hunters has officially become the latest supported game in the club. There is currently a launch party event (organized by some strange Hat wearing gentleman) running to celebrate including puzzles, fictions, graphics and of course, lots of gaming. I mention this mainly because I have seen quite a few members of the clan playing this a lot since its launch, a few members have been regularly teaming up to take on the arena and rake in those clusters. Feel free to add me as a friend on Hunters if you haven’t already, you can find me as TuQuan.
And finally, we recently got an update from the GM and DGM clarifying requirements for elder ranks and removing diminishing returns for clusters. What this means is that no matter how many clusters you’ve farmed, they are all worth the same XP now, some of you probably noticed a bump in XP recently, that’s because this was retroactive.
Speaking of XP and clusters….

Clan Activity
And now for my favourite part of the report…SHINNIES AND PROMOTIONS!!!
Ahathr’iss’asapla (Thrissa)
- 1x Grand Cross
- 7 Competition entries
- 1 Fiction Activity
- 519 Words of fiction written
- 30,340 Credits earned for the clan
- Reached level 1 in the Envoy Corpse (Participation)
- 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1x Cluster of Ice
- 1x Scroll of Foundation
Captain Agron Dyrce
- Promoted to Equite 1
- 2 competitions organized
- 2 competition entries
- 1 Fiction activity
- 913 Words of fiction written
- Advanced to rank IV in the Inquisitorius
- Advanced to rank III in the Shroud Syndicate
- 81,200 credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 2x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 2x Cluster of Ice
- 3x Cluster of Graphite
Nora Olen
- 1 competition organized
- 81 competition entries
- 3 gaming activities
- 16 Graphics activities
- 1 fiction activities
- 1 roleplay participations
- 3307 words of fiction written
- 1 Shadow Academy courses passed
- Reached level 1 in the Envoy Corpse (Participation)
- Advanced to rank V in the Inquisitorius
- 474,680 Credits earned for the clan
- 3x Crescent with Diamond Star
- 3x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 6x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 10x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 9x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 23x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 6x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 12x Cluster of Fire
- 7x Cluster of Ice
- 66x Cluster of Graphite
Livia Mariquita Daffel
- 17 Competition entries
- 10 Gaming activities
- Advanced to rank V in the GMRG
- Advanced to rank III in the Shroud Syndicate
- 66,810 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 84x Cluster of Fire
- 6x Cluster of Graphite
Warrior Valaeron
- 1 Competitions organized
- 2 Competition entries
- 6 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 1 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- Advanced to rank IV in the Shroud Syndicate
- Advanced to rank V in the Aurora Collegium of Sciences
- 15,750 Credits earned for the clan
Saal Kesyk
- 1x Sapphire Blade
- 4 Competition entries
- 7 Gaming activities
- 3 Shadow Academy courses passed
- Advanced to rank III in the GMRG
- 23,430 Credits earned for the clan
- 31x Cluster of Fire
Savant Zuser Whuloc
- 1 Competition entries
- 4,500 credits earned for the clan
Battlemaster Katrila
- 1x Grand Cross
- 1 Competitions organized
- 64 Competition entries
- 3 Gaming activities
- 5 Graphics activities
- 6 Fiction activities
- 4469 Words of fiction written
- 29 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 9 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- Advanced to rank II in the Shroud Society
- Advanced to rank II and III in the Inquisitorius
- Advanced to rank VIII and IX in the Aurora Collegium of Sciences
- Reached level 1 in the ACC (Participation)
- 208,380 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Diamond Star
- 2x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 1x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 11x Cluster of Fire
- 8x Cluster of Ice
- 12x Cluster of Graphite
Specialist Titius Osseus
- Promoted to Equite 3
- 1x Amethyst Kukri
- 44 Competition entries
- 5 Gaming activities
- 2 Graphics activities
- 2 Fiction activity
- 3545 words written
- 1 Shadow Academy courses passed
- Advanced to rank III in the Shroud Syndicate
- Reached level 9 in the Envoy Corpse (Participation)
- 189,530 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Diamond Star
- 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 3x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 2x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 28x Clusters of Fire
- 7x Clusters of Ice
- 9x Clusters of Graphite
- 5x Seal of Foundation
Azmodius Equesinfernum
- 1 Competition entries
- 1 Gaming activities
- Advanced to rank VIII in the GMRG
- 4,950 credits earned for the clan
- 90x Clusters of Fire
Seer Eiko
- 21 Competition Entries
- 20,250 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
Marcus Armani
- 8 Competition Entries
- 2 Gaming activities
- 12 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 7 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- Advanced to rank VIII, IX and X in the Aurora Collegium of Sciences
- 49,930 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 6x Clusters of Fire
Cymbre Kall
- 27 Competition entries
- 10 Graphics activities
- 1 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 2 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- Advanced to rank IX in the Shroud Society
- Advanced to rank IX in the Aurora Collegium of Sciences
- 88,430 Credits earned for the clan
- 2x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 2x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 5x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 27x Cluster of Graphite
Warlord Khryso Mallus
- 2,250 credits earned for the clan
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
- 2 Competition Entries
- 5 Gaming activities
- 5,250 Credits earned for the clan
- 100x Clusters of Fire
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
- 43 Competitions organized
- 88 Competition entries
- 7 Gaming activities
- 3 Graphics activities
- 1 Fiction activities
- 1 Roleplay participations
- 2357 Words of fiction written
- 1 Shadow Academy courses passed
- Reached level 6 in the Envoy Corpse (Participation)
- 661,030 Credits earned for the clan
- 6x Crescent with Diamond Star
- 10x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 9x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 28x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 2x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 7x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 3x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 23x Cluster of Fire
- 5x Cluster of Ice
- 21x Cluster of Graphite
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
- 2 competitions organized
- 87 Competition entries
- 16 Gaming activities
- 4 Graphics activities
- 2 Fiction activities
- 2 Roleplay participations
- 5685 Words of fiction written
- 1 Shadow Academy courses passed
- Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- Advanced to rank X in the Shroud Society
- Reached level 10 in the Envoy Corps (Participation)
- Reached level 6 in the ACC Society (Judge)
- 535,600 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Diamond Star
- 5x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 12x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 17x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 18x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 5x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 5x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 258x Cluster of Fire
- 11x Cluster of Ice
- 18x Cluster of Graphite
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
- Reached level 11 in the ACC Society (Judge)
General Ronovi Tavisaen
- 5 Competitions entries
- 15,750 Credits earned for the clan
Adept Alaris Jinn
- 1 Competitions organized
- 36 Competitions entries
- 3 Gaming activities
- 1 Graphics activities
- 1 Fiction activities
- 679 Words of fiction written
- 314,370 Credits earned for the clan
- Reached level 12 in the ACC Society (Judge)
- Reached level 2 in the Envoy Corps (Participant)
- 4x Crescent with Diamond Star
- 9x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 7x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 5x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 2x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 3x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 12x Cluster of Fire
- 2x Cluster of Ice
- 12x Cluster of Graphite
- 3x Scroll of Foundation
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
- Promoted to Elder 3
- 8 Competition entries
- 1 Gaming activities
- 73,280 credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 1x Cluster of Fire
Clan Activity Stats
Since last month, the members of Clan Plagueis have accumulated the following:
- 51 competitions organized
- 505 competition entries
- 63 gaming activities
- 41 Graphics activities
- 15 fiction activities
- 6 roleplay participations
- 21,474 words of fiction written
- 55 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 19 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- 45 Society rank elevations
- 46,911 XP earned
- 2,864,710 credits earned for the clan
- 1x Amethyst Kukri
- 1x Sapphire Blade
- 2x Grand Cross
- 16x Crescent with Diamond Star
- 30x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 41x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 70x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 40x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 40x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 21x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 656x Cluster of Fire
- 43x Cluster of Ice
- 174x Cluster of Graphite
- 9x Scroll of Foundation
- 3 x Promotions
- 2x Sacramental Awards
- 2x Merit medals
- 258x Crescents
- 873x Clusters
Now that is a lot of incredible participation!!

Brotherhood News
DJB-wide Competitions
As always, this is just a sample of the competitions available to you right now, you can find more here

Final Thoughts
Well, that’s it for another month, don’t forget, I am rooting for you in the ACC tourney, and hopefully I will see you inside the Hunters arena very soon!
As always, I have an open door, so if you have any questions or want to chat, feel free to hit me up by email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or on Discord.
Until next time,

Those stats! Let’s go Plagueis!
Whooo great job Plagueis!!! Keep up those sweet numbers peeps! <3 <3 <3