Hello, Plagueis, and welcome to your Wrath’s third Proconsul report! I hope that all my American compatriots had a safe and fun Fourth of July, full of barbecue and free from tragic fireworks accidents. As for non-Americans, I hope you Canadians are recovering steadily from Canada Day on the 1st, and as for the Brits...it ain’t treason if we won.
Okay. Onto the report! There’s a lot to cover and unravel, especially in the clan happenings section. Take a breather in between sections if needed so you can absorb as much as you can, especially since now, there’s an open leadership position in Plagueis!
Hey, not bad for a teaser, right?
About a week and a half ago, Arden and I restarted the clan-wide run-on, titled, “The Song of Discord,” and provided our first plot post. The purpose is to have our members tell their own stories, while also contributing to an overarching plot that challenges the established lore of the clan.
Admittedly, there have not been a whole lot of updates to the run-on so far, though I have heard rumblings from certain members that they are working on posts. Please remember that if you need any help or feedback from Arden, TuQ, or me, you can reach out to us! We want to provide wiggle room for character development, but we also want to ensure that the story moves along at a reasonable pace and leaves plenty of room for intrigue for the rest of the members to enjoy.
An unofficial title of mine, thanks to Arden, is the Pontiff of Proofreading, so I would advise all of you to take the opportunity to poke at my brain if you need any assistance with the mechanics or content (or both!) of your RO posts. If you don’t remember where to find the run-on, click the link below:
In less positive news, it is with a heavy heart that I announce Areticus’s resignation as Aedile of House Ajunta Pall. Areticus was a contributor to the Mysteries of Aliso event and great to have on the summit; unfortunately, his real life has taken precedent, and he would rather see someone in the position who can dedicate more time and energy. Thank you for your contributions, Areticus, and we hope to see you stick around as a regular member!
This does mean that Arden and I are opening up applications for Aedile of Ajunta Pall to Plagueis, though we may also open them up Brotherhood-wide if needed. We do not have any strict rank or experience requirements, but we do expect a steady presence on Telegram, a hand in all Ajunta Pall and other clan projects, a willingness to collaborate with Quaestor Kelly, enthusiasm for the clan and its structure, and a willingness to grow and improve as a leader.
Please email all applications to Arden, Kelly, and myself by Friday, July 20th.
If you have been on Telegram regularly, you may have noticed that your Conseal has been organizing weekly Cards Against Humanity sessions with both Plagueis members and Brotherhood members as a whole. These sessions take place both on Skype and on a specific game website, and we have actually been putting together our very own deck, titled, “Cards Against Plagueis.” Keep your eyes sharp for messages from Arden as he sets up more sessions, and if you’d like to contribute to our deck, click here to add your suggestions!
Obviously, as a clan, we want to focus on building lore, giving you fun competition opportunities, and providing chances to lead projects. However, none of that is possible without creating a vibrant community and fun dynamic among our members. These CAH sessions aren’t just meant to be fun - they’re also meant as an outlet to get to know your fellow Plagueians and see where they’re coming from. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that we’re fraternizing with real people, not just original Star Wars characters, and these games serve as a reminder of how awesome it is to socialize and even make friends!
We hope everyone enjoyed the most recent episode of the PlagCast! Arden, TuQ, and I were thrilled to be able to restart it, and we are planning to release Episode VII, aptly titled, “The Podcast Awakens,” during this month.
Recently, we wrapped up auditions for our fourth regular member, and while it was a tough decision, I’m pleased to announce our choice. This member has not necessarily held any leadership positions, but he has tremendous insight into the day-in-the-life experiences of the average Brotherhood member. He is a perfect counterbalance to the clan summit on this podcast, and we are super looking forward to having him on.
Congratulations on your new gig, Gaius Julius Caesar!
While the first leadership seminar I ran was fairly small turn-out wise, I am eager to try again and see if the second seminar attracts more people. The tentative date for this second Skype session is Friday, July 20th (the same day Aedile applications are due!), though that might change based on my schedule or workload.
Everyone - not just Plagueians - is invited to this call. I’d like to continue talking about leadership and other important Brotherhood topics, as well as see if any existing leaders need support or potential leaders would like guidance. Again, I’m not an expert on everything, but I like to think that my current position and my previous experience count for something!
The Brotherhood has been relatively quiet news-wise lately, given that new members of the Dark Council have settled in and summer is upon us. However, there are a few things of note I’d like to remind y’all about:
The Great Panda - or, more professionally, our Master-at-Arms - released his 10th report. There are some pretty juicy details in it, including the potential introduction of an experience system, as well as Magistrate applications. Click here to read the report and see what’s going down!
Atra also recently released his latest Combat Master report, and I have to say, Plagueis knocked it out of the park with its participation in Coach’s Corner! Thank you for continually showing up and showing off in the ACC. Click here to read Atra’s report in full.
Marick/Wally’s 15th Voice report came out, and the Collective story arc, our next Brotherhood chapter, has begun! Wally has made it very clear that the Collective is not a one-time enemy, and we will be confronting its members continually in this new storyline. Click here to read his report, and remember to catch up on all things Collective!
Quite a long list I get to present in terms of Plagueian activity and accomplishments this month! I specifically want to give shout-outs to Oric Ral for some amazing dedication to the Shadow Academy - congrats on your new Maven, Savant, and Sage! - as well as TuQ’uan for his promotion to Equite 2 last month. Several of you also got merit medals for your work in Mysteries of Aliso, as well as placed in several Brotherhood wide events. Gives me some ideas for other fun competitions we can run as a clan, too!
Julius asks: What was your favorite SA course to take?
It's hard for me to say which SA course was my favorite to take because I'm not as active in the SA anymore. However, I did really enjoy seeing how both the Debate 101 and Debate 102 courses turned out. That was back when I was Headmaster, though many of the exams I helped create were rendered obsolete after some time.
Julius also asks: What would you do if your dog jumped onto the counter and ate your pork roll egg and cheese sandwich while you were getting some OJ from the fridge?
I don’t drink OJ. ;)
Julius also also asks: Kylo Ren or General Hux?
Hux. I even have a jacket modeled after his uniform.
Azmodius asks: What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Follow up question: Would you stand up and walk out on me?
(Door slams)
Pravus asks: Any thoughts on bringing back historical Plagueis enemies? For example, the Aabs era, Crimson Tide?
Only if I feel like the majority of the membership really wants it. Right now, the DB-wide drive is toward the Collective, so that's what we're focusing on as a main antagonist. We have to be really careful not to retread old ground if no one is interested in retreading it. I want new stuff inspired by our foundation, not rose-tinted goggle stuff.
But hey, I wasn't around for things like the Crimson Tide, so if I get Plagueians screaming at Arden and me to resurrect 'em, I'll remain open-minded.
Zuser asks: Are you bummed that Kylo destroyed his helmet?
Nope! His helmet was bad, and he should feel bad.
It’s time for another good idea, bad idea focused on leadership! This month, I will be highlighting the topic of presence. This is something that some leaders do very well at, some not so well at. Presence involves things like quickly answering emails, regularly showing up on Telegram, and being active in clan-wide activities as a leader, even if you’re not necessarily directly competing.
Prioritize presence as a leader over character development and awards as a leader.
Prioritize character development and awards as a leader over presence as a leader.
What I mean by that is, once again, a leader must learn to prioritize others over oneself. It is also really easy to lose sight of just being available over your ability to make your character look cool or see the awards you get become shinier and more prestigious. Making sure that other members are awarded adequately is important, but in order to ensure the clan’s success, you as a leader need to be open, reachable, and free for taking on tasks and challenges as they arise in Telegram and other communication channels.
Does that mean you have to be online every day, 24/7? Of course not - we’re not ATMs or gas stations. However, leaders are expected to be just as present, if not more so, as the most productive member of the unit. Even if your individual participation in events winds up lower due to your work as a leader, you accomplish much more by having a strong and consistent presence in our little chat hubs. It inspires new members to be present as well, and it allows you to always be in the loop about Plagueis happenings. And you get to know the members of your unit more, too!
No matter what, the best leaders are the responsive ones. Fight me. Or don’t. Unlike my character, I can’t throw a punch.
Take it easy, Plagueis, and I’ll see you next time!
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Welcome to the team Julius! I’m excited to have you aboard!