Hello, Plagueis, and welcome to your Wrath’s sixth Proconsul report! It's autumn, it's still warm because of climate change, and it is time...for HYPE SEASON!
Yes, folks, a Rite of Supremacy is coming in just a little over a week. Starting October 13th, we will be going through five weeks of conquest. Battle. Drama! Romance? Maybe not romance. But still. The Collective is digging in its heels and attempting to infiltrate and propagandize, and the Brotherhood is ready to act!
So let's go over a few things you should expect from an RoS.
A Rite of Supremacy (or RoS for short) is a Brotherhood-wide vendetta that typically pits unit against unit - or in the case of the last RoS, Order against Order - as they vie for the title of First Clan. In the past, sometimes we've fought in brackets, like in a March Madness sort of way, to get to the top. While the details have been fairly vague so far, we know from Marick's fiction (which you should check out right here) that things are gonna get pretty intense.
Please be mindful, if you're a gamer (or a non-gamer! Still pay attention), that there will be 3 event long brackets in Jedi Academy, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch. Make sure you follow along with your Fist's reports and supplemental posts so you can sign up in time! And remember: DO ALL THE BINS. DO ALL THE THINGS.
Boy, this is a Palpatine-heavy gif fest so far, isn't it? What is this, a Scholae Palatinae report?
I think you know what I'm gonna say. Clan-wide run-on is still ongoing. We've got a new plot post, full of intrigue and torture and dialogue and all that dark side goodness. Get a post in before the RoS starts!
Your Conseal in his latest report mentioned the recent CAH games we've been playing, and how DBers from all units have been joining in. If any of y'all are interested in making these games a legit competition in the Brotherhood, fill out the form here!
As I'm writing this report, we are recording the tenth episode of the PlagCast today and getting it out early next week, before the RoS! Not going to name names, but here's a hint for tonight's guest, who was kind enough to jump in last minute due to some technical difficulties and changes in plans:
Stay tuned!
Looking for some fun, creatively minded comps to pass the time before the RoS starts? Our lovely Aediles - Taranae Rhode of Ajunta Pall and Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae of Karness Muur - have a treat for you. You have an opportunity to help define and add detail to both houses' bases/headquarters! It's a fun blend of a graphics competition and a writing exercise as you make your character's home in Plagueis just a bit more elaborate and interesting.
Click here to submit to 'Architect!'
Once again, it's time for your obligatory list of you guys doing cool stuff! Mad props to TuQ and Kelly for teaming up and being gaming machines. Congrats also to Tahiri for a successful ACC match!
It’s time for another good idea, bad idea! Let's keep this simple:
Sound good?
Plagueis - the time to become First Clan has arrived again! I really want to see you all rock it this Rite of Supremacy. It's been over eight years since Disorder, our last RoS, and I can tell you right now how fun and engaging and competitive these kinds of vendettas can be. It is well worth your time.
Please reach out to anyone on your clan summit or house summit if you have any questions or concerns. We want to show up placement-wise and participation-wise. And we can do that if we work together.
Create chats. Form groups. Build advice boards. Arrange calls and team channels.Help each other out as we finish these bins. We can only do as well as the sum of our parts.
As our PlagCast guest this latest episode said, "Be competitive. One for all, and all for one. Nobody's going to win alone."
Now, repeat after me (and one of our clan members knows this mantra very well, given his text alert):
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DO ALL THE THINGS!!! We've beaten everyone else in participation numbers before and we can do it again.
will try
If Wrathus is the hype, then I AM THE WRATHUS!