Welcome to another edition of TuQ’s Proconsul Report!
It’s been a fairly quiet month around here, not just for Plagueis, but the club as a whole. With everyone dealing with cooling temperatures, getting ready for the various holidays, dealing with getting sick and work being busier than normal for a lot of people, it’s been a slower month. But that doesn’t mean stuff didn’t happen!
This will be a shorter report than normal, but I still have stuff to talk about, so let’s get to it!

Table of Contents
- Plagueis News
- Clan Activity
- TL;DR Stats
- Brotherhood News
- Competitions
- Final Thoughts

Plagueis News
Like I mentioned, it’s been a slower month, so I don’t have a lot of clan specific news to talk about. Instead, I am going to draw your attention to an update recently released by the DGM Atra.
It’s been in the works for a long time, and teased a few times, but Atra recently gave us a big teaser of what’s to come and some more details on the new Seasons system the DC has been working hard on! I highly recommend reading through the whole update for more info, but I’ll highlight a few things here.
Built as a way of encouraging more participation in DC led competitions and events but without the added stress and pressure of a GJW, seasons are set to roll out sometime around February of next year. Seasons will kick off with a major fiction update which will be followed by 2 months of competitions. Once the 2 months are over it’s time for grading and results and finally a rest period while we await the next major fiction update and the cycle starts anew.
I know, so far it sounds a lot like a vendetta but with less TuQ yelling at you. But there’s a bit more to it!
Fictions will not only be incorporating clan plot points to keep everyone connected, but are going to be influenced by you, the member. Yeah! You!! Members will be able to pledge to an outcome allowing your participation to change the outcome of the fiction! Now, this isn’t the first time we’ve had something like this set up, but what is new is the rewards system tied to seasons! Participating in competitions throughout the season will earn you points that will unlock trophies and the various awards that come with those trophies!
This is something that I am very excited to see implemented and to see what you think of it! The DC has been hard at work on this for quite some time and I know they are excited for the rollout.
Plagueian Comp Corner
This leads me right into my favourite part of the report…

Clan Activity
Nora Olen
- 5 competitions organized
- 64 Competition entries
- 1 Gaming activities
- 3 Graphics activities
- 1 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 1 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- 342,170 Credits earned for the clan
- 6x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 10x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 16x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 18x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 6x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 10x Cluster of Graphite
Captain Agron Dyrce
- 2250 Credits earned for the clan
Jasru Lakca
- Promoted to Equite 1
- 27 Competition entries
- 1 Fiction activities
- 510 Words of fiction written
- Reached rank II in the Shroud Syndicate
- 133,130 Credits earned for the clan
- 2x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 5x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 3x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1x Cluster of Ice
- 6x Cluster of Graphite
Scout Hevan Slavis
- 1 Fiction activities
- 893 Words of fiction written
- 2430 Credits earned for the clan
- 2x Cluster of Ice
Livia Mariquita Daffel
- 7 Competition entries
- 4 Gaming activities
- 14,830 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 36x Cluster of Fire
Savant Zuser Whuloc
- 27 Competition entries
- 78,750 Credits earned for the clan
Battlelord Katrila
- 2 Competition entries
- 4,500 Credits earned for the clan
Magistrate Titius Osseus
- 12 Competition entries
- 1 Gaming activities
- 3 Fiction activities
- 2 Roleplay participations
- 1 ACC battles completed
- 870 Words of fiction written
- 1 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 1 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- 35,860 Credits earned for the clan
- 2x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 9x Cluster of Fire
- 1x Cluster of Ice
- 8x Scroll of Foundation
Seer Eiko
- 1 Competition entries
- 2,250 Credits earned for the clan
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
- 13,750 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
Adept Alaris Jinn
- 1 competitions organized
- 13 Competition entries
- 9 Gaming activities
- 2 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 1 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- 12,080 Credits earned for the clan
- 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 111x Cluster of Fire
- 1x Scroll of Foundation
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
- 32 Competition entries
- 5 Gaming activities
- 2 Fiction activities
- 1 Roleplay participations
- 1 Roleplay DMs
- 4264 Words of fiction written
- Reached level 3 in the Envoy Corps organizer society
- 172,360 Credits earned for the clan
- 2x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 4x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 13x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 5x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1x Crescent with Topaz Star
- 1x Crescent with Quartz Star
- 63x Cluster of Fire
- 8x Cluster of Ice
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
- 74 competitions organized
- 34 Competition entries
- 3 Fiction activities
- 2 Roleplay participations
- 1 ACC battles completed
- 4481 Words of fiction written
- 1 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 337,560 Credits earned for the clan
- 9x Crescent with Ruby Star
- 10x Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 2x Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 2x Crescent with Emerald Star
- 9x Cluster of Ice
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
- 3 Competition entries
- 2250 Credits earned for the clan
Clan Activity Stats
Since last month, the members of Clan Plagueis have accumulated the following:
- 80 Competitions organized
- 222 Competition entries
- 20 Gaming activities
- 3 Graphics activities
- 10 Fiction activities
- 5 Roleplay participations
- 1 Roleplay organizations
- 11,018 Words of fiction written
- 5 Shadow Academy courses passed
- 3 Shadow Academy degrees awarded
- 3 Society rank elevations
- 1,154,170 Credits earned for the clan
17,508 XP earned
19x Crescent with Ruby Star
31x Crescent with Amethyst Star
31x Crescent with Sapphire Star
33x Crescent with Emerald Star
7x Crescent with Topaz Star
1x Crescent with Quartz Star
228x Cluster of Fire
21x Cluster of Ice
16x Cluster of Graphite
9x Scroll of Foundation
- 1x Promotion
- 122x Crescents
- 265x Clusters

Brotherhood News
DJB-wide Competitions
As always, this is just a sample of the competitions available to you right now, you can find more here

Final Thoughts
I hope everyone enjoys the holidays and finds some time to rest and relax with their loved ones, ready to come back refreshed and ready to kick some butt in the new year!
As always, I have an open door, so if you have any questions or want to chat, feel free to hit me up by email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or on Discord.
Until next time,