Hello, Plagueians, and welcome to both 2019 and your Proconsul’s ninth report! Yes, there is a new report schedule, and I’m just following it. There is a lot to cover since my previous report, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Clan News
Nightmare Before Sithmas
As you saw last month, I organized and ran a holiday-themed event called, “The Nightmare Before Sithmas,” which was a blast. Thank you once again to all those who participated, and congratulations to everyone who placed! If you haven’t seen the specific results yet, just click the link below:
New Year’s Competitions
Both Arden and TuQ’uan are running competitions this month, with many of them featuring a New Year’s theme! I’ve included links below if you’re interested in participating.
- Plagueis Urban Dictionary (ends January 20th)
- [PLA] Party Time (ends January 31st)
- [PLA] A New Years Message (ends January 31st)
- [PLA] Ringing In The New Year (ends January 31st)
If you’re a regular member and would love to run a competition yourself, not just submit to one, then you’re in luck! Your summits are always eager to help you put together something fun for the clan. Please feel free to email or PM your Aedile and Quaestor, and they’ll be happy to pitch in.
New Ajunta Pall Summit & Competitions
Recently, your Conseal Arden announced changes to the House Ajunta Pall summit, following Kelly/Scudi’s resignation from the Quaestor position. After selecting Taranae Rhode as Quaestor, we filled the vacant Aedileship she left behind, hiring Dralin Fortea. Please congratulate them if you haven’t done so already!
Taranae has put together various competitions for members of Ajunta Pall to enjoy, running from today to the 14th. I've included the links for each of them below.
- Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Battle of Endor
I don’t know about you guys, but just the names of these competitions intrigue me. If you’re a member of Ajunta Pall, have at these - you’ve only got so much time!
Welcome Back!
Since the beginning of December, we have seen quite a few members return to our clan from the Rogues. I’ve already seen some of you become active again, participating in events and joining in on our fun conversations on Telegram. It is always a pleasure to welcome back old friends, and we are so pleased to see you become a part of our humble band of merry men again.
Please welcome back Nayc Gai, Kryy Vitaan, Silas Manx, Kalon Tsucyra Entar, and Abaddon Ensoreh!

DB News
So You Wanna Be a Pokémon Combat Master?
After over two years of being Combat Master, it looks like Atra is finally going to take a vacation. You know what that means - we need a new ACC boss, people! The CM position is a huge job, but according to Atra, it’s extremely fulfilling and worthwhile. If you think you have what it takes to be a great Combat Master, click the link below for more details and submit an application.
Fist Report
Combat Master not your cup of tea? How about a gaming job? Dracaryis is looking for two new Magistrates to help out on his staff, and from what I’ve heard, it’s super fun to be a part of his team. You’ve got until the 15th to submit an application!

Awards and Accolades
All right, I know what you’re all thinking: “Ronovi, cut the crap and just get to the shinies already.” Well, I gotta tell ya - since my last report, there have been a lot of them. So before we get to the monstrosity that is the list of awards y’all have received, let’s highlight a few members and their achievements.
First of all, Arden and I were very pleased to be able to recommend various high-level promotions and sacramental awards to members who deserved it. Some of these promotions were a long time coming, and we hope they were worth the wait. Please congratulate the following members:
- Congratulations to Furios Morega di Plagia on his promotion to SITH WARLORD.
- Congratulations to Scudi Ferria (the artist formerly known as Kelly Mendes) on her promotion to REAVER.
- Congratulations to Azmodius Equesinfernum on his promotion to SITH BATTLELORD.
- Congratulations to Gaius Julius Caesar on his promotion to LIEUTENANT COLONEL.
- Congratulations to Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae on her promotion to SITH BATTLELORD.
- Congratulations to Brimstone on his SAPPHIRE BLADE.
In the meantime, I want to give specific shout-outs to two other members of the clan. The first member I want to highlight wowed the judges during the Rite of Supremacy: Meridian with his fictional contributions. Not only did he earn a Gold Nova and a Silver Nova for his writing, but he also received kudos directly from the Voice himself. Everyone please put your hands together for Kul’tak Drol!
The second member I want to highlight has only been here for a month, but he has proven to his summit just how productive and active he is. First of all, he seems to have set off a chain reaction by his flood of passed SA exams, Mavens, Savants, and Sages - I’ve seen a lot of members return to the Shadow Academy because they’ve been inspired by his determination and hard work. Not only that, but he has already received two crescents for his participation in both clan and DB-wide events, and I can tell that if he keeps at it, he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with. Give it up for Journeyman Khryso Mallus!
Obviously, there are a lot more of you who ought to be celebrated, so enjoy the very, very long list below!
Dralin Fortea
- 1 Cluster of Ice
- Bronze Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Team Writing - Objective-Based Team Fiction”
- 3 Seals of Fury
- 4 Clusters of Graphite
- 3 Clusters of Ice
Scudi Ferria
- 17 Seals of Fury
- 39 Clusters of Fire
- 14 Clusters of Graphite
- 6 Clusters of Ice
- 3rd Place: “Gorefest December 2018”
- 26 Clusters of Earth
Kul’tak Drol
- 12 Clusters of Ice
- 17 Clusters of Earth
- 16 Clusters of Fire
- Gold Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Phase I] Fiction/Graphics - Fiction I”
- Silver Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Phase II] Fiction/Graphics - Fiction II”
- 9 Seals of Fury
- 4 Clusters of Graphite
- 2nd Place: “BGL: Heroes of the Storm Final Tournament”
Oric Ral
- Passed Run-On Studies SA exam
- Passed Fiction Studies SA exam
Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
- 12 Clusters of Fire
- 1st Place: “Darth Vader Post-RotS Comic Week 1 (100 Piece)”
- 14 Seals of Fury
- 3rd Place: “Autumn Puzzle Series Week 8”
- 3rd Place: “Autumn Puzzle Series Week 9”
- 12 Clusters of Graphite
- 3rd Place: “Darth Vader Post-RotS Comic Week 2 (100 Piece)”
- 3 Clusters of Ice
- 2nd Place: “(Quarter) Dozen of Games: Christmas Bonus Edition: Round II - Santa's Gift Jump”
- 3rd Place: “Kids These Days”
- Passed Run-On Studies SA exam
- Passed Martial Arts: Form Studies SA exam
- Passed Lightsaber Combat SA exam
- Named Avatar of Strife
- 2nd Place: “(Quarter) Dozen of Games: Christmas Bonus Edition”
- 3rd Place: “Darth Vader Special Holiday Week Comic (50 Piece)”
- 2nd Place: “Darth Vader Special Holiday Week Comic (100 Piece)”
- Passed General Warfare SA exam
Furios Morega di Plagia
- Passed Run-On Studies SA exam
- Passed Fiction Studies SA exam
- Bronze Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Multimedia - Propaganda”
- 16 Seals of Fury
- 12 Clusters of Graphite
- 2 Clusters of Ice
- 6 Pendants of Blood
- 10 Seals of Fury
- 6 Clusters of Graphite
Arden Karn di Plagia
- 11 Clusters of Fire
- Bronze Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Team Writing - Objective-Based Team Fiction”
- 13 Seals of Fury
- 4 Clusters of Graphite
- 6 Clusters of Ice
Khryso Mallus
- Passed Dark Brotherhood Basics SA exam
- Joined Shadow Academy Society
- Passed Essentials 101: History SA exam
- Passed Essentials 102: Departments SA exam
- Passed Essentials 103: Paths & Orders SA exam
- Passed Essentials 104: Ranks SA exam
- Passed Essentials 105: Organization SA exam
- Passed Essentials 106: Medals SA exam
- Dark Pundit - Essentials
- Passed Comms 101: Discourse Forum SA exam
- Passed Comms 102: Telegram SA exam
- Passed Comms 103: DJBWiki (An Introduction) SA exam
- Passed Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches SA exam
- Passed Sith Order Core SA exam
- Passed Loyalist Order Core SA exam
- Passed Gaming 102: Fist-o-matic SA exam
- Passed Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity SA exam
- Passed Graphics in the Brotherhood SA exam
- Passed Vendetta 101: Foundation SA exam
- Passed Vendetta 102: Submission SA exam
- Passed Vendetta 103: Fiction and Graphics Tips SA exam
- Dark Pundit - Vendetta
- Passed Character Sheets 101: Introduction SA exam
- Passed Mercenary Order Core SA exam
- Passed Jedi Order Core SA exam
- Passed Gray Jedi Order Core SA exam
- Passed GMRG History SA exam
- Joined Grand Master’s Royal Guard
- Passed Inquisitorius History SA exam
- Passed Shroud Syndicate Initiation SA exam
- Joined Shroud Syndicate
- Passed ACC Combat Studies SA exam
- Passed Writing Studies SA exam
- Passed Grammar Studies SA exam
- Joined Inquisitorius
- Passed Dark Brotherhood History 101 SA exam
- Passed Dark Brotherhood History 102 SA exam
- Passed Galactic Languages SA exam
- Passed Philosophy I: Views of the Force SA exam
- Passed Races and Species SA exam
- Passed Alchemy Studies SA exam
- Dark Maven - Lore
- Passed Philosophy II: Cults of the Force SA exam
- Dark Maven - Philosophy
- Passed Regions of the Galaxy SA exam
- Passed Planets and Moons SA exam
- Passed Galactic History 101 - The Era of the Old Republic SA exam
- Passed Galactic History 102 - Twilight of the Galactic Republic SA exam
- Passed Galactic History 103 - Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire SA exam
- Passed Galactic History 104 - Ascendance of the First Order SA exam
- Dark Maven - Galactic History
- Dark Savant - History and Lore
- Passed Legends Galactic History 101: Formation of the Galaxy SA exam
- Passed Consular Legends SA exam
- Passed Legends Galactic History 102: Origins of the Jedi Order SA exam
- Passed Wiki Basics SA exam
- 3rd Place: “Sithmas Search”
- Passed Guardian Legends SA exam
- Passed Legends Galactic History 103: The Ascension of the Sith Empire SA exam
- Passed Legends Galactic History 104: The Great Sith War SA exam
- Passed Sentinel Legends SA exam
- Passed Krath Legends SA exam
- Passed Obelisk Legends SA exam
- Passed Sith Legends SA exam
- Dark Maven - Legends
- Passed Legends Galactic History 105: Saga of Revan and Malak SA exam
- Dark Maven - Historical Legends
- Passed Legends Galactic History 106: Wars of the Force SA exam
- Passed Legends Galactic History 108: Trials of the New Republic SA exam
- Dark Savant - Legends
- Dark Sage - History and Lore
- 3rd Place: “(Quarter) Dozen of Games: Christmas Bonus Edition: Round III - Merry Christmas”
Elderran aka Kotel’derra’nura
- Passed Shroud Syndicate Initiation SA exam
- Joined Shroud Syndicate
- 2nd Place: “Capture the Music”
Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
- 3rd Place: “Darth Vader Post-RotS Comic Week 1 (50 piece)”
- 1st Place: “Capture the Music”
- 12 Seals of Fury
- 14 Clusters of Graphite
- 5 Clusters of Ice
- Passed Shroud Syndicate Initiation SA exam
- Joined Shroud Syndicate
- Passed Inquisitorius History SA exam
- Passed Alchemy Studies SA exam
- 3rd Place: “(Quarter) Dozen of Games: Christmas Bonus Edition”
- 2nd Place: “Holiday Haiku”
Ronovi Tavisaen
- Silver Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Phase III] Miscellaneous - Knowledge is Power II”
- Bronze Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Team Writing - Objective-Based Team Fiction”
- 16 Seals of Fury
- 8 Clusters of Graphite
- 12 Clusters of Ice
- Passed Comms 101: Discourse Forum SA exam
- Passed Comms 102: Telegram SA exam
- Passed Comms 103: DJBWiki (An Introduction) SA exam
- Passed Mercenary Order Core SA exam
- Passed Loyalist Order Core SA exam
- Passed Jedi Order Core SA exam
- Passed Gray Jedi Order Core SA exam
- Passed Sith Order Core SA exam
- Passed GMRG History SA exam
- Joined the GMRG
- Passed Inquisitorius History SA exam
- Passed Character Sheets 101 SA exam
- 1st Place: “Know Your Years”
- 2nd Place: “2048 - Less clickin' more thinkin'”
- 1st Place: “Holiday Haiku”
Azmodius Equesinfernum
- Bronze Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Multimedia - Propaganda”
- 4 Seals of Fury
- 8 Clusters of Graphite
Gaius Julius Caesar
- Bronze Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Phase II] Miscellaneous - Hunt the Collective”
- 12 Seals of Fury
- 5 Clusters of Ice
- 2nd Place: “Sithmas Search”
- 2nd Place: “Know Your Place”
TuQ’uan Varick
- Bronze Nova: “[RoS: Meridian Event Long] Team Writing - Objective-Based Team Fiction”
- 15 Seals of Fury
- 1 Cluster of Fire
- 14 Clusters of Graphite
- 6 Clusters of Ice
Taranae Rhode
- 10 Seals of Fury
- 14 Clusters of Graphite
- 4 Clusters of Earth
- 1 Cluster of Ice
- 2 Seals of Fury
- Passed Sith Legends SA exam
- Passed Obelisk Legends SA exam
- Passed Krath Legends SA exam
- Dark Maven - Legends
- Dark Savant - Legends
- Dark Sage - History and Lore
Laren Uscot
- 5 Seals of Fury
- 4 Clusters of Graphite
- 7 Clusters of Ice
- 5 Seals of Fury
- 4 Clusters of Graphite
- 2 Clusters of Ice
Corvin Rootai
Nayc Gai
- Passed Sith Order Core SA exam
- Passed Inquisitorius History SA exam
- Passed Character Sheets 101: Introduction SA exam
- Passed Loyalist Order Core SA exam
- Joined the Inquisitorius
Abadeer Taasii
- 2 Clusters of Graphite
- 1 Cluster of Ice
Kryy Vitaan
- 1st Place: Sithmas Search
Silas Manx
- Dark Savant - Legends
- Dark Sage - History and Lore
- Passed Comms 102: Telegram SA exam
Sarai Andromeda
- Passed Loyalist Order Core SA exam
- Passed Jedi Order Core SA exam
- Passed Gray Jedi Order Core SA exam
- Passed Sith Order Core SA exam
- Passed GMRG History SA exam
- Joined the GMRG
- Passed Shroud Syndicate Initiation SA exam
- Joined the Shroud Syndicate
- Passed Inquisitorius History SA exam
- Joined the Inquisitorius

In Closing
Phew - that was a lot of information to digest. I normally don’t do a tl;dr, but I feel like I owe it to all of you.
- Nightmare Before Sithmas Results
- New Year’s competitions to enjoy (links provided)
- Congrats to Taranae and Dralin on Ajunta Pall summit positions; seven HAP competitions to enjoy (links provided)
- Welcome back to members who have transferred back in!
- Atra steps down; Combat Master position open
- New Fist report; two Magistrate positions open (applications due 1/15)
- Lots of shinies and promotions for Plagueis!
Job well done this past month or so, Clan Plaguies. You make Wrathovi proud.
‘Til next report, everyone!
looky looky, shiny shiny everywhere.
Good report, though lacks aquatic mammals.
AWESOME Report Wrathovie!!! All the shinies :)