Hello there fellow Plagueians. If you missed this announcement you may be confused as to why I’m doing another report this month and this one is using all the fancy PCON graphics. Well, put simply, I’m the new PCON with all that entails. I’d like to start by thanking TuQ for his service over the years and I hope he enjoys the other side of things. That said, I would also like to thank Ronovi for giving me this opportunity, Plagueis has had a number of amazing Proconsuls over the years regardless of if they became Consul themselves and I hope that someday I may be considered among them.
As many people, including myself, have mentioned, Plagueis had the second-highest participation rate in the last GJW. We came 5th. So obviously there’s a disparity based on the value of placements and this is something we’ll be continuously looking to develop so that we can climb higher in the standings and be a serious threat to any clan hoping to become or remain First Clan. If you have ideas on how we could do this, I’d be interested in hearing them and if it’s something we end up using you’ll be sure to be acknowledged for your efforts. Finally, there’s the Post-War survey for you to be able to give the DC your feedback on the war, where you think they may have done well and where they could improve for next time. I know I had some strong opinions on certain areas of the war and I was glad to be able to express those and hope you guys provide feedback too.
The 4th Probowl rages on, with all still to play for. We are in the third and final week of competitions, hosted by CNS’ Sanguinius. As a reminder, this is a light-hearted event meant to provide fun for you guys in the aftermath of the war. We’ve continued the jersey tradition and you can see on Telegram that many Plagueians, Sadowans and Taldryanites have replaced their usual avatars with their jersey to really get into the co-operative spirit of the event. There are only a few days left, so get your Probowl while you can. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Finally, please remember that the event is meant to be enjoyed, please don't feel like you HAVE to do everything. And as always, if you have feedback to give, I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say.
These are just some of the competiions on offer, for a full list, see the competition page.
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Ronovi’s latest [Consul report.]https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/news/reports-plagueis-consul-report-8-10-2020)
Tahiri posts a Rollmaster report.
Idris posts a [Voice report ]https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/news/reports-voice-report-6-the-one-with-post-war-commentary-and-new-species) including the announcement of two new available species.
Justinios posts a FIST report including the announcement of wiki changes to Hearthstone to make things easier to understand among other things.
Friend of the clan Erin became a Daughter of Taldryan.
DarkHawk of Team TEDTalk fame publishes a CNS Proconsul report.
Ask The Wrath
To celebrate this being my first Proconsul report I thought I’d do a good ol’ Q&A segment. Without further adieu, here are the questions I’ve received.
Tahiri asked a few questions.
Liandry is quite pleased with her quick ascent through the ranks of Plagueis due to the power and influence it gives her.
She knows that the Sith don’t always place nice or fair, so there’s a bit of concern about that, but she grew up in organised crime so she knows how to handle herself.
Julius acted like a traitor and was dealt with like a traitor
Tahiri will soon have an open invitation to the Euphoria.
Liandry has a Dalgo that I’ve yet to fully customise and to address the latter point, Liandry doesn’t keep assets outside of the professional capacity in which they are assigned to her.
Ronovi asks a couple of questions
Ronovi sees Ronovi as a strong, powerful, decisive woman. She hasn’t been around Plagueis long enough to be poisoned against her. If anything, Liandry knows that her fate is entwined with Ronovi’s for the time being, potentially in more ways than one. wink wink nudge nudge
Sounds like a good time waiting to happen.
I can neither confirm nor deny the appropriation of any personal effects left behind by Mr Varick at this time.
I’m going to go with pancakes, I’ve never really had non-potato waffles so I can’t choose something I haven’t tried.
My first wish would be to find out which 2 wishes have the least negative effects for me personally, and then I’d spend those two wishes accordingly.
That’s all from The Pinnacle for this month, though I’d like to once more stress that I’m here for you guys if you need anything at all, club-related or just on a personal level. Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Your next dose of report goodness comes to you from Ronovi. This has been your monthly Proconsul report, see you when I see you.
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Awesome report Liandry!!! Woot!
Glad to have you as my second!