OK, let me get this out of my system up front so I can properly focus on my report. In around 8 hours I will be boarding a plane to Atlanta that will meet up with another plane to take me to somewhere in Indiana for what some call the “Best Four Days in Gaming”. Everyone else calls it GenCon and this year is the 50th one. If it’s not clear, I’m preoccupied by it, stoked out of my gourd, and just all kinds of excited to go spend the next few days with 70,000 other nerds. Oh, I’m also pretty giddy for the release of a new roleplaying game by a certain company I have some affiliation with. That game is called Starfinder and yes, it has Goblins, in space. Enough said.
Anyway, back to the report. While it’s slightly longer than four days, we also have a super exciting collaborative event with our friends over in Taldryan that’s in it’s preview phase now.
For those who weren’t around for the last one of these we did in Plagueis, this probably the most interesting and fun competition format we’ve ever done, and this time, we get to share it with another clan! While the event may be named after a certain professional sportsball league’s somewhat less-than-exciting all-star game, this event is not just for the elite. In fact, the format heavily rewards participation. So this an event where the lowliest journeyman can be as impactful as the most crotchety elder if they Do All The Things(tm)! I know I’ve made this point before, but big events like these can be great boons for our journeyman making their ways up the ranks. Not only is there a density of events you’re rarely going to see otherwise, events like this tend to breed merit awards for those who are successful in them. So do things, get shinys, get promoted.
You can get all the details on the event HERE. And don’t forget, there is a quick and easy event going on right now. You hyped yet? No? Well, perhaps a visit from a friend of mine will help!
Wanted throw a quick mention about our master-student program, particularly because I’m looking for new candidates to mentor our current and future journeymen. While I have plenty of interested and able folks in the summit, I’m looking to branch out a bit and see who might be willing and able to take on the mantle outside the summit. So if you’re interested, please give me a buzz. Before you ask, I make assignments based on who I think would be a good fit for a journeyman, not in any sort of seniority system or anything like that. The two biggest factors are aligned interests and, where possible, similar availability times. Also, if you’re a journeyman and are looking for a master, please bug me until I give you one.
And now, to the Taskmaster!
Heya fellow Plagueinites?.... Plaguerians?.... Plags!! Welcome to my first little Taskmaster report section thingy (and yes that's the proper term for it)! For those of you who are unaware, about 3 weeks ago I was taken by surprise when I was asked to take over the roll of Battleteam Leader in the Circle, I was told to take some time to consider the offer and I did just that, 5 minutes later it was official. Just to give you a little bit of background on me, I joined the Brotherhood back at the beginning of May at the behest of a certain Pantoran named Laren. Since joining I hit the ground running and have barely had time to take a break, jumping into as many competitions and SA courses as I could.
Over the past few months I have been welcomed by all my fellow clanmates and received some invaluable guidance, it is my hope and goal that I can offer guidance to our new members and make them feel as welcome as I was. Since I've taken on my roll here we haven't seen any promotions in the Circle, however I know there are a few members working hard towards their next promotion and doing a great job at that! Speaking of I'd like to give a shout out to the Circles’ very own Lieutenant Buio for successfully running his first competition “Anticipation Station, Rhythm Nation”, congratulations and great job!
I'd like to close out my little section here with a bit of advice applicable to new and veteran members. Remember the main goal here is to have fun, take your time and enjoy what you are doing. We will always encourage you to do as much as you can but if you don't enjoy something, we can't (and won't) force you to do it. Go out, try new things, and have fun. Who knows, you may find you enjoy something more than you expected.
That's all for me, if you ever have questions or just want to talk, I am always available either through the e-mail on my dossier or on Telegram. Until next time and good luck in the coming Pro Bowl!!
I used to do a musical interlude at the end of my reports, but I’ve kind of gotten away from it. Why? I don’t know, I just found myself going back to the same songs over and over and it got harder to find good ones. Well, in this case, I think there’s a perfect one with the Pro Bowl on. Yes, I know, it takes courage to admit I’m a fan of this particular band, but I’ll own it. You’re an All Star , get your game on, go play (all the things) !
As for the Moment of Zen, we return to Indiana and a certain thing I’m going to. As you might suspect, GenCon’s dealer room is basically a gamer geek’s version of the Mall of America. Seriously, we’re talking just shy of 6 (American) football fields worth of gamery goodness. Naturally, there are some people that just have to have “that thing” and are willing to pile in early just to get it. When you get enough, you get this: The Running of the Nerds.
Keep it evil mes amigos.
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Sweet report! Can confirm, Arden prioritizes a good fit when looking for master/student pairs, no matter how hard, long, or violently you bug him :P.
Congrats TuQ'uan on your first little Taskmaster report section thingy (terminology confirmed)! Hope the Taskmaster office doesn't smell weird (trust me , you don't want to know what I was doing in there)!
i want a student.....i can teach him/her like how to kill mercs and choke stuffed teddy bears