Hello Clan Plagueis! It’s that time of the month again, so welcome to my second Rollmaster Report! My apologies for being late in getting this out, RL has me absolutely slammed at the moment.
We’ve capped off an extremely busy month. The feud is over, and I know you are all eagerly awaiting the results. As much as I’d like to tell you when they’re coming out, I honestly have no clue. There were a lot of events to grade, and I know the two Clan Summits are doing their due diligence with Mav to make sure that everything is properly graded. Be patient. We’ll know who the big winner is soon enough!
With the feud over, we’re looking at ways to keep everyone occupied until the Plagueis Pro-Bowl event that Teylas mentioned in his report. This event will be run by the two Quaestors, with me serving as the Overseer (see what I did there) of the event. What makes this unique, is that this event will pit Consul against Proconsul: Teylas and Slags will pick their teams in a sort of draft. Expect more on this as we iron out the details.
The GM recently pushed out his Exodus report, and seals of loyalty were awarded to lots of deserving members. Congratulations to the two Plagueis recipients, Ra'gnar and Kelly !!
The Quaestors and Aediles are currently throwing together some competitions to keep things going. Also, the run-on is starting back up soon. Kalon and Eiko are going to keep this thing going. So get on, reserve a post, and go have some fun.
The team is set for the time being, so let’s get to it!
Summer is generally a time where we see a few new people join our ranks. As I have said before, our members are what make this club great, and whether new or old, all are welcome in Clan Plagueis! Here’s a list of those who joined our ranks over the past 30 days:
Dark Synister, Disciples of Dreypa, House Ajunta Pall.
Syrak, Disciples of Dreypa, House Ajunta Pall.
One of the unique things about Clan Plagueis is how we utilize our Battle Teams. The Battle Teams serve as an extension of the Rollmaster office, with the primary goal of guiding their members to the rank of Knight. Additionally, they assist their House Summits with tracking activity, recommending awards and promotions, and leading Battleteam and House level competitions. I am fortunate to have two outstanding members serving as Battle Team leaders, with Ra’gnar holding down the fort over in the Apostles of Syn, and Malice taking on the responsibility for the Disciples of Dreypa. This portion of the report allows them to highlight their respective teams, and to recognize any of their outstanding members!
Greetings BTM of AoS,
This month was another active month with plenty of Promotions, Ranks gained in the different Societies and plenty of SA activity squeezed in the middle. As we wait on the results from the feud with COU, I want to thank each of you for your participation, whether you did one event or all of them your participation helped. As we move forwards post feud, just keep doing what you are doing.
Remember now that the feud is over the Clan RO is back on, if you want to be part of don't forget to save your place and when who ever in front of you post that’s when you’re on the clock.
I'm pleased to announce that I have been in this position for long enough to actually write a real report this time that's not all about me! I want to thank the summit for being patient as I found my way around this new job, and have helped me get the hang of it!
We've had a promotion since my last report, that that belonged to Alishu! Shu was promoted to Hunter and is very close now to reaching Knight! Well done, lil 'shu! You’ve almost made it!
Almost everyone else is well over half way to whatever promotion they have next, so I'm very excited to be able to congratulate those individuals when they make it! Keep pushing forward!
I've also had the pleasure of welcoming two new members into my BT, and they are Dark Synister and Syrak! Welcome to the team, you two! We're super excited to have you with us, and can't wait to see what you do here and what you bring to the group!
All in all, a much more interesting report than last month! Keep making me proud, Scrubs!
Alishu - Promoted to Hunter
Malice - Promoted to Hunter
A reminder to all you folks still working towards JM3: there are plenty of activities on the competitions page that can help you meet your promotion requirements. Participation credit, crescents, words of fiction, clusters of ice and fire are all great ways for you to knock down those promotion requirement targets. Do stuff you like, and try stuff you don’t think you’re necessarily good at. If you are a gamer, try your hand at a fiction competition. If you are an artist, go play some games.
At the end of the day, the more you do, the faster you clear out those promotion requirements!
So, go do all the things!
This is a bit of a rehash from my last report, but it’s still a valid point:
It goes without saying that many members of the club stagnate at JM4. I can’t stress this enough: once you reach Knighthood (or the associated version of JM4 for you non-force user types), you need to stay active! Doing “stuff” and “things” is not going to be enough anymore. Equites are expected to become producers for the club instead of consumers of activity. Get involved with your House or with the Clan Summit. Organize some competitions. Work on a project that benefits the Clan or the DJB at large.
I’ll put this bluntly: We had more Journeymen than Equites take part in the feud events. We had Equites sign up for events (individual and team) and then simply not do them. I get more messages than I care to mention asking “why haven’t I been promoted yet,” and when I look at the activity log, there’s barely enough activity to justify a pat on the back, let alone a promotion to the next grade.
Time in grade is important (and generally a hard timeline), but you have GOT to do more than a couple of events here and there if you want to get promoted.
At the end of the day, what you do (or don’t do) matters.
I asked, and you guys responded. Once again, it’s “Ask the Overseer time!
Ra’gnar Asks:
Q: When Teylas and Slagar were both out and you were in charge, why didn’t you change the locks on the doors and take over?
A: Three words: Teylas eats brains.
Laren Uscot asks:
Q: Would you prefer an army of B2 droid-sized ewoks or an army of Ewok-sized battle droids?
A: Big bear droids. Like the Ro-Bear Berbils from Thundercats!
Q: Would you prefer real MREs, or Star Wars Rebellion pilot’s rations?
A: Depends on the MRE...if it’s Veggie Omelet, I’d rather eat Yoda’s stew.
Q: Who would win in a battle? Kalon or Eiko?
A: Good question. Maybe it’s time for another Quaestor Fight in the ACC!
Kelly asks:
Q: How annoyed are you about the dominance of pazaak in the feud gaming competitions?
A: I answered this on telegram, but I’ll repost it here: While I don’t like pazaak (massive understatement), I am a big fan of having a platform that allows literally EVERYONE to participate. Cluster races can be extremely lopsided (good luck beating people who play console games, TOR, and stuff like that). So while I personally would rather self-administer thumb screw torture than play pazaak, I fully support PvP gaming as a feud event.
Q: Are you running some crazy experiment on us all on Teylas and Slagar’s orders?
A: An evil genius never reveals his secrets!
Q: What is your bell of choice?
A: Kettlebell. A really big one.
Silent asks:
Q: Iron Man or Captain America?
A: I am 100% Team Iron Man.
Q: Is Jon Snow dead?
A: I guess we’ll find out on April 24th!
Taranae asks
Q: On a scale of Javert to Elsa, how much are you willing to let it go?
A: While I fancy myself more of the Javert type...this gif makes me think I could totally Elsa:
Tra’an Reith di Plagia asks:
Q: Do you endorse Masters fighting their apprentices like Pokemon?
A: Pokemon annoys me. But i’m cool with Gladiator-style arena fights, particularly when done for my amusement.
Q: Do you have more news on what comes next after the feud?
A: See above. Hopefully that clears stuff up a bit.
Q: What’s your favorite anime? You do anime, don’t you?
A: No. So much no.
Malice asks:
Q: If you could learn one language that you don’t already know, what would it be?
A: German: The language of love.
Kul’tak Drol asks:
Q: What was the last good book you read?
A: Just re-read “Black Hearts: One Platoon’s Descent into Madness” by Jim Frederick.
Summer is rapidly approaching, and with that comes good ol’ Army training and of course, vacations. I will be off the net for a few weeks in May, but I’ll have access to telegram and email if anyone needs anything. Keep doing what you are doing, and as always, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you all out.
1) The feud is over. More stuff coming.
2) More new people.
3) The BTLs said stuff
4) More questions from you, more crappy answers from me.
5) Only one .gif this month. I’m a slacker.
Until next time!
Overseer of Clan Plagueis
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Draccy did a raport!
Woo! Great report, Draccles! Elsa FTW!
Thank you for the report
He only used one .gif, but it was the best possible one. I believe in Drac.