Plagueis Rollmaster Report #9 - Seal of Hype


Plagueis Rollmaster Report #9 - Seal of Hype


It’s ON! (in about 6 weeks)

I’d been looking for a way to start this report but thankfully, that just got made way easier.As of today in Mav’s Mini Report, we now have a start date for GJW XII! All this fun we’ve been talking about will start on AUGUST 1. Read the announcement for all the administrative stuff that goes along with it, though the most important one is that if you’re going to run a competition (and, especially to our up and coming journeyman, please do) it needs to end before the 31st of July. As a further note, we should be getting word on the ACC portion of the event in the next week or so. Because of the date being later than we initially expected, we are exploring running a clan thing in interim. More details on that as they become known.

Since I spoke at length about the war itself in my last report (which I encourage all our new comers to look at), I’m going to talk a bit about the ACC. I’ll be honest, I’m not the galaxy’s biggest ACC fan. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t see it as a great thing for the club. For those who are into writing, I think it is amazing way to test your skills in a way that you just don’t get writing your own material. You have to react to what someone else is doing and that can be both a challenge and very eye opening. So, I want to say this to our newer folks. If you haven’t yet, get qualified so that you can participate in the event that is launching. Not only are you contributing to the clan by participating in a GJW event, but I think you’ll learn something from doing so. The ACC is also a great way to get guaranteed feedback on your writing. In the case of the War event, it will also get you a seal. I know you all love seals around here, I’ll introduce you to a new one and he’s as pumped up about this event as I am!


Oh, as a note to everyone, as is the case during all events, please do what you can to get your ACC posts proofread. I’ll be willing to help and I’m sure our fearless leader will as well. Maybe even the Pontiff of Proofreading will bless us all with grammatical assistance. But please, get it done by someone you trust (whom isn’t in your battle :) ). It will likely improve your score and, as a former ACC judge I can say this with authority, it will improve the judges’ mood.

Now off to some blue guy.

Taskmaster’s Corner

Hello, one and all to my special corner. As I write this I am currently eating dinner with TuQ’uan Varick from my phone. If you don't know me, I’m Laren, resident Plagueis NFU extraordinaire (among numerous others) and sometimes person who does other things: writing, some SA work, other fun stuff. This piece is going to be short this time around, however I will leave you with some tidbits of advice, as well as some small tidbits of hype.

Firstly, get involved. As Journeymen, sometimes the club can he daunting. I understand that. However, use me and (to a lesser extent) Arden as your bridge if you're ever nervous or unsure. Truly, we’re here to guide you in all things DB. Apply for open positions, do all the things, and just invest your time into the experience. I know you won't regret it.

And lastly, please always feel free to reach out to me. Use my email on the dossier, reach out on Telegram, however is comfortable. I am here to serve.

Until next time, folks. Adapt. Ascend. Avail.

Ask the Overseer

So I decided to make Arden answer a few of your questions here (for a nominal fee of course).

Seriously, don’t ask me how much. I don’t usually work that cheap.

Andrelious asks, Greetings, fellow Rollmaster. Is it true that failures of the Plagueian regime are subjected to ritual whipping and then electrocuted by your Consul?

First off, I’m an Overseer and she’s a Dread Lord. To answer your question, that’s not punishment, that’s the last step in getting a form 459-Besh: Motor Pool Requisition approved. We prefer more psychological methods of punishing failure. I can’t reveal all our methods, but we do keep a large library of Ithorian Opera and Wookie Poetry in our Corrective Action Department

Silent asks, “What's your favorite take out or dine in food place in the galaxy”

There’s a little Bothan place in Coronet, The Furry Hand. great dewback sandwiches.

Kelly asks, Has Laren's survival instinct lowered the amount of snark he gives you?

I think the number of times I’ve whooped him at the target range helps too.

TuQ’uan asks, ”What is your favourite animal in the galaxy and what pun would you make of it.”

Thank you for calling Terentateknical support, what is your problem?

Kultak asks, If you really are a seer, then what are the winning galactic lottery numbers?

I don’t play the lottery, I play the stock market

Lastly, Furios asks, What would you find hardest to comprehend about a nerdy convention?

What makes you think I go to Dungeons and Dianogas conventions. I only played that one time in college...

Reports and Events


I first wanted to highlight a few ongoing competitions. First off 12 Weeks A Haiku, Season 2 is in it’s closing stages. Not only is it being co-administered by one of my fellow di Plagia, it’s a very good competition format for getting in good participation without a whole ton of efforts. Can you string together 19 syllables in a coherent fashion? Good, you can write haiku. For the graphically minded, there are a bunch of events ending in the next couple days that you can get into. I personally found this event involving abstract art and the various units of the Brotherhood quite interesting.


  • From the Headmaster Laren gets made to wait, Farrin looks for more help, and a bunch of new history courses get featured
  • From the Herald, new stream lined processes for getting pretty things made for you
  • From the Voice new meat for the staff grinder and a bit of a tour of the office
  • From Ajunta Pall and Karness Muur unusual grammar, cool gifs, interviews with Malice, and, yeah, useful information!

Moment of Zen

With all this talk of wars and seals and stuff, there really only seems to be one appropriate way to end this report. Behold, a savage baby seal attack!

Until next time, stay evil mes amis!

Great report! I'm glad to see some tips on the ACC, honestly it's something I know I should check out but it's a little daunting. But seeing how it seems to be pretty big thing for the GJW it's definitely something I'll have to push myself to try. It's better try and find out it's not for me than to never know.

Ithorian Opera? Is that like Vogon poetry? ;)

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