The heat of competition has died down, the participants have dispersed. Yes, The Plagueis Pro Bowl has finally come to an end. The participation in this event was, in a word, stellar. Everyone in the Clan did us all proud and right now everything is being marked, graded, taken down and mucked about with to see who has reigned triumphant. Will it be:
Or will it be,
Results will be in soon™ and we all await them eagerly. Until then, I ask all of you to be patient. The grading will be done as quickly as possible and the winners announced shortly thereafter.
I thank Dracaryis and Kalon for their hard work creating this monumental event. I could never have done something this huge on my own and as a team, we seem to work very well together!
Tanii Bol Already ripping up the SA! Keep it up, Tanii!
Tanii Bol to Proselyte
Arsolimese to Acolyte
Kelly Mendes to Savant
Arsolimese : Crescent With Emerald Star
Laren Uscot : Crescent With Emerald Star
Abadeer Taasii : 3xCrescent With Amethyst Star, Crescent With Diamond Star, Crescent With Ruby Star
Qormus Aquila : Crescent With Amethyst Star
Ra’gnar : 4x Crescent With Ruby Star, Crescent With Sapphire Star
Taranae Rhode : Crescent With Amethyst Star, Crescent With Topaz star, 2xCrescent with Emerald Star
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia : Dark Cross
Tanii Bol : Gaming 101 : Setting Up And Finding Matches, Essentials 1: History, Essentials 2: Departments, Essentials 3: Paths and Orders, Essentials 4: Ranks, Essentails 5: Organization, Essentials 6: Medals, Comms 1: Discourse Forum, Comms 2: Telegram, DJBWiki: An Introduction, Trial of Identity, Dark Pundit: Essentials.
Kelly Mendes : Lightsaber Combat, Martial Arts: Form Studies
Taranae Rhode : Diablo III - Basics
That Wizard Came From The Moon
With the Pro Bowl over and the participation figures being what they are, it’s time to kick back, grab a beer, wine, cider or whatever your poison may be, and rest on your laurels for a short time. We, the Plagueis Leadership are pleased and proud of you all for your entries in the competition. I know it lasted for some time, but we have finally realised that this method works. It gets people taking part, being competitive and enjoying themselves.
We all just hope that you had as much fun taking part as I, Kalon and Dracaryis had presenting this to you. You’re all awesome; we just ask that you keep being that way!
I am, your servant,
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Great report, boss.
The real winner is #TeamPlagueis