Welcome to my first PCON report (and 5th overall since I was last PCON).
In this short report, I will introduce myself to those who don't know me and lay down my thoughts and what I had discussed with Aura concerning COU and our current direction. If you are a COU member, I'd urge you to read it all when you have the time because I will be touching on some important topics.
To those who do not know me, you may call me Vyr. I am the current (and former) Proconsul of Clan Odan-Urr, and former Battleteam leader, and Rollmaster of the Clan. I have also held positions on the DC in the last several years, mainly Herald and Deputy Grand Master. My goal as Proconsul is to motivate the members to maintain a welcoming and friendly environment, to create a story and competitions for all to enjoy, and to foster our values in the whole Club and help our CLub grow.
Usually, I am available on Telegram under the tag @MarinakaVyr or via mail (which you can find on my dossier). Feel free to talk to me at any time. :)
A short section wherein I try to explain our next steps, our current and future direction, events, fictions, and the health of our Clan.
My application for Proconsul was largely based around the fact that Odan-Urr, as the odd one out in the DB, is largely aimless in the grand scheme of things that is the DB fiction plot. Sure, we participate in the large events and we tend to do pretty well, however, we have lost what made us COU - we've lost our main adversary in the DC, and with that, we've stopped being the "Rebel Clan". Who is there to rebel against when your adversary tolerates you?
Luckily there are others we can focus on, but it's not enough just to switch to a new enemy. It's not fulfilling nor is it something the Summit would want to ever do. All of COU's history has been defined by our relationship to the DC. That is why we focus so much on it. It is, in my opinion, time for a change.
What I pitched to Blade in my app was an idea to shift COU's focus from being the "Rebel Clan", i.e. the ones who constantly depend on the DC for our fictional direction, to a Clan which is largely independent of unnecessary outside influence. Grand Masters change often these years, and one GM may not have the same ideas as another as to what to do with COU. If we're constantly "at war" with them, the story becomes mute and uninteresting.
Our (the Summit's) goal is to create a new chapter in COU's story which will redefine who we are and what we represent. Through the stories and events which we will feature in 2020. our goal is to create a COU which can stand on its own two feet while also preserving our original values that made us so unique in the Club.
The goal we (the Summit) have set for ourselves is no small task and it will require coordination and cooperation to bring the members a more cohesive story going forward. For this purpose, I have proposed, and Aura has approved, a small team to cooperate, brainstorm and proofread official Clan, House, and Battleteam fictions in an effort to create a more unified front in terms of where our story is going.
With Aura's approval, we have already started working on several events and fictions that will come into play in the next several months. We will move gradually towards this goal, and we will keep you guys up to date with what's going on through our reports.
The Seven pillars event is an upcoming set of competitions that are slated to start in January and run for two or three weeks. They will largely be focused on the Velastari temple, its origins and the secrets that the Kiast system holds for COU. IT will be a long term event (meaning multiple phases) so stay tuned! :)
Aura already posted, but for those who have not seen the teaser, click the image below:
What I also pitched to Aura in my PCON application is a new way to maintain our wiki pages. The new plan would involve only ever (officially) updating the three main pages:
The idea is for our current Clan wiki page to become a hub of knowledge where members can easily find what they are looking for in an organized, encyclopedic fashion. The history and system pages are equally as important and require attention because they are the most used pages by any member and the data on them must be regularly updated or become a hindrance to our progress.
Having just these three wiki pages and updating them on a regular basis will help members learn about their Clan in an easier fashion and open avenues for new knowledge and information to be acquired.
Work on the Kiast system and the main Clan page has already started, and work on the history page will start very soon (in 2020.)
I will keep you up to date on the progress of each in my future reports.
Certainly, my favorite story from Star Wars is Luke's story in the original trilogy. It, with some help from the newest TLJ Luke story, gave me a lot of insight on how the Jedi should act and it influences my writing of Vorsa and, hopefully, it can help with future Clan content as well.
Vorsa has grown from where she was several years ago. gone is the somewhat impulsive and war-focused General, replaced by a peacekeeper and pacifist (I actually don't have a good word for her at this point, so let's stick to "she abhors violence"). Her machinations with Morgan (part of my original Herald story) are also a thing of the past. She is now focused on the Force and its guidance most of all.
Vorsa has been on the top of the Or’ena mountain for several years now, after Pravus' left and Morgan became Deputy Grand Master, keeping to herself and out of sight: She had inhabited the Velastari temple in her tree form and communed with the Force through the nexus found there. (She also kinda has a Krayt dragon up there to scare off would-be scavengers, but she's generally a sweetheart, I swear)
That is all for now. I hope you all read the report and have more questions for me next time.
May the Force be with you.
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Great report. Much Hello there. :)
I'm hyped and I don't even go here
Nice report and great ideas!