Greetings to all of you, and welcome to the first report from your new Quaestor-Aedile team! There’s plenty to get through, so sit back and enjoy! I’ll kick it off with an abridged final week fiction from Operation: Figureheads, as the full shebang is already in the Galeres report.
The fighting simply stopped. The Shadow Lord had returned, and there was something different about him. “That’s enough,” Marick called out, his voice ringing through the silent chamber. “Captain Bly, bar the throne room doors. Have the guard cripple anyone who tries to leave.
“Yes, sir,” Captain Bly snapped.
Marick rose slowly from the throne and stood next to Valtiere, the man he had trusted the legacy of Qel-Droma with. He placed a hand on his shoulder and looked out at the room, taking in the entire scene and committing it to memory. He would never forget it.
Silence began to fill the throne room as the members of Arcona noticed the presence of their Consul. Cethgus was last to disengage from his opponent, their sabers clashed with neither one giving ground. Pulling himself away, he allowed a few Arconans to get in between them before spitting on the ground in front of Andrelious, showing his clear disregard for the Rollmaster as he headed towards the steps.
It seemed that the mere presence of the Consul had extinguished the lust for conflict. As Cethgus stepped on the bottom step, his eyes glanced towards Marick, and he allowed a slight nod as he walked to take his place flanking the Adept. Like Valtiere, the Consul’s hand came up and rested on the shoulder of the Quaestor as he walked past. “Some of you showed your true colors in my absence,” the Shadow Lord observed curtly, voice like far-off thunder, more felt than heard, shaking bones to the marrow. He did not speak loudly, yet commanded the room. “Indeed, it would seem that some of those in this room have no loyalty,” a voice rang from behind one of the chamber’s pillars, out of sight. The crowd whispered and huddled closer together despite the blood they had just been spilling.
“Yet here we are, at this conclusion,” another voice came from the other corner of the room. Heads began to turn as they tried to pick out where the voices were coming from.
“Indeed, it seems that people can turn on their brothers under conditions as simple as you being absent, Marick.”
“What is their fate?”
“Do they deserve to live, or shall it be simple execution?”
“It seems that you have a choice to make, Marick. They fought against everything they stood for, and why? To be on a winning side, maybe?” It was Cethgus who spoke this time as the voices around the room trialed off, words lingering on the air like a sickness.
“We should punish them for what they did! The lives of traitors should be forfeit." Valtiere stepped forward and looked at the cramped group in the middle of the room, waves of confusion and mingled anger and fear washing from them. Those that had supported the Quaestors were standing in silence, while the others looked around for the support of the Arconae only to find it dead and gone.
From behind the pillars, silhouetted by blue flame, fully robed figures stepped forth, sabers drawn and ready to be ignited, ready to kill if it was required. From nearby of the Quaestors more ghosted forward, leaving a total of six hooded figures flanking the group.
The Arconae. The hidden. The advisors of the Clan, orchestrators of this grand deception.
“Enough,” Marick's voice echoed once more, keeping the tensions at bay with the single word. Mumbling came around the room. Finally, it was Andrelious who stepped forward from the group. He looked at his leaders, his eyes darting up to the Iridonian who merely stared blankly back at the Human. The ghost of a smile shivered across the Quaestor’s face.
"What is the meaning of this?!" the Sith barked, incensed enough to forget proper form. Valtiere looked down at the stocky Imperial, distaste etched in his features.
"You were tested, and found wanting," he replied, bluntly, coldly.
"They all think themselves loyal to Arcona. But to whom are they truly loyal?" the hooded figures asked as one, a lightness somehow touching their heavy tone.
Realization seeped through the audience, taking hold in different ways. Some sneered in anger while others cried out, having seen too much ripped apart for it all to be some test at the whims of the Arconae.
“People have died!” a voice yelled, disbelief rampant in their tone.
“The weak died,” replied one hooded figure coldly.
Individuals from both sides began to call out, united in their disbelief. Marick rose from the Throne. The roiling sea of confusion and indignation died against the united front the Summit presented, becoming impotent silence before the Clan’s leadership.
“We are Arcona. We must be united on one front. This was a test to see how well united we were,” he paused, eyes raking over the crowd, illustrating his point without words. How easily they had been put at each others’ throats. How simply had they spilled the blood of their brethren.
“The One Sith will exploit any weakness. They will use subterfuge. If they can make us turn on ourselves, they can beat us without having to commit a single soldier. We must be bound as one. Arcona is made great through all our work, not simply of the few who lead.” The last words were spat out, icy cold shards cutting through the room. “Open the doors. Get them out of my sight, Captain.” Marick sat ramrod-straight in his seat, sharply gesturing a hand to the man stood at rest beside the colossal doors.
There’s been a load of stuff going on in the Brotherhood this month, activity from every corner! Sarin is the new Deputy Grand Master, and has released his first report, so everyone congratulate him on his new role, and have a look at his plans. Odan-Urr are in need of a new Aedile. Do you think you’re up to the task? Shoot them an application if you think you’d fit the bill. Shad is the new wiki tribune. The Herald has a new report out. THe Grand Master has another report out. It’s time for the final round of the Fading Light ACC tourney. Our own Tim has managed to battle his way to the tippy-top, the only thing standing between him and Bergeren is Shad. Let’s all support Tim, give them hell!
Well, Operation: FIGUREHEAD is over, and was a great success all around. thirty participants all across Arcona, and I want to congratulate everyone that took part. I hope you all enjoyed participating as much as I did writing and grading.
Our BTL’s have reports out, so make sure to check out what’s going on in Apex Brigade and Arete at the moment.
We have a new Rollmaster as well, everyone congratulate Sight on his new posting and first report!
Wally has released his Consul report, detailing all the changes we’ve undergone and his plans for the future of the crusade. Make sure to give it a going-over.
As recognition for their great work in operation: Figureheads, Celevon, Ernordeth and Kooki have been granted membership of the Nexum. Congratulations to you guys.
Finally, we have a new Aedile in the form of Turel Sorenn, formerly of House Odan-Urr. I’m really excited for this new addition to the Qel-Droma family. Already he’s been immersing himself in our lore, and bouncing out ideas to me for stuff we can do. Make sure to all welcome him to the fold, make him feel welcome.
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Alaris Jinn
Nikola Valtiere
Ernodeth Peur-Irae
Celevon Endraven
Kanis Da'uul
Turel Sorenn
Kookimarissia Mimosa
Adam Bolera
Congratulations to you all! Keep it up.
We've also had promos in Qel-Droma, so, without further ado:
Congratulations to you all, keep reaching for the top!
Kanis Da’uul
Wow! Just over a week ago I was “token lightie” Jedi Knight hanging out in #arcona and playing D3 with the cool kids. Now I’m full blown Obbie and sitting in the Aedile chair, it almost doesn’t seem real. The roster of past AED and QUAs of House Qel-Droma is humbling. This house has a long history of excellence and I am beyond honored that the Arcona summit has trusted me to help guide its future.
That’s enough gushing for now. It’s time to get to work and I work for you, the members of House Qel-Droma. I will make the rounds throughout the month to try to get to know each of you but please don’t hesitate to hit me up on IRC, email, whatsapp or google hangouts. Questions, comments, concerns, random fact, whatever, I’m here for you.
Here are my current top three:
Taking care of members - This is a club for fun, but nothing will deflate morale faster than people not getting what they deserve. That’s why my first priority is going through the house with a fine toothed comb for awards and promos then making them happen.
Content creation - Creating engaging stories and fun events is why I got into leadership. Look for project announcements soon, especially for all you wiki ninjas out there.
Fostering House pride - Pride in one’s unit drives one to excel, it’s helped make Arcona successful over the years. #tigerblood.
I hope you all have enjoyed yourselves this month. Off the back of Figureheads, Myself, Turel and the BTL’s are working on a Run-on for HQD we hope will knock your socks off. It’s been a big month of change for everyone, so let’s get to doing what we all do best: Having a swell spot of fun.
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Great report! Check all them awards!
OMG so many competitions!! I want 'em all! Good work guys, love the new summit.
Greatr report! Smell that Qel-Droma aroma
WOOO Stuff about things wrapped in a lovely informative report. Turel welcome looking forward to working with you, and Valt the same goes with you :) so much win
Love the layout of this. Easy and quick to read :D Perfect for me. Ooh a shiny for moi :DD Happy days!!