Qel-Droma Report - Jan 2015


Qel-Droma Report - Jan 2015



Greetings Qel-Dromans, fellow Arconans and on-lookers from other units. Welcome to the House Qel-Droma January report. No fiction this month because the report is hefty enough this month as is (there’s a TL;DR section at the end) also:


Well that’s enough nightmare fuel for one day so without further ado, here is the news. Compiled for your reading convenience.


Brotherhood/Clan News

  • Wally put out a report with everything you wanted to know about the GJW but were afraid to ask. Also, WE ARE WAR!

  • Val updated the approved JA servers list and requirements for the GJW.

  • Orv put a spotlight on the Obelisk Order.

  • Archangel stepped down from P:FIST and got a nice, shiny, stabby thing for his years of service. HQD’s very own Ernor is now the P:FIST. I, for one, welcome our new FISTy overlord and would happily serve as his CF-approving and comp creating minion. cough cough

  • No Clouse to Clouse transfers per the (traitorious) MAA until 10 Feburary. Apparently there’s a war going on or something. Intra-Clan transfers and return trips from the rogues are still allowed.

  • That traitor Bubba, who also happens to be my boss, put out a report detailing upcoming projects at the Shadow Academy and some changes to the Dark Savant - Programming degree.

  • The FIST office made a number of changes to the CF tables for SWTOR and Destiny, PVP scores for Pazaak and a Rites of Combat update for Diablo 3 (more on that later).

  • Muz put out a report where he detailed ongoing projects, answered some questions and revealed his 21k of unopened email. Clan powers are making a comeback soon and I’m personally stoked for the new lightsaber guide so I can finally retire those old courses.

  • Sarin put out some really great fiction to lead into the GJW. I won’t spoiler anything, so go read the updates for yourself. Well, I will say that a member of the Dark Council got the George R.R. Martin treatment.

  • The Herald staff (which includes Qel-Droma’s very own Socks and Rhiann) made the holiday season extra special with lots of goodies for Herald Style Hanukkah. Without further ado Herald Style Hanukkah:

  1. Day 1: Proteus Saber, Vibrosword and Dagger. n00bs need love too!
  2. Day 2: Lineage Saber and Saber Staff. For the Art Decco enthusiast in your life.
  3. Day 3: Fierce armor and Secher saber . No Neti (or Groot) were harmed in the making of the Secher saber.
  4. Day 4: Secher Male and Female robes. The spice must flow!
  5. Day 5: Ventilator and Entwine sabers. Purple ALL THE THINGS!
  6. Day 6: Intrigue Formalwear and Shaak Ti robes, for those days when your character just wants to feel pretty.
  7. Day 7: Noble Male and Female Robes. Teal is so hot right now! It’s what all the cool kids are wearing.
  8. Day 8: Arcane and Sleeper Sabers. Because you know there’s someone out there who’s dying to test out that Episode VII saber in the ACC.

House News

  • Shadow Gate Reborn! - In case you missed the first announcement the Shadow Gate battle team has been reborn under the leadership of DJK Skar and our newly minted DJK Revs. My next fiction update will focus on Shadow Gate and their new mission to subdue the underworld of Port Ol’val. Good times.

  • Operation: Resurgance, a fun mess - A special shout out to anyone who participated in the clan RO. Last count we had 52 posts of I don’t know how many words. Placements and CIs will come out after the war (when Wally has enough booze on hand to slog through it all). It was fun and good practice for the GJW ROs

  • I've updated the HQD mailer and I'm bringing it back into full use for the war. What does that mean? The House mailer is there, use it. I know not everyone is on IRC so I'll do small announcements on it that don't make the clan wide cut. But also there are no restrictions or posting thresholds on the House mailer (so long as you stay out of Oberst territory). Being Social on the mailer is encouraged. We are, after all a community. So go nuts! Spread the hype. (But please be adults). Just email [Log in to view e-mail addresses] to get started. I can also help if you want to reduce the amount of mail to your inbox from the google group.


“War, war never changes” (GJW XI)

As I’m sure you are aware, Great Jedi War XI is upon us. That magical time that only comes every few years where heroes are born, legends are forged and the pretender Clouses go home crying. If you haven’t already make sure to check out Wally’s great report, it has all the vitamins and minerals a growing Dark Jedi needs and contains more details on the GJW than I’m covering here. If you take nothing else from Wally’s report remember that Every single submission matters. So here are the events:


Round I Round II Group Events
10 Jan-23 Jan -- -- 26 Jan-09 Feb -- -- 10 Jan-09 Feb
Fiction Fiction Run-On
Gaming Gaming Battleplan
Graphics Graphics Multimedia
Puzzle Puzzle ---


Aside from DO ALL THE THINGS™ I would like to add that War is not an individual sport nor is it a spectator sport. We have our (percieved) heavy hitters and the enemy certain has theirs but that is no reason to sit out. Think of any elite military unit in the world and how they function. Do they send Rambos headlong into the enemy to destroy everything solo? Nope. Wars aren’t won by individuals they are won by units.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17

Arcona has the deepest bench of talent in the Brotherhood and we gain strength from each other. Whether we are grouped together for team events or not, Arcona is one team. The War effort goes beyond the entries, it’s the encouragement you give to a struggling friend, taking the time to proof someone’s work, bounce ideas or just spread the WAR hype. Real life always comes first, but even if you’re here in a support role you are part of the war effort. The true strength of Arcona lies not in a small group of crusty veterans but in the unity of the whole, from our newest journeymen to our honored elders. That is why we are the true first clan of the Brotherhood.

And let there be no doubt, we are the first clan, believe it in your very being. All that remains is put the scores on the board to make it official. The war is yours for the taking, now get out there and remind all the other Clouses why men fear the Shadow.

“An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, and fights as a team. This individual hero stuff is bullshit.” - General George S. Patton

  1. Trademark Happy Panda LLC


Competition Ethics and You

Now that you’re all pumped for the war let me take a moment to get serious and talk about ethics. Yes, ethics, even in an internet club. When things get super competitive there is a temptation to exploit loopholes in the rules or live in the grey areas. Gaming is a huge draw for this type of temptation. So, let me tell you a little anecdote:

As I previously highlighted there was some changes to the Rites of Combat for Diablo 3. I won’t get into details or discuss the case itself and whether or not the letter of the law was broken. All that is beyond my purview and irrelevant to the point I’m making. I was one of the gamers involved in the conduct that led to the rule change. Again, not discussing the facts or the legal issues presented. I bring this incident up to highlight my personal lapse in ethical judgment which I hope can serve as a warning.

I was presented with a choice, participate in something I knew went against the spirit of the law (even if it wasn’t forbidden by the strict letter of the law) in an attempt to remain competitive or stop and get a clarification. Or at the very least, refuse to participate. I chose the former, choosing to dance in the grey area as a way to stay ahead when I knew better. I knew better. In doing so I failed you all. I failed everyone in my House, my clan and every gamer in the Brotherhood. I made a mistake and I’m man enough to own up to it and take my medicine.

You know if something is shady. There doesn’t have to be an explicit rule against something for it to be unethical or a dick move. Match doding, encouraging others to match dodge, in-game exploits. You know shady when you see it. So if you’re presented with a choice to bend the rules, DON’T. Not out of fear of punishment, because absent the right proof or clarity in the rules you may never receive official punishment or disqualification. You will however, most certainly lose standing in the community and in the eyes of your peers. A reputation for shadiness is far worse than anything the Justicar can dish out.

So do your damndest to win, but do so with honor and your head held high. If you have any question or any doubt, stop and ask for clarification. Ask a summit member, ask the sponsoring DC’er.



So many shinies this month. I am so proud of your guys and gals. Keep it up! I hope to add some Novae in my next report.

OPM Alaris Jinn

  • 2 Scrolls of Foundation

SBL Invictus

  • 1 Cluster of Fire

SBM Ernordeth Puer-Irae

  • Crescent with Ruby Star

  • 2 Pendants of Blood

  • 1028 Clusters of Fire

  • 3 Scrolls of Foundation

OP Celevon Edraven

  • 1 Scroll of the Master

  • 13 Clusters of Fire

KP Kookimarissa Mimosa-Inahj

  • Crescent with Diamond Star

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • 7 Clusters of Ice

SW Meleu Karthdo

  • Crescent with Emerald Star

  • Crescent with Topaz Star

  • 53 Clusters of Fire

  • Dark Side Scroll

  • 7 Scrolls of Foundation

  • Scroll of the Master

OT Kanis Da’uul

  • Crescent with Emerald Star

OT Rhiann Baenre

  • Crescent with Amethyst Star

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • Crescent with Topaz Star

  • 4 Clusters of Fire

OT Turel Sorenn

  • Anteian Cross

  • Crescent with Amethyst Star

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • Crescent with Emerald Star

  • Crescent with Topaz Star

  • 767 Clusters of Fire

  • 4 Clusters of Ice

  • Scroll of Indoctrination

  • 6 Scrolls of Foundation

DJK Casper Vrikauravan

  • 3 Scrolls of Foundation

DJK Revs

  • Dark Cross

  • Crescent with Ruby Star

  • 20 Clusters of Fire

DJK Rrogan Skar

  • 41 Clusters of Fire

DJK Marrek Gunstinson

  • Crescent with Amethyst Star

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • 36 Clusters of Fire

DJK Adam Bolera

  • 36 Clusters of Fire

JH Nicolai “Rod” Rodell

  • Crescent with Emerald Star

  • Pendant of Blood

  • 169 Clusters of Fire

  • 4 Clusters of Ice



  • Revs to Dark Jedi Knight (First Knight of 2015!!)

  • Rod to Jedi Hunter

  • Strages to Novice



Special congratz to Ernor for keeping GMRG XII and the position as Muz’s honor guard in House.

  • SBM Ernordeth to GMRG XII

  • DJK Marrek Gunstinson to GMRG II

  • DJK Revs to GMRG I

  • JH Nicolai “Rod” Roddell to GMRG IV



A lot of coming and going traffic this month. Remember, RL always comes first and Qel-Droma will always welcome members with open arms.

  • DA Griever from Rouges (Very mysterious…)

  • SWL Nadrin Erinos Arconae to Soulfire Strike Team, House Galeres

  • Forza Dlam to Rouges

  • Strages from Test of Lore

  • Timmy to Rouges

  • DJK Condar Savar from Rouges

  • Kant Lavar to Rouges

  • JH Nobilus to Soulfire Strike Team, House Galeres


Shadow Academy

Revs tore it up this month! Such learning, much courses, wow!


  • Leadership competitions


  • Shadow Academy Society III to IV

  • Dark Maven - History

  • Dark Maven - Lore

  • Dark Maven - Combat

  • Galactic History I, Galactic History II, Galactic History III, Galactic History IV, Galactic History V, Galactic History VI, ACC Qual, GMRG History, Alchemy Studies, Galactic Languages, Races and Species, Hand to Hand Combat, Combat Tactics I,

NOV Strages

  • Essentials 1, Essentials 2, Essentials 3, and Essentials 4


Aedile’s Corner

War is upon us, my friends. This only comes once every few years. It is a time for our veterans to come out of hiding and the newer kids to make themselves known. This is where we truly shine, lads and ladies. There are all kinds of lovely things to be done. Maybe you want to join a team for a Run-On? Multimedia? You can do that with a team or by yourself. There are also solo events that go from a puzzle, to fiction, graphics and of course, gaming.

We've had a few changes in the past several weeks. Rrogon Skar and Revs have taken their places as Battleteam Leader and Battleteam Sergeant (respectively) of the re-activated team, Shadow Gate. Ernordeth and Rhiann are doing awesome things with Apex Brigade as well. Both teams have room for more members if anyone is interested in joining.

That's all from me for now, folks. I'll give the mic back to Turel now. Do all the things! :D

OP Celevon Edraven

Commissioner, Antei Contract Bureau

Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Clan Arcona



  • Shadow Gate is back!

  • The House Mailer is open for business

  • There is a GJW going on, make us proud, work as a team!

  • Follow the golden rule of competitions, “Don’t be a dick”

Closing Words / For the Lulz

Finally Qel-Dromans, it is easy to get lost in the hype and bloodlust of war. Many lose their way and succumb to griefing, trolling or outright cheating. To help guide your path in this war, I leave you with words of wisdom from two great sages of an ancient time, before the Galeres Aedile was even born, the bygone era of the late 80s.

Words of wisdom

In other words, don’t be a dick and have fun.

OT Turel Sorenn

Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Oh man, no wonder this report took so long.

You always have the best reports, Turel. So informative and interesting. Best Quaestor <3

Good report Turdel! Smell that Qel-Droma aroma!

Duddde! Woaahhh!

All reports should have moar Keanu.

Great Report, WarTurtle!

You have been billed the standard rate of 3 Dark Crosses. :P

/me strums air guitar. Duuuuude. This report is sick.

Love you sista. Be excellent, everybody. <3

Simply amazing a masterpeice in its own right. Great job brah! So much intel so much win

It is a pity to see all of that talent go to Rouges but alas we can not store everything.

But dude!! That was excellently excellent!! (Wrong movie?)

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