Greetings Qel-Dromans, fellow Arconans and on-lookers from other units. Welcome to the House Qel-Droma February report. I’m trying something new this month, I hope you like it. Celevon and I put together a “Sarin-style” fiction update via a nice PDF for your viewing pleasure since I know Discourse doesn’t play nice with everyone’s phones. Grab it here:
House Qel-Droma FEB 2015 Fiction Update
Someone has been busy on Port Ol’val while we were off fighting the GJW. An storied battle team is launched with a new purpose. It’s a fun little read that sets the stage (finally) for the return of Shadow Gate.
Well this was supposed to be my February report but things happened, like the war and having to write awards for all the epic awesomeness you guys have put forth recently (I wouldn’t have it any other way, you guys rock!) so this is a Feb-Mar report of sorts. We’ll be back on a regular report schedule soon I promise.
So much is going on that a few new items came out while I was drafting this report. Without further ado, I summarize the news for your reading convenience.
Ok, first and foremost Muz stepped down after six years on the Iron Throne and left us with some neat robes and a saber because that’s how awesome he is. Enjoy your retirement in CNS Muz!
Muz stepping down leads to the re-appointment of Sarin/Pravus as Grand Master.
Wasting no time, Sarin put out two reports detailing some major changes to the Brotherhood. Namely all independent units are now clans again and we may have the prospect of unit declaring alignment to Light, Dark or Neutral. Check out both reports: GM Report #33 and GM Report #34
Sarin moving up created a vacancy in the DGM spot which was filled by the very talented (no, I’m not applying for M:DGM so I mean it) Mav. Mav also put out a introductory DGM report with some clarify policies on the new Clan system and announcing the Heroes of the GJW. Grats Orv on Second Hero!
Things are moving right along at the Shadow Academy, a place very near and dear to my heart. In Bubba’s latest SA report he announces a revamp to IRC basics, the option to delete your in progress exams (thanks James!) and the release of the Alchemy Guide. Oh yeah, and Bubba also pulled back the curtain on the SA society requirements (so that’s why my grading load has shot up recently).
Aabs put out a report and a news post with some details and advice on the post-war medals and promo rush.
Shad put out his first report as Voice detailing all kinds of awesomeness with the ficiton society and CS 2.0.
Socks displays the GJW winning graphics entries and shows how talented you all are in her latest Herald report
Arcona’s own and dbb0t’s dad, Jam3z, has received a Silver Sash and been made a Sith Lord. Need further proof of James’ awesomeness? Check his Seneschal report
Taig has stepped down as Justicar (I’d step down too if Esoteric murdered me). In his place, Jac has come out of retirement to serve as Justicar.
And just so Val doesn’t feel left out, here is the latest Gaming Update. I don’t know how much they are paying him to be FIST but it isn’t enough. That man deserves a medal just for the asshatery he had to deal with during the GJW
A special congratulations to my former lightie brethren A’lora and Raiju on their appointments as Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Tarentum Consuls respectively. I look forward to seeing what you both can do in your respective units.
I don’t think I’ve seen this many positions open up at once around the club. Here are some of the Brotherhood wide positions currently open:
Left Hand of Justice - 2 March
Magistrate to the Master at Arms - 3 March
Combat Master - 8 March
Wiki Tribune - 8 March
Sight/Mako (he’ll always be Sight to me) put out his last report as RM
Wally put out his last (super epic) report as Consul and recieved an Emerald Dagger from Muz for his years of service to the Clan and the Brotherhood. Best of all, he’s returned home to Qel-Droma. I know Wally isn’t done by a long shot and I look forward to continuing to bend his ear for advice and watching him work his magic in the ACB and over in the Voice shop. And just so I can get some more mileage out of this Korra graphic, this summarizes my feels for Wally leaving and his successor taking the Serpentine Throne
So, Wally “retiring” from Consul left big shoes to fill but I have absolute faith in our new Shadow Lady, my Sista, Atyiru! All the love!
With Atty moving up and Cethgus departing to lend his awesomeness to CNS (and leading a Entar colonization effort apparently) Galeres was in need of new leadership. My dear friends and D3 buddies Esca and Sight/Mako were selected as the new Galeres QUA and AED. Our very own Valtiere was selected as the new Rollmaster. Much change, such tigerblood, wow! Seriously though, gratz to all of you. I know this newish summit will carry the #tigerblood forward and to new heights of well #pwnage.
Donny aka Uji has taken Esca’s place as Captain of the Nighthawk. Wish him luck!
Rhiann and Ernor have switched places as BTL and BTS of Apex. Be sure to check out and comment on Rhiann’s superbly put together Apex Bridage Report
The subject of this month’s fiction update, Shadow Gate is just getting started (or more accurately restarted) under the leadership of Skar and Revs. I’m excited to see what they have in store to flesh out our neat little playground of Port Ol’val. Check out the latest Shadow Gate Report
If you are interested in either of these battleteams please don’t hesitate to hit up one of the team leaders or myself and we’ll see about getting you plugged in. We only have so many of the wicked awesome Magnaguard droids available for Apex Brigade so spots are limited.
(Yes, This month I’m ripping off the section title of Liam’s old HOU QUA reports. Imitation is flattery, etc etc. But seriously, all the love to Liam.)
Ok, as you can see there is a lot going on in the Brotherhood and the Clan right now. This is a very exciting time to be in the club. We’ve just wrapped up a Great Jedi War and nearly three years of back to back vendetta. The focus is back on the individual units and their development. Down on the Clan/House scale the focus in on building up the Battleteams. Clan and House comps will still be run to give members a healthy variety but the focus, in the short term will be on the Battleteams and we’ll build up from there.
As we move from spring into summer (here in the states) you will see more joint events between the Houses building toward a Clan event or a Clan on Clan or Clan Coop feud type event in early-mid summer. I don’t mean to steal my Sista’s thunder in her upcoming report but that is where we are headed.
Many of you completed the Clan survey, thank you if did and if you haven’t please do. (Arconans Only Please). The feedback is invaluable to our planning process. I personally keep an open door and I know the rest of the House/Clan summit does as well. If there’s something that you’d like to see, or something that’s bothering you doesn’t hesitate to drop us a line, IRC PM, whatsapp, G+ message, carrier pigeon, smoke signal, etc. We listen, we care, and we’re here to provide the best experience possible for you.
Maximum Brevity the Run-On - Now available in PG-13 format
Diablo 3: Season 2 Greater Rift Ladder (Non-Seasonal Characters) - Get your D3 on! Ride that Blizzard hamster wheel, you know you want to.
Diablo 3: Season 2 Greater Rift Ladder (Seasonal Characters) - Seasonal characters are in this year!
Dozens of Games III - The legendary comp is back with more flash gamey goodness.
Droidtacular - Depict your droid in this graphics comp. Time to dust off the ol’ pencil for me to draw GR-1N-dR aka “Grinder” the most fabulous protocol droid ever. (he’s in my report fiction)
TOR: Blood Hunt Hardmore Speed Run - A new Flashpoint in TOR. Pull up the Dufly guide and speed run that bad boy!
Under the Hammer - Mirus has settled on Port Ol’val and set up shot as a metal smith. Draw something he’d make, that may or may not be phallic shaped.
Competition: Star Wars Galactic Defense: Legends of Endor - Much tower, such defense, wow!
It was my first day - Write a short fiction about your character’s first day in the Brotherhood. So this one time at the Shadow Academy…
TIE Fighter Single Player Competition - Because who doesn’t like playing with themselves?
Speed Sporcle Challenge #8 - Honestly, “Speed Sporcle” sounds like the name of a cleaning product. But check out this flash comp.
The War is Over! - Write an eplilouge for your character in the GJW.
What can I say other than wow! We are First Clan because of your effort and it shows right here:
DA Griever
5 Clusters of Fire
3 Clusters of Ice
2 Seals of Revelation
DA Marick Arconae
Emerald Dagger
Crescent with Topaz Star
Cluster of Fire
17 Clusters of Ice
11 Seals of Revelation
OPM Alaris Jinn
Silver Nova
Seal of Revelation
SBL Terran Koul
Grand Cross of the Dark Side
29 Clusters of Fire
11 Clusters of Ice
9 Seals of Revelation
SBM Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Steel Cross
3 Pendants of Blood
23 Clusters of Fire
7 Seals of Revelation
SBM Nikola Valtiere
Grand Cross of the Dark Side
3 Clusters of Fire
Cluster of Ice
6 Seals of Revelation
OP Celevon Edraven
8 Clusters of Fire
37 Clusters of Ice
10 Seals of Revelation
OP Mirus Hi’ija
OP Celevon Edraven
8 Clusters of Fire
37 Clusters of Ice
10 Seals of Revelation
KP K’tana
4 Clusters of Fire
42 Clusters of Ice
11 Seals of Revelation
SW Meleu Karthdo
Steel Cross
34 Clusters of Fire
6 Seals of Revelation
OT Turel Sorenn
Grand Cross of the Dark Side
Gold Nova
79 Clusters of Fire
30 Clusters of Ice
Scroll of the Master
11 Seals of Revelation
OT Kanis Da’uul
5 Clusters of Fire
11 Clusters of Ice
Seal of Revelation
OT Graus Colvin
OT Rhiann Baenre
Gold Nova
Bronze Nova
5 Clusters of Fire
9 Clusters of Ice
11 Seals of Revelation
OT Rrogan Skar
Crescent with Topaz Star
Cluster of Fire
6 Clusters of Ice
10 Seals of Revelation
DJK Nicolai “Rod” Roddell
Anteian Cross
Silver Nova
124 Clusters of Fire
19 Clusters of Ice
10 Seals of Revelation
DJK Revs
15 Clusters of Fire
3 Clusters of Ice
5 Seals of Revelation
DJK Marrek Gunstinson
Dark Cross
2 Seals of Revelation
DJK Seren Dipity Puer-Irae
DJK Adam Bolera
DJK Nobilius
Dark Cross
Gold Nova
Pendant of Blood
64 Clusters of Fire
3 Clusters of Ice
8 Seals of Revelation
Rrogan Skar from DJK to OT
K’tana from DJK to OT (battlefield promo!)
Nicolai “Rod” Roddell from JH to DJK
Nobilus from JH to DJK
OP Celevon Edraven - V to VI
DJK Nicolai “Rod” Roddell - IV to V
OP Mirus Hi’ja - From Dark Council Assistants
KP K’tana - From Galeres
KP Kookimarisa Mimosa-Inahj - To Soulfire, Galeres
DJK Seren Dipity Puer-Irae - From Rogues
DJK Anigrel - to Rogues
My, there are quite a few things to talk about. A war has come and gone. Every single one of you have made us proud by participating and representing both House Qel-Droma and Clan Arcona as a whole. Whilst shinies for placing in the top three or placing in the top ten in any event is worth bragging over (Because, trust me, it is), what matters is that we're Still First Clan.
Wally has stepped down as our Shadow Lord, though he came home to Qel-Droma. Wally, thank you for everything that you've done. We're now entering a new era with Atty as our Shadow Lady. I have full faith in her and look forward to seeing the direction she takes things.
With that said, I'll turn the mic back over to our lovely Quaestor.
OP Celevon Edraven
Commissioner, Antei Contract Bureau
Aedile, House Qel-Droma
Clan Arcona
Fiction update! Check it out.
So much news. Too much news.
Please take the Clan survey and provide your summit with feedback by any means available.
We are going back to basics post-GJW and building back up
For this month’s lulz and in honor of Wally’s retirement from Consul, I present Darth Sheba by Orv. Be sure to check out Orv's deviantart page.
So that’s all for this month folks. As you can see change is in the air and there is still a lot going on. As always my door is open to you if you need something or just want a sympathetic ear. We are all one big dysfunctional family after all.
Be excellent to one another
OT Turel Sorenn
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma
(oh and special thanks to Mirus for the new teal-tastic report graphics)
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Nice report man, keep up the hard work.
<3 bbygurl and boss2.
All hail Darth Sheba!! \o/ <3
Very nice report. And yes, teal forever.
Dang how thorough can a report get? Nice new header (but what about red?) And Darth Sheba will rule forever!
Awesome report, Turel! I look forward to seeing more focus on the BT/House-level development.
This. Was. Beautiful.
Great report boss man
Awesome report!
Great report! all hail Darth Sheba!