Quaestor openings
Both of our Houses are in need of a new Quaestor. For more on why, see HQD’s and GAL’s reports. Overall this is a big time of change within the clan and I thank everyone for their understanding as we ride the waves back into calmer seas.
Our Expectations in a Quaestor:
- Communication. We expect all our leaders to have a 24 hour turn around on communications. This includes emails, Discord dm’s, and summit channels.
- House Knowledge. We expect any prospective QUA to know the House they’re stepping up to lead to at least some extent. This also includes the willingness and drive to get to know your members.
- Creation. A large part of this job is creating fictional stories for your members, as well as competitions and other activities for them to partake in. We expect one or two “main” events each year created for your house.
- Training. Upon the new hire of any AEDs or BTLs below you, you will be expected to train them and get them up to speed. We have materials for this you can use, but it’ll be your prerogative to ensure your leaders are comfortable and active.
- Awarding. We do quarterly award sweeps for our unit and subunits, this includes spreadsheet wrangling and of course creating award reccs for up to Grand Crosses and appending reccs for anything up to a Ruby Scepter.
What to include in your application:
- Your dossier name.
- Which House are you applying to be Quaestor for? If you’re willing to do either, list that as well as any preference.
- Relevant DB or Real Life job experience. This could include administration, spreadsheet work, working with others, conflict resolution or creative pursuits.
- Plans and plots. What are your ideas for the House? Do you have any thoughts on the current plot, how would you progress it? How would you handle taking up any existing plot lines to carry them on.
- While we will prefer experienced members for this, there is no base-experience requirement. If you are interested and feel capable, please put your application forward. Even if we don’t hire you, it alerts us to your interest and we may be able to wiggle you in somewhere else.
Email your application to myself and Zuji at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. You do not need to be Arconan to apply. Applications will close on the 14th of September.

Remember, if you ever have any concerns, questions or comments, feel free to email me or Diy/Zuji, or dm us. Our door is always open to you!
May the sauce be with you.

Everyone - do not hestitate to apply! All best for all candidates!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the position is a great position. It gives you the chance to create incredible storylines and places for your fellow clanmates to play in. It can be incredibly rewarding. If you have any interest, even if you've never been in leadership before, send in an app!