Quaestor Report #1 The First of Many.


Quaestor Report #1 The First of Many.


Fiction Update

Chyron Underworld

It wouldn't be the first time that Chyron had been compared to Coruscant. Despite being smaller in size, Chyron was a bustling Metropolis upon the surface that sprawled out for miles and miles as far as the eye could see. Despite the urbanisation of the moon of Perune being a more recent endeavour, the city sprawl was an impressive visual spectre for any who come to the Caelus System.

Much of the moon's lower levels consisted of drained rivers and swamplands, whilst this was one key difference compared to the city-planet in the Core World's, many low-level businesses conduct illegal procedures. Gambling dens, drug smuggling and booze houses littered the lower levels where there was space available, or where the structure wouldn't be swallowed by the gunge on the bottom.

Unfortunately for certain individuals, it also happened to be one of the first places House Ektrosis looked for any remnants of the Collective left in the Caelus System.


A single entity, dressed in a beige flew across the cheap wooden tables of the local booze house, crashing into a neatly stacked pile of metal stools right next to the nearby wall. Truthfully, the two Ektrosis members had forgotten the place's name. Not that they particularly cared.

To Rian Taldrya, the former Consul of Taldryan, it mattered not. All that mattered to him was that these scum would pose no more threat to his Clan, his House, or his brothers and sisters within it.

The entire bar fell silent, onlookers stared at the Juggernaut, thanking their lucky stars they weren't the subject of the olive-skinned man's ire. The silence was consequently destroyed by the loud footsteps that approached from directly behind the intimidating man.

"Is there a problem?" The figure responded, arms gesturing wide, daring any of the ne'erdo'wells inhabiting the cesspool of a bar to just 'try it.'

When he received no response, he folded his arms across his chest and scoffed. Considering he was wearing Beskar Mandalorian armour and armed to the teeth, the lack of response was fully expected.

"Soren, we are not looking to start a fight with anyone we don't have too." Rian scolded, causing the Weapon Specialist to grunt.

Soren Leonis was the new leader of TEAD technologies. His work was his life, and he wouldn't tolerate anything or anyone getting in the way. Considering he stood over six feet tall and was in good shape, he certainly wasn't anyone you'd want to meet in a dark alley.

The beige clad figure rose back to his feet, he staggered back, tripping over some of the debris that had fallen on him during his crash. Rian stepped forward to address him.

"Garvin Yott, on behalf of Clan Taldryan, House Ektrosis and the Caelus System, we are bringing you in for questioning regarding your recent activities with the Collective."

Garvin sidestepped the fallen stack of chairs into a small opening between himself and the two Taldryan elites. Unfortunately for him, they were blocking his only exit. Realising there was no other way out, he adjusted the glasses on the tip of his nose and smiled coyly.

"Fair enough, gentlemen. I will come quietly, this time without a fuss. "Garvin stated, now raising his hands above his head in a peaceful gesture.

Suddenly, his right hand sped to the holster at his side and he withdrew his KYD-21 Blaster Pistol and aimed it directly at the former Taldryan Consul. His fingers pressed against the trigger, ready to unleash its deadly blaster bolt at him. Unfortunately for him, Soren was quicker on the draw and saw the attack coming.

The Weapon Specialist pulled back the hammer of his BR-5010 Slugthrower Pistol and pulled the trigger. A sudden boom exploded out of the barrel and the slug embedded itself into Garvin's knee. Breaking through flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter. The human collapsed to the ground and cried out in high pitched anguish.

With Soren approaching to collect the wounded man, and noticing the somewhat concerned look on the bar patrons faces, Rian turned to address them.

"Taldryan business, go back to your drinks."

Music flared back to life, chitter-chatter erupted, drowning out the sounds and shrieks of Garvin as he was hoisted and carried out of the bar towards the OSI headquarters, where a certain half-cyborg Twi'Lek would enjoy the company…

Chyron can be really beautiful.

The new Ektrosis Quaestor, Appius Wight, glanced out of the large window within his temporary office. The Citadel was vast and had the upside of giving him the view of the cross-section between the three different sectors.

The holo-communicator at his waist began to vibrate, and he eagerly placed it into the palm of his hand.

The blue-hued image of Rian Taldrya appeared before him.

"Garvin has been captured and has been taken to Vodo for interrogation." He declared softly.

"Excellent, thank you, Rian. I appreciate your cooperation on this matter. I trust the Community Outreach can put a positive spin on this? Seraine and Zxyl will want an update."

"Of course," Rian said confidently. "I will keep you updated with our progress."

The communications ended and Appius sighed heavily and returned to the view of Chyron outside the window.

He knew it would take a lot of work to regain the Caelus Systems trust in Taldryan, but he was confident Ektrosis could make it happen. After all, if Taldryan could rise again, then so could House Ektrosis.

The Sorcerer then turned and left the room in order to inform the rest of the Taldryan summit of Ektrosis' progress.

Our Watch Eternal; Our Aegis Strong; Our Brotherhood Unbroken.

He really liked those words.

Hello House Ektrosis!


Hello everyone, and welcome to my very first Quaestor report. Most of, if not all of you, have probably seen me hanging around the Taldryan chat in one way or another.

For those who don't already know me, I'm Appius Wight. I'm a former member of Clan Vizsla, and a former Aedile and Battleteam Leader in my own right. And I'm now here as your new Quaestor of House Ektrosis.

In real life, my name is Adam, I live in the UK, I'm a husband to a loving wife and a father to two gorgeous children. (One boy and one girl.)

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of this report, I'd just like to take the chance to say thank you to both Erinyes and Zxyl for given me the chance to take the reigns of this amazing house, and to Clan Taldryan as a whole for taking me in as one of their own. I really appreciated the welcome I received.

So with that being said, let's get on with it, shall we?

What is House Ektrosis?

House Ektrosis is unique in the sense that it's older than the Clan Taldryan itself. As independent House Ektrosis, the House was successful in winning several events and vendetta's which earned Taldryan its Clan status, and Ekgrosis became a House within it.

If you are in the House Ektrosis, you've probably already seen my plans for the House so I won't give you a novel to read here, instead ill give you the TL;DR version.

So, basically, Ektrosis is filled with some of the Clans handpicked and most elite members, and they will take the spotlight. they will be the eyes, ears and muscle of Taldryan. It's the antithesis of Battleteam Tavros, whereas they work under the radar, Ektrosis will stand proud and unashamed as they are the summits go-to for elite missions, objectives and requirements. This painting Taldryan in a much better light after the events of Unsteady Ground and New Pursuits.

Plans for the House

Honestly? My main goal is to make Ektrosis active again as a House. It's had some seriously hard times since the last Great Jedi War, and with Taldryan's activity on the rise, I think Ektrosis has the ability and potential to do the same!

So the question is how do we do it?

Well, the simple answer is by creating events and competitions that you guys want to do. I feel like that's important, after all, what's the point in making House events with stuff if you guys aren't interested in any of it? So to that end, my goal is to keep you up to go date with House news and let YOU have your say.

Do you want fiction? You can have fiction.

Do you want art? You can have art etc etc, you get the idea.

I'm a high believer in membership involvement. I always have been, and I always will be. I may be your Quaestor, but you guys are the life and soul of Ektrosis, you make the House what it is, and I want you to feel you can come to me with any concerns or questions you may have.

On top of this, I recently tweaked the House Ektrosis wiki page. Nothing much, but you can see that here.

I will monitor member activity along with the Clan summit and issue awards, promotions, praise and recommendations where I feel they are appropriate.

And lastly for now, I've been in talks with the summit regarding Ektrosis' House possessions, and I'm happy to say we have some new toys to play with! You can see them here.

War, what is it good for?

If you've seen the GM's latest report then you know that the next Great Jedi War is scheduled to start at the end of May/early June.

This is a great opportunity, not just for Ektrosis, but Taldryan as a whole too to show the entire Brotherhood what we are capable of. At the same time, I also don't want you guys to feel pressured into doing stuff. At the end of the day, this is a Star Wars fan club. We all come here to have a good time, and forcing people to do things has never been my style. If you want to be active, then you will. If you just want to chill and chat in the TG chats, then that's cool with me too.

That being said, the war is a time for the Clan to come together and work together in the Brotherhood's biggest event of the year. We are all here to support each other, and as someone new to the Clan, I'm looking forward to working with everyone.

Ask Appius Anything!

Kazu asks: What's your favourite pizza!

There's a takeaway around the corner from my house that does Tandoori chicken on their pizzas. I absolutely love those things. They are amazing.

Mark asks: Are you aware that putting gravy on chips is a crime against humanity itself? ;)

Considering I hate gravy? Yes. Yes I am.

Ala'ar asks: Vanilla, or chocolate? pie or cake? black jelly beans?

Why not chocolate AND Vanilla? Cake AND black jelly beans.

Ala'ar also asks: what is Ektrosis to you, and will there be a statue of Ala'ar in the town square..?

Ektrosis is special to me because of the history and legacy it's provided to this clan. Taldryan wouldn't be a thing without it. If Taldryan were a human body, then Ektrosis would be the heart. I've got huge shoes to fill.

Prestigious members have led the house. The current FIST, Justinios, is one of my predecessors.

Ideally, what I'd like to achieve during my time as Quaestor is to get the House active enough to get a member into the Aedile position and have a newer member create a battleteam for Ektrosis.

That's my ultimate goal.

As for the statue... You are in Tavros. So no.

Erinyes asks: What is it they say of the Acropolis, where the Parthenon is? And, why was the march hare so important to the Aztecs?

I don't know what I'm madder about. The fact that I didn't see this coming or the fact I don't have a good answer for it.

Aylin asks: you are locked in a kitchen with food you hate. What will you make/eat?

Nothing, I'm a fussy eater so I'd rather starve.

Competition list

The following are competitions made by members of the Clan;

Taldryan Meme-Athon - a meme competition by me!

ACE GFX: Dream Storefront Logo Designer - a graphics comp hosted by Zxyl and the Regent!

ACE Multi-Objective: Boring Conversation Anyway - a fiction comp hosted by Zxyl and the Regent!

Judging a Book by its Cover - A first impression title comp hosted by Zen!

Music Maketh The Scene. - addiction comp hosted by me!


Wow, you managed to read all of that? Give yourselves a pat on the back!

So, normally this would be the part in a report where I'd say "Thanks for reading, until next time!" But this time is going to be a little different.

You see it in reports all over the Brotherhood, telling us all to stay safe against COVID-19. This one's going to be no different because it's a serious pandemic. I hope everyone is staying safe in these troubling times. Just know that whatever you use the Brotherhood for, whether it's an escape, to socialise, or to find some comfort. We are all here for each other, and that is one of the most beautiful things about this club.

Atty made a COVID-19 Discourse thread which can be seen here.

Thanks guys, until next time…

Appius Wight (House Ektrosis Quaestor)

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