Quaestor Report #2: The Important One!


Quaestor Report #2: The Important One!


This report will be a little longer than usual. Take a seat and dive into the important stuff below!


Great Jedi War XIII

The GJW is looming on the horizon, expected to be unleashed upon us on the 20th of July this month!

We don't know what to expect yet competition wise, but we can assume it could be another bin competition style which is, personally, a lot easier and fun to do. Instead of having to do all the competitions, you only have to do 1 in a specific bin and it counts as participation for the entire bin. Super duper easy and not really a time sinker if you haven’t got the time.

This means you can crank out the comps you don’t like and then spend more time on the comps you do like, hopefully allowing you to get a placement and a super deluxe ultra awesome crescent in the form of a Nova. I hope everyone has read Rian’s email that he sent out a few weeks ago calling people to look at their Character Sheets and get them updated in time for the GJW. That also means your ALT’s, so don’t forget to do that!

In order to prepare everyone for the GJW and in the hopes to spur on those Character Sheet changes, I have created a pre war Run-On for the Clan. The story should be about our characters preparing themselves for the War to come, what they are doing and plan to do up to the moment the war starts. This is not tied to any competition but solely for our character development.

Head on over to the Discourse forum and get those fingers ticking away at your keyboard. Who knows, you might get carried away and end up writing a few pages of character development! I look forward to reading what you come up and getting to know your characters better!


Brotherhood Rising

The DJB is currently in an arc dealing with a new faction called The Severian Principate. In case you are just returning and have no clue as to what is going on, or just have no clue in general what the Club is up to, checking out the wiki page might help you get a little more up to speed with the faction and what they could possibly represent. As we close the arc and head into the GJW, this new faction could be a powerful ally, or another strong adversary bent on consuming the DJB and purging us from the Galaxy.

The Voice and former Deputy Grand Master Vyr have written some fiction pieces to read if you feel like you want to catch up on that too.

The first report is a prelude which hints at a new faction called The Severian Principate. Due to The Collective halting most of its attacks on the Dark Brotherhood, it seems as if they are looking for new allies.

The second report introduces The Severian Principate to the Dark Brotherhood and solidifies them as an unknown third party faction which may or may not be hostile.

The Interlude report introduces how the DJB can now purchase and use creatures for personal use.

Finally, the latest installment Chapter 2 has the DC discussing various things such as the shift in leadership, a new Clan and a diplomatic meeting with the Severian Principate.

I strongly urge you to take the time to catch up on the fiction so you are up to speed on the current storyline within the Brotherhood. I’ve found that GJW’s are a little more fun if you actually know what's going on and what you are fighting against/for with your Clan.

Oh, if you’re interested in what all the Clans are up to, we have a PulseFeed News Aggregator to check out!


Clan Taldryan and the importance of activity

This leads me to the final bit of my report where I try to hype up our members. House Ektrosis, and to a lesser extent, Clan Taldryan, have been struggling to keep up activity for awhile and when this GJW goes live, it is important to show up strong and maintain that momentum throughout the GJW and well past it.

We have to contend with six (6) other Clans, all of which have great gamers, writers and all round skilled members themselves. Clan Taldryans glory days are long over, that's something that won't just come around again, let alone fall from the sky. We have to work together, encourage each other, help each other and ensure we are doing the best we can at all times. This may seem like a daunting task, but more participation means more credits. More credits means more awesome stuff the Clan has to play with and dominate fictionally. Slowly but surely I believe Clan Taldryan can claw its way back to the top of the food chain and once again flex it's awesomeness in the face of the other lesser Clans.

However, this isn’t a one man task. It’s not just a leadership task either. You have to fight for the things you want, and “fighting” for that means participating in competitions and winning them occasionally. Sitting back and complaining about nothing to do is something that can be blamed on the leaders, though you have every right, and a minor responsibility, to step up to one of us and come with competition ideas or even event storylines if the House or Clan is not providing you with the comps and events you’d like to see and think others would enjoy too.

We aren’t fail proof, and giving something fresh and exciting for all the veterans in the Clan is a daunting task with an amount of pressure that only turns to disappointment when our hard efforts are disregarded with a low amount of participation. With this in mind, expect a short survey to come out after the GJW has ended where I ask you to talk about your interests and what you’d like to see happening within the House and Clan.

My door is open for communication and running events/comps tailored to everyone's needs. I love collaborating with my members and using their skill sets to set up and run comps. I have done this previously and it was a huge success. I hope to be able to recreate that success here in Ektrosis/Taldryan one day soon!


The long term plan for House Ektrosis

My application for QUA of House Ektrosis detailed numerous ideas and plans to try to get activity back up and turn the House into an active place once again. I will summarize a few of those points below what me and Cymbre will be working on:

  • A long term event schedule where you can roughly expect when we will be running competitions and events throughout the year

  • Monthly reports dropping on the 1st of each month and not a day later

  • Create a Clan wide survey so we can come to a better understanding where our members interests lie and if we can change our own plans for the better of the members

  • Build a world that members understand, feel a part of and helped creating by openly keeping them up to date on events, inviting them to take over some tasks such as art or leading a team during an event

  • Work on creating and keeping a good standing with my members through means of interaction with them and showing a personal interest in their DJB life, and if they permit, their personal lives as well

Feel free to leave any comments, questions or concerns regarding some, or all, of the points above.


Closing Thoughts

I feel confident that we will try our best during the GJW and look forward to seeing heaps of Novae coming our way, as well as Merit and Sac awards for those who do their best and participate in everything!

I'm still in the works with the Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan for getting a collaboration event up and running post GJW. More news on that once we near the end of the GJW.

The next report for House Ektrosis will be on August 1st 2019, written by none other than our most awesome Aedile, Cymbre Kall! Be on the lookout for her report on that date!


Morax Darkblade

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