2018 is already 12 days old. What the heck. Is it just me, or were the holidays absolutely insane? We all finished 2017 with a big bang by defeating the Collective, claiming the Sinagra Villa, and by welcoming new leadership to the Summit. I want to thank every single one of you for the friendship, the fun, and the input you brought forth over the last year. It’s been so wonderful being your Quaestor, and I know it’ll only get better from here.
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Totally fair question. Whatever point of the space time continuum when I thought it would be a good idea to move right before Christmas, I’d like to go back and change. That was a very hectic, but rather successful move. In early December, I moved from my parent’s in Portage la Prairie to be with my boyfriend (now my fiance) in Blumenort. Portage la Prairie is about 1.5 hours away now. Because of this, I transferred from my previous radio stations to a new one in Winnipeg: CHVN 95.1 FM. I’m a Midday show host and journalist there. It’s a lot more hectic in this position than it was back in Portage, but I’m enjoying myself so far. However since it’s a baby boomer economy out there, I’ll be looking at getting a second job before the wedding. On January 1st, 2018, I got engaged to my fiance Johnathan Mayer. That’s right … Amber Blume (now of Blumenort), is becoming Mayer. snicker This period of our relationship has only brought us closer and I absolutely love getting to see him every single day.
For those of you that are interested, the wedding is taking place August 18th, 2018 in Sidney, Manitoba Canada. I will be having this broadcasted live for those of you who are unable to travel. All DJBers are considered my family, so please attend either in person or online. Here’s the link to our wedding website
So needless to say, lots of changes going on. I travel 40 mins back and forth to work in the city, and have already had the opportunity to attend multiple press conferences with federal ministers and visit some pretty awesome people. I’ve been really enjoying it all, but there is slight culture shock. I’m adapting though, and I’m one mean driver in traffic!
I also encountered my first basket star and my first mantis shrimp. And I converse with turkeys. I’m officially alive.
I would like to apologize for disappearing… I know, I’m already hearing the “hey you have a life don’t apologize” voices in my head, but I don’t like being away from my loved ones so long. I know I subscribed to a lot of competitions and was unable to follow through with my participation. For that, I’m sorry. Though my schedule is a little more hectic with less wifi in the sticks, I will continue to strive to be the best Quaestor for Excidium that I possibly can. Anyway, paragraph’s over for now… Let’s get back to business.
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Early in January, the Excidium Summit met and discussed the new year and what it will bring for our House. We discussed some very exciting topics, and I’m happy to share them with you:
Run On Workshops: A guide will be distributed for this before we attempt to pursue this. Run ons are a lot of fun, but more education needs to be brought to the table. A judge will go over each post before the next person can move forward. This ensures critiques are promptly given, and the story can progress with provided direction and storyline. Think of the judge like a dungeon master.
Social Nights: We’ve talked about this before, and now we are planning it! Introductory nights for new games and mods will be a thing. There will be more nights available than just gaming as well. Dnd Nights. A North American time zone slot and a separate European time zone slot will be made available for each activity.
Defined Relationships between Masters and Apprentices: This is something we in the Excidiac and Scholae Palatinae Summits feel is important to define and outline so that everyone is on the same page in terms of responsibility and requirements. There will also be a way for masters to measure each of their student’s progress so that they may go over the information together. This is to come sometime in the next year.
Battle Team Requirements: We have decided that unless you really don’t want to, Battle Teams are important and must be a thing for every member. Battle Teams will be allowed to accept a new member once this member has reached the rank of Journeyman 1
Special feuds and House Wars: Yeah. This is coming. Stay tuned!
For now, we can work on comps, get some resolutions going, and plan where we and our characters want to be in the new year. Ever have people ask questions about your character that you just have not been to answer? Did you ever write out your character’s timeline between birth and finding the Brotherhood? Get er goooinn! Utilize this down time to recover from the busy season we have had and get piped for what’s to come… muahahahahah
Reiden Palpatine Karr asks… what are your plans for Excidium's future?
Great question. Now that we are fully identified and are completely defined on our wiki pages, we move forward. We’ve got a great foundation for a great future. And it’s ours to create! We will take over more of Ulr Uvi, and focus on the total take over of the planet Ulress for Excidium. It’s time for homesteading, ya’ll!
*Katyusha Neige asks… When will we duel?
Come at me, bro!
Jorm asks… You still up for the Polite Duel Of Compliments versus Tarvitz that we talked about way before the GJW?
blinks, then remembers… HEYELLLL YEAH!
Kylex asks about clan developments
I know I’d make a badass Empress, but unfortunately my time has not yet come. Can’t decide on what the clan is doing quite yet, laddy.
Ric Tater asks… Can we bring Thran back?
Looking over his work, I would definitely want to do that. However, I’m not quite sure how to summon a dark lord without cutting myself or sacrificing Artemis just yet. Let’s bring some of his initiatives back. CongratulationsCongratultaions on that new title, by the way!
Derek Cinn asks… When can we expect Operation Derek Is a Cutie to commence. In other words, when can we expect to start seeing more competition relating to our takeover of the Caperion system?
Ah Derek, how I love thee! Very VERY VERYYYYY soon. It’s a comin!
Katyusha Neige asks…. When will you go to the bar with me?
When you’re of legal drinking age, or when you shoot me an ACC invite.
So Basicallyy…
2017… GOOD JORB THERE HOMESTARRR! Great job CSP on a great year :)
We are gonna get Ulress. Ohhh yeah. And do some epic things.
Til we do get Ulress, work on resolutions for your character and yourself.
People did stuff
There’s opportunities for you to do stuff
Ask me stuff for next time :)
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