Greetings everyone and welcome to the October edition of the Satele Shan Quaestor’s report. This entire report will be focused on the Rite of Supremacy Meridian event. As most of us know, a Rite of Supremacy is the next level down from a full scale Great Jedi War, and as such is a very big deal. The ability to assert ourselves as the top Clan is at stake, and one that for Clan Odan-Urr is important when considering we are “defending” our crown so to speak. Lets get right to it, as it will be a short and direct report. Max focus and max participation over the next month will be geared to the RoS.
This is it ladies and gentlemen. Many news reports and discussion has gone on about this so I will not dissect the grading, the bins, and the way that placement works as that has been covered elsewhere. I will, however, give a rough and direct breakdown as follows. Participation works via bins. You do not have to do EVERY item within a given bin, but hitting one in each bin is the main factor in how participation will be considered. We have seen in other events that participation is a major influencing point and factor in placement. Strive to hit every bin.
In terms of the breakdown there are events that run the entire duration of the event which runs to 19 November. Does this seem like a LONG event? Yes it does. But that is misleading. There are three phases for this event each running for a week with a week of “down time” in between. Essentially, you only have one week to do all of the events per phase. That is truly a shotgun experience. When in doubt, do everything you can right off the bat so you know you hit them. Do not procrastinate.
Internally, there are Telegram channels dedicated within the House and the Clan to strategize and coordinate everything. Likewise, there will be emails and reports coming out at the House and Clan level during this event. This is a rapidly developing and dynamic event so while it seems like a long time, it in fact is going to be a rapid and heavy hitting beast. Do everything you can, as soon as you can.
As we all know we had the great luck and fortunate opportunity to bring back two of the founders of Clan Odan-Urr to the House Satele Shan leadership. Ji and Jack graciously have stepped up to take charge and rejuvenate and revitalize the House. Indeed, we needed it and it could not have come at a better time. Both of them have taken charge of communications via email groups, Telegram, and by example. I could not be more happy with the way the Aedile and Tython BTL roles have developed and been reexamined by these esteemed members. I know they will do great things.
Bottom Line Up Front: The Rite of Supremacy is a major event that all are encouraged and expected to take part in. This event is a marathon, not a sprint, and one that we need to work together and support each other with. Needless to say, the rewards are staggering. For the Clan, bragging rights obviously. For us all as individuals, coming out in a big way in events like this are the best way to earn a promotion and merit/sacramental awards.
Beyond this, it is truly about teamwork and the community. It is no secret since the end of the GJW there has been a lag within the organization to some extent, and this event is meant to be a catalyst to drive us forward both fictionally but also as a whole organization. Have fun, but know that we all owe it to ourselves and to our friends and the group as a unit to hit this hard. You all deserve nothing less. Let us get them Satele Shan. Let us do this.
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Shan and especially Tython Squadron have put forth some truly impressive activity in 2018. Keep it coming, guys. We can win this.