Greetings fellow Dakhani! Welcome to another report by yours truly, where I announce the upcoming event! Pull up a chair, grab something to drink and enjoy the read.
VSD Covenant
In orbit above Aeotheran
34 ABY
“I do hope this goes according to plan,” Arik Shathis said with caution in his voice. The Mayor of Seng Karash knew how fickle the acting Governor could be at times. Hands clasped behind his back and holding a relaxed figure, the human looked towards the Quaestor with a raised eyebrow.
“Do not think I haven’t thought this through. The rewards far outweigh the risks for this particular plan. If he succeeds it means I will be able to keep a closer eye on him. Should he fail then he will feel discouraged and disgraced, again. Besides, I can have him executed at any time should it suit my purpose,” the Anzat said to the human as he looked the mayor straight in the eyes.
“Your shuttle back to Seng Karash is waiting for you, Mayor,” Darkblade said the words with clear intention that their meeting was over.
As Arik Shathis bowed and quickly left the bridge to head towards the hangar which housed his transport ship, Darkblade called out after him.
“Not a word to anyone, Arik. Or it will be your corpse spaced next. For real.”
The Mayor shivered at the idea and nodded curtly before exiting the bridge. As he made his way down the long corridors back to the shuttle that was prepared for him, he wondered if it had been a good idea to accept the title of Mayor even after the Dlarit Corporation had been taken over by the Orian Assembly. Coming into contact with such dangerous and deadly individuals had caused the politician to rethink his life choices on numerous occasions after every encounter. Yet the same feeling crept up inside of him every time.
Arik knew he was making the best of the situation and this allowed the populace on Seng Karash to thrive like never before. He was their caretaker and protector, not the Dark Jedi who pretended to care. They had their own agenda’s and it was Arik’s business to prevent those agenda’s from hurting his people.
As Arik stepped into the turbolift which would bring him to his shuttle, he reminisced about events that had happened after Homeland. Crime had dropped to an almost non existent level and the city was enjoying the benefits of having a leader that cared about the city for once. Arik’s popularity had risen after the events of Operation: Homeland, where he had the criminal dispatched for “betraying” the Quaestor and bringing the city in danger. Although this had not been the true person behind the attempted assassination, he had been a major problem in the city that had proved difficult to remove.
However, now that he had been removed, in a “justifiable” manner, Seng Karash had begun to flourish as the local crime syndicates had begun to exterminate each other in their rush to assume power. As the remaining syndicate prepared to lead the underworld, Arik had ordered a strike team to eliminate the remaining thugs, thus ending their hold on Seng Karash.
With no large crime syndicates situated in the city, many petty thieves and thugs had moved on to other places that were more lucrative and less hazardous to their health.
Arik stepped out of the turbolift and jogged to his shuttle. The forty-three year old physician liked to keep himself physically fit and sprinted up to the shuttle and up the ramp. Buckling himself in he felt the shuttle launch and begin its return to the planet below.
I won’t fail my people, he thought to himself as he looked at the hooded and silent figure sat across from him, only known as “The Traveler”.
Kel Rasha, Aeotheran’s second largest city, is having their first ever Mayoral elections! The cities construction began in 29 ABY (2011), five years ago. Having received minor wiki updates here and there, the page remained relatively untouched since it’s creation in House lore with the only other minor update in 2014, followed by my update in 2016. Having a city other than Seng Karash seemed like a good idea, but how to tie in events to a city that was not used much in fictions was tricky.
After having Aul complete the Mayor of Seng Karash wiki page, Arik Shathis, the idea came to mind that Kel Rasha would also benefit from a Mayor. The idea was to create a living city, with as many ties to our real life world as possible, without ruining the fantasy of having it being Star Wars and eventually create an interactive world similar to ours. I plan to continue down this path and slowly chip away at this idea in the future.
As you can read above, and further on the discourse forum, we will be using the Mayor’s more in fictions, as they are technically the cities leaders in our absence as we go off and wage wars, stomping the opposition, getting our butts kicked or taking summer vacations. It also highlights some of the events that have happened in the past such as the Dlarit Corporation falling after the hostile takeover by the Orian Assembly. It is during this time that the populace was also made aware that their leaders and overlords were in fact Force users.
With this major fiction plot I hope to not only advance the lore of the House and to create a feeling of “caring” for the House and our NPC's, but to also make you aware of the changes that have happened, and what this means for Shar Dakhan, its members and our Clan.
The official name of the event will be: Leadership for Kel Rasha!
Notice: This is my first solo fiction. If you have any comments or feedback I would highly appreciate it.
Bells ringing FIGHT!
Maya Nikeisha and The Traveler are our remaining running candidates that have crushed all opposition. There stands nothing between them but winning the most votes of the 125,000 inhabitants, in what will hopefully be a peaceful and harmless election race.
In order to give you a better idea of the candidates I have created a wiki page for each NPC, you just need to click on their names above to read more! I urge you to check out the pages and get a feel for each NPC, as they both have unique backgrounds which can be explored further after the event is finished.
Finally, check out their posters below! Many thanks to Scarlet Agna for the portrait drawings and Zachary O’Maille for creating the posters! Please take the time to thank their quick thinking and awesome skills when I approached them on such short notice in the comments below!
Based on who you decide to support, your team will be formed with like minded members of House Shar Dakhan.
You can signup and join at any time during the event.
There is also the option to sign up as Team Captain. What this means is that you will help guide and lead your team throughout the event. Encouraging participation will be the main focus as Captain. There are no bonuses for being Team Captain in this event. Members who tick the box wanting to be a Captain will be randomly chosen if there is more than one person per team who signs up for this role. This is purely for OOC and "may" reflect well on you as a minor leadership role.
Disclaimer: Do not take this role if you are doing it for personal reasons only. Do it because you want to encourage and help your team perform the best they can!
Don’t worry about an imbalance of teams, this possible scenario has already been thought out and plans have been made should this come as a result after members have picked their Mayor. So fear not! Sign up for your chosen Mayor here and let the supporting begin!
Subject to change
As it is now we have a Run-on planned for the entire duration of the five week event. Every week for five weeks there will be a single new comp to participate in. These will consist of Cryptography, Fiction, Gaming, Flash games and graphics. There is a slight possibility that a trivia competition will be added to test your knowledge of the recent events. However, I want to leave that up to you by commenting below if you would like to have a trivia competition or not added to the list of events.
The competitions will start on the 5th of September 2016 and end on the 9th of October 2016, with every Sunday evening concluding that weeks competition, and every Monday starting a new one. The only exception will be the Run-On which will last the entire five weeks.
The winning team will be determined by the total amount of “votes” they have secured by placing in competitions, which may result in their Mayor winning and becoming the official Mayor of Kel Rasha.
Bonus objectives are available for each comp. These bonus objectives relate to the entire team, meaning every member in each team needs to complete said objective. Should every member in a team do so, they will earn bonus votes, taken from the opposing team's pool. This is where the Team Captains come into play, where they are the ones that encourage your team to do their best!
Next week on Saturday I will be making the teams and setting up the Run-On threads for both teams. Later that day I will publish another report, with some more fiction to kick off the event and point you towards the competition page so you can sign up there!
This does not mean that if you sign up after Friday, or even well after the start of the event, that you cannot participate. You can sign up any time you like and do the events that are not finished yet at any time throughout the next five weeks. The teams are there to help clarify who you are supporting during the Run-On.
I hope you are as excited as I am for the start of the new event and some friendly inter-House competition!
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I look forward to seeing who HSD chooses to support!
This is pretty creative. I love it!
Awesome report!
ninja edit Forgot to mention the start and end dates as I had only put them in the discourse forum post. Should be fixed now!
Also, for simplicity's sake for the members who have already read it, the event starts on the 5th of September and will run up to and including the 9th of October!
Great report bro
I hope the Traveler is a bunch of raccoons in a cloak.
That can talk and has deep connections on Aotheran? Would def serve as a very interesting but hard to uphold plot twist xD