Strap in, boys and girls! We've got a lot to cover this time around, including:
- New Leadership
- More New Leadership
- Sins of the Past
- Tons of DB News
- An epic's worth of questions from Zuji
- And much, much more!
First and foremost, let me offer huge congratulations to both K'tana and Zujenia! They've been chosen as HQD's new Aedile and Battleteam Leader respectively. Both of these ladies are amazing.
K'tana has been Gatewarden for thirteen months! For those of you who have never been BTL, that's essentially forever in one of the most thankless jobs the Brotherhood has to offer. Seriously, she's shown incredible perseverance, and everyone on Arcona's Summit has the utmost respect for and faith in her. I've gotten to see her grow from the wet-nosed Initiate to the indomitable Savant she is now, and it's been amazing to watch. Even more than that, seeing her become a leader that so often holds herself above the petty squabbling; that offers to mentor and mediate disputes; and that holds herself to the same standards she does her members no matter what life throws at her, has been one of the true highlights of my time in Arcona. Kat: congratulations, you've more than earned this opportunity, and I know you'll do a kickass job!
"What about Shadow Gate?" you might ask. Zujenia will be stepping into Kat's rather sizable shoes (that's how Tim described them anyway). I'm sure every one of you know her. She's incredibly active, positive, and brings out the best in everyone around her. If that weren't enough, she's tireless in trying to make the Brotherhood a better, more welcoming place for everyone she meets. When asked if she'd take over the position of Gatewarden, her response was simple:

Zuji, every last one of us knows you have great things in store for you, and we can't wait to see what you do with Shadow Gate (also, she's apparently way cooler than Terran).
Just don't change the decor too much. Please?
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Fiction
- News
- Competitions
- Awards
- Transfers
- Aedile Alley
- Quiz The QUA
- Crescent Leaderboard
- Closing Words

Go read the latest Sins of the Past plot updates here!

- Covenant Review
- This is huge, ladies and gentlemen. The Covenant is the lifeblood of the Brotherhood. It is what makes us so special amongst fan organizations. The Covenant sets out what your rights are as members and what the responsibilities (and authority) of your leaders are. This is the first rewrite of the covenant in thirteen years and Every Single Member should go read the proposed changes and provide their input.
- New Rogue One Trailer. 'Nuff said.
- DGM Unit Reports
- All I'm going to say is that we killed it, ladies and gentlemen. Arcona is once again the stand-out Clan in nearly every category. Well done, boys and girls!
- If you're interested in participating in the first phase of the Possessions beta, Evant is still accepting applications here.
- It's been a long time coming, but art-kids finally have a shiny Cluster to call their own! Check out the details on the new Cluster of Graphite here. Let's go hoard them like we do Clusters of Ice!
- Ever wanted to be a Scavenger like Rey? How about an Ace pilot like Wedge Antilles or Tycho Celchu? Maybe you're a lovable (or not-so-lovable) Scoundrel? If so, check out the new NFU Disciplines in the Combat Master's latest report!
- There's a ton of updates going on wiki-side, including a new categorization system, new templates, and new standards for Clan pages going forwards. Rather than list it all here, go check out our ever-busy Wiki Tribune's report.
- Atty wanted to cover Sins of the Past in her upcoming Consul report, so expect lots of info and statistics in the next few days. In the interim, let me just take a minute to reiterate that I'm extremely proud of all of you for the great participation we saw this Episode. You're rockstars!
- I know, I know, I promised you info on Sins. But how else was I going to make sure you read the whole thing?
- Keep your eyes peeled for some news from Braecen. Arconan gamers are looking to give back DB-wide, and I think it's going to be spectacular. For now, here's a sneak peak:

Huge props to Celahir, Warp, Ernordeth, Aexod and Mord for dedicating their time to their fellow DB gamers.
Go read the intro. :P

- Battleteam Fiction Prompts will be returning in September, possibly with some minor adjustments. More details to follow.
Additional competitions can be found in the Competition Center.


- Everyone give Adept Xia Long a huge Qel-Droma welcome! We're thrilled to have her join us.

- Sins of the Past Episode II is over. Terrific job to everyone!
- We've got an amazing new Aedicorn!
- Grats to Gatewarden Zujenia - because Shadow Gate can't get enough glitter and sparkles, apparently. ◔̯◔

Unicorn Palace
Greetings House Qel-Droma!
I'm pretty sure that everybody has totes heard of me and to those who have: Surprise! Look what I did ! :D
To the newer people who are just now being introduced: Hai! I'm Kat/Katicorn and I’m either gonna drive you crazy with my nonsense or you’ll secretly totes love me. Either way:
I’m it, until I die or they find someone better.
First off, thank you strange Upper Summit creatures for giving me this chance, I will try to irritate you only slightly and do my best to be awesome at everything else.
Second, I have a few key aims (aside from being Vic’s whipping girl) that I want to get done asap. One of those goals is to close the distance between - what I call - the Lower Summit (Bts- Aed, maybe Qua...if he asks nicely) and the Battleteam (one day BattleteamSSSSS). A bunch of the hazy questions on the “how does this work fictionally between us” type of topics will be covered and addressed. I may even tie a pretty pink bow around it.
Third, I think moar hangouts need to happen (Cards Against Arcona and drawing googly eyes on everyone seems like a solid idea).
My most important goal is you. Yes, you, person who made it this far in my section without seeing a gif from me. You and all of HQD. If you have a problem with another person, a fiction, or just had a crappy day: I am here for you. I can be an ear, a shoulder or just someone to talk glitter and @#&(#ing rainbows with. But ya’ll already know that :3 ←- totally looks like a buttface.
I want all of your love and congrats to go to Zujenia. She has been nothing but a blessing to this Clan, this House, and HER Battleteam.
(You don’t even know how hard you got’dis. <3) She was a wonderful Gate Stewardess and shall be an incredible Gate Wardeness.
I wish you all fantastic days and send our new BTL ALL THE LOVE!!!(Glitter optional- Sorta).
inhales deeply and prepares for the horror of the congrats that are soon to roll in

Quiz The QUA
- Ernor asks, "Which pony from My Little Pony is your favorite?"
- Whichever one was marinated the longest.
- Zuji asks (too many karkin' questions!):
- "What is your plan for the bt comps? Are they resuming as open prompts?"
- They are indeed! Also, I'd love to run some graphics competitions and a few light-weight comps, such as trivia, captions or web hunts.
- "With the new Aedile to be announced soon, what advice would you give to individuals taking up a new role of leadership?"
- Ask their new BTL. She's doing great so far!
- "What would you do if you were trapped in a elevator with Atty for 5 hours?"
- "What is Terran's favorite meal? (ic/ooc)"
- Nerf steak, rare, with a side of Correllian bashta greens.
- "If Terran had a color, what would it be? Blue, I bet it's blue. :P"
- "What would you say was the happiest moment in Terran's life?"
- Watching Kolot and Isshwarr giggling as the drunken Ewok tried to give the motherly Wookiee a piggy-back ride.
- "How does Terran feel about those who work under him? Just a unit to command? Would he be concern about their well being? Are there those he doesn't trust? (No, hard feelings :P Also, debating to make this into at least two question, but no, I won't.)"
- I'm going to have to RAFO this one.
- "Did Terran ever have a pet in his lifetime? (ic/ooc)"
- The Jensaarai don't allow students to have pets. It splits their focus.
- Out of character, I've had four puppies and four kitties. I'm definitely a pet person.
- "What kind of jobs do you believe best fit the WarKaleesh?"
- Get me a martini, Skar. Then I'll answer.
- "Rmbwfas ak osq uggdwj lzsf Lwjjsf"
- Psh. The cold always bothered me anyway.
- "Does Terran have office hours?"
- Most weeks, it feels like he never leaves his office - which, for a kid who grew up playing in woods and streams, is hell. He hates the responsibility. He's also found the constant fluorescent light gives him migraines. Yay!
- "You find yourself trapped in a small, crowded diner and uncharacteristically lacking weapons. With two large angry assailants, what item(s) do you grab to defend yourself?"
- "Would Terran believe Zujenia if she insisted that she was 16 hours late due to being wrapped up into her DCA?"
- Depends. Was Kord also 16 hours late?
- "Would Terran sentence his team to death for the life of a child? a group of innocents?"
- Himself, perhaps. His team? No. He'd let the stranger(s) die. Unless he's getting paid a lot.
- "Alternatively, would Terran leave a unit member behind if it meant completing the mission?"
- How much is he being paid?
- "How did Terran feel about shutting down Styx operations? Does he believe Shadow Gate can perform their duties as well as maintain their own tasks?"
- Two RAFO's in one day. That's unheard of!
- "What, arguably, has been Terran's biggest 'stuck between a rock and a hard place' moment?"
- Taking the job of Quaestor. He only lobbied for Aedile to further his own agenda (which you'll find out more about later). When he got pushed into Quaestor, it was far more responsibility and spotlight than he wanted, but he couldn't decline either.
- "What did lil' Terran most want to be when he grew up? ^^"
- Besides "not an orphan"? A Jensaarai. A Protector. But he saw how that turned out. He knows now that you can't stick your neck out for other people without getting burned.
- "Did Terran ever wish for parents? To know where his was?/Wish for them to be alive?"
- Every. Karking. Day. Whether he'd hug his father or beat him to death is up for grabs, but he's never stopped wishing he could know them.
- "How many hearts have Terran the space cowboy broken? Was there any particular lass that took his and crushed it in the dirt? The one that got away?"
- Terran isn't much of a heart breaker. He's had his share of short relationships - but he's always upfront about it. There was, however, one pretty Selonian gal with dun hair and a wit sharper than a vibroblade he met when he first settled on Kiffu. He could have loved her, but she couldn't make peace with his lifestyle - and he couldn't make peace without it.
- "My last and now signature closing Question. What is the one question Terran is afraid to answer?"
- Spelling questions. He's shit at spelling.
- Xenna asks, "James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher?"
- Go home English, you're drunk!

Crescent Leaderboard
Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
- Diamond: 7
- Ruby: 6
- Amethyst: 5
- Sapphire: 4
- Emerald: 3
- Topaz: 2
- Quartz: 1
Member |
Points |
Strategos |
31 |
Kordath |
23 |
Zujenia |
19 |
Socorra |
17 |
Celevon |
13 |
K'tana |
11 |
Alaris |
10 |
Adem |
9 |
Marick |
5 |
Timeros |
5 |
Dundun |
3 |
Xia |
0 |

Closing Words
YOINK! Please, please don’t forget to give Zujenia lots of warm hugs and support. Moving from BTS to BTL as quickly as she has can be...quite a rush. Let her know that we all have her back and love her to pieces...ALL THE UNDEAD RAINBOW PIECES!!!
We’re all here for you.
There you have it, guys and gals. Stats on Sins should be showing up shortly. We've got a new Aedile and BTL in the House. Tons of competitions on the horizon, and a Great Jedi War heading slowly, but inexorably, our way. Whatever challenges come at us, I know we'll continue to knock things out the part. I am, as always, proud to be Qel-Droman!
Arcona Invicta!
Augur Terran Koul
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma
Savant K’tana
AhahahahAedile, House Qel-Droma
Congrats on "AhahahahAedile" Kat! I know you'll do a kickass job, just like you did in Shadowgate! And congrats Zuji! I know you'll do great as BTL for Shadowgate.
Congrats K'tana!!! I look forward to continue working with you and Terran. Thanks. ^^
Welcome Xia!!!! <3
Look at all that activity! Keep up the good work. I second (third?) that we are super proud of you all with Sins. It was a blast.
(Terran, you...you. XD the answers were beautiful. I demand a RAFO badge of Honor. Three RAFO goal for next time)
I, for one, welcome the new Zombicorn overlord. Congrats!
O--- Unicorn Salute and congrats, Zuji.
And Vic!(You are a mean man. Do you know how hard it is to read things while pretending I'm totally not tearing up? IT'S VERY DIFFICULT!
And it's "Gate Wardeness" it was totes officially changed...
Congrats Zuj!! Congrats K'tana!!
Congrats, ladies, and well done, all!