This year is absolutely flying by. And not only that, but our clan has been expanding more and more as time goes on! We have seen quite a lot come to pass in the last month:
It is an absolute pleasure to welcome you to our clan!! We look forward to getting to know each and every one of you better <3 Never be afraid to reach out to anyone in the clan, including myself! If you would like a master to guide you in your training, please contact Mune Cinteroph.
Now that we have our capital city, we can get settled into our own homes and districts! Keep your eye out for special news releases in the next few months as well as wiki updates. Some minor competitions will be released for the House this month so as not to distract from our inter-clan fiction competition.
Because Xantros was first place in our competition series, his fiction has effected our new fiction release regarding our new home. Here’s an excerpt:
Xantros was once again summoned to the office of Alara Deathbane, the Quaestor of House >Excidium of Clan >Scholae Palatinae. She insisted that it was an extremely urgent matter that >needed to be discussed in private. It >could mean only one thing – the Seer had another important super-secret mission for him that she believed could >only be successfully completed by him.
The Duros knocked on the door of Alara's office and was immediately invited to enter it. She expected him to come >as soon as it was only possible and she was not mistaken. She pointed to a chair and asked Xantros to sit down.
“I am glad that you have not forced me to wait,” the Sephi spoke, “I have an important mission that has to be carried out as soon as it is possible.”
“I don’t think you want me to root out the weeds from your garden,” he replied with an evil grin.
“In some sense, I want you to do that,” the Quaestor smiled, “The former owner of this manor had three primary clients. Their names are Ottaviano Warrens, Hekkha Dupront, and Javari Tryv'nn. They are all important figures in Ulr Uvi and their forces may pose a significant threat to our expansion on Ulress as well as establishing our sphere of influence in the city.”
“So, you want me to kill all three of them, right?” the Duros asked.
“Not necessarily all of them, but death to one of them would be just the first step on our quest to weed them and their organizations out,” explained Alara. “They are excellent leaders and dangerous warriors themselves, but they also have a significant group of soldiers at their disposal. Even you will not be able to get rid all of them at once. Death to any of them will alarm the others, so it will render it virtually impossible to kill them without using much greater resources than just a single assassin, even as skilled one as you are.”
“I thought that you would provide me with a little bit more of an ambitious task,” complained the Augur with a sad smile. “It seems like if you did not really believe in my skills.”
“I am well-aware of your abilities, and that is why I do not want to you to commit a suicide,” the Quaestor snapped back. She took in a deep breath, and handed the Duros a datapad “We will need you in the future, so it would be a completely unreasonable waste of resources to let you kill yourself in too dangerous of a mission. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with the available intel data on our targets. It is up to you to choose one of them for your mission.”
“I am not one of those pathetic intelligence officers that find it difficult to gather basic intel data about our targets,” Xantros spoke angrily after briefly scanning the content of the datapad. “Fear not, I will remove one of these crimelords from our way soon and wait for an opportunity to strike down the rest.”
More on this story can be found here.
Maximus Alvinus asks . . . Do you like to tweet, instagram, or facebook more?
Honestly, I probably use facebook more than anything. I started using twitter for work this year, but I don’t use it in my spare time. I do like instagram when I remember to use it. I’m more of a picture person xD
Derek Cinn asks . . . I can’t feel my big toe . . . help
Well, that’s an issue. Wack it against something and see if you feel it then. If not, see a Lexiconus for help.
He also asks . . . What is the potential of there being an inter-house RO? We recently had an RO from within BTs. How about an element from TA and an element of VI do an RO together in a mission that requires cooperation?
My answer is YES. LET’S DO IT! If anyone ever has suggestions, don’t be afraid to bring em up!
That’s all for now!
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Nice report. Glad to see your House is growing and giving a good place to help grow the influx of people. Keep up the great work Alara!