Welcome to the glitter and gif happy House Qel-Droma Report: Halloween Edition!
We shall be your spooktacular ghouls of the evening and will guide you through the various ins and outs of the last few months in a short, very freaktastic, breakdown. Terran has a ridiculously convoluted, but pretty, format that I needed to figure out and this took a bit longer than anticipated before it was up to par. (scowls at asteriskastrix) BUT I LEARNED IT! :D So that is done and I did do that.

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Fiction
- News
- Competitions
- Awards
- AskTheCrockAedile
- Crescent Leaderboard
- Closing Words

"My lady, I have prostrated myself before you, told you everything I know. You could kill me. You could have me locked away forever or sick your minions on me when I leave, but I have come here in peace. I hope to serve you, and Arcona. I will do everything in my abilities to earn your trust. K’tana may not have been worthy of your trust but she trusted in you, all of you. She has faith in you...and she has faith in me. Will you deny her the last thing she could do in her power to repay you? Or will you allow me the chance to prove myself?"
For more of The Introduction of Maenaki: Read here.





- Wally asks: Will there be fiction that covers the transitioning of In-Character K'tana leaving and Mae showing up? Will Mae eventually become the Blind'man? Why are alligators so angry all the time?
- CrockAedile: See above! As for the truthful situation that occurred between K’tana ceding to Maenaki, you’ll find out later…
- That is a possibility. For now, however, she has to prove herself to the Summit.
- "My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush."
- Skar asks: how does your now character feel about the death of zakath and the affect it’s having on the clan as a whole?"
- CrockAedile: Maenaki has no idea how close people can get. She will have read the connections between Zakath and others, but she currently has no way to determine how they were effected on an individual level. At the moment, she doesn’t believe it’s any of her business to pry at people’s tragedy.
- Blade Ta'var asks: Does your new character still use a glitter gun?
- CrockAedile: K’tana used "glitterbombs". Usually simple "bombs" that were made of combustible paper that simply deteriorated, leaving a tiny poof of glitter to fall into someone’s lap. Depending on the person, she would also stick it in air vents or just throw it at people. She was also known for just having it in her pockets and sprinkling it everywhere. So, technically, there is no glittergun. But I strongly suggest you get one. Or a few. I also think having some explosive knowledge would help for a larger effect.

- Abbey asks: Does this mean you or your characters will now wear Crocs all as a mandatory part of the dress code?
- CrockAedile: I am a strong believer that Crocs are the most hideous abominations made from rubber...and I’ve seen some sh-. So it is my belief that if a Sephi were to come in physical contact with a pair, they would burn her skin and she would have to roll vs fugly effect or be blinded by yuck.
- Abbey asks: What single thing are you most proud of accomplishing in the db?
- CrockAedile: Not giving up on it.
- Abbey asks: Do you feel you've gained anything from your time in leadership or no?
What if so?
- CrockAedile: Patience, tolerance, the ability to censor myself while being myself, and how to focus on time consuming tasks that mak mezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- Xenna asks: if the what then why cause when?
- Zujenia asks loophole questions 1) What is Maenaki's favorite breakfast meal, shoe style, weapon, hobby, color?
- CrockAe-whatever: Anything fast and filled with veggies. Vegetarian Sith? Is this a thing? It is now. Style: Click Here and look through this. Her favorite weapon is her mind. Favorite hobby is people watching. Sitting somewhere public, sipping something tasty, maybe filling out forms as she watches people interact with each other. As a living lie detector, she likes watching people lie to each other. She does not have a favorite color. She sees value in all colors, so long as they’re part of something with an exquisite design or incorporated into rich fabrics with silky textures.
- Zuj’s easiest question: How will Maenaki work with Zujenia and Shadow Gate, Terran, Atyiru, and young jm?
- Maenaki is polite, kind, easy to smile and has no issue complimenting people. However, she doesn’t do anything without a reason. And that reason, at this time, is to integrate into Arconan society.
- Jezus, Zuji -_-: What would the answers to these topics be? Advice to new members and new leaders, Your personal favorite thing in the DJB, the decor of the Phantom Complex, and the one question Mae won't ask herself.
- New Members: Never settle for less than best. I don’t care how often you hear "just knock something out to participation". Do it because you love it. You’re proud of it and you want to.
- New Leaders: Never stop trying to improve the DB. "Better than then" is no excuse to stop growth. If you have a well thought out idea and think it could instill better changes bring it to someone. If they say "no", challenge them. If you plan something up thoroughly enough you can plug any holes someone else pokes in it.
- My personal favorite thing is that I hear when I get my first robes, I can ask for new ones every few months...I CAN have an epic wardrobe one day!! Sparkly purple paint? Um, #yespleaseprune
- Maenaki is an intelligent, well-rounded, emotionally balanced and reasonable person. You don’t get that way by neglecting or refusing to answer hard questions. She is at peace with her choices/beliefs and has thought out reasons behind it all.
- Atra asks: Do you have plans within plans? Or do you call it a plan after you leapt? Also, what are your thoughts on the current fictional juxtaposition of the various member alignments within the clan?
- First off, kark you right in the earhole. Second, I have layers of plans, as well as backup plans and plans for my backup plans even if I can plan around their need. That being said, I used to call it a perfectly executed plan after I leapt and landed on my face. Lesson learned. Now I plan to plan around plans.
- I like to think that a person can learn a lot through having opposing characters make a meaningful connection, despite contradicting views.I believe it can increase character and personal development in many ways A likable and charming but evil and manipulative villain interacting with with people who would hate them for their secrets is an idea I adore. It makes one think, forces them to see new perspectives and question themselves. So having the various factions setting aside their beliefs and working together is something I not only encourage for others but love jumping into myself.
- mic drop
- Wallaby: Atra used a big word with a "j", help.-
- Juxtaopposums is now, officially, a thing. Now please make sure the microphone is okay.

Crescent Leaderboard
(Are you ready for this?)
Member |
Points |
Strategos |
68 |
Kordath |
51 |
Zujenia |
44 |
Celevon |
34 |
Maenaki |
5 |
Socorra |
4 |
Terran |
3 |

Closing Words
So, clearly, the Katicorn managed to stamp her glittery hooves all over this report. I’m sure half of you are blind by now and, as we all know, I’m #sorrynotsorry.
Captain Tightpants
There you have it, boys and girls! I want to give a huge thanks to Kat for essentially writing this entire report, and a ginormous thanks to her, Zuji & Kord for keeping the ship on course over the past month.
For those of you not in the know, I've basically been non-existent for October due to Real Life. Between Abbey's parents coming down from Canadiohio to visit, birthday celebrations, a major work project that got pushed up by a couple months, and a big promotion at the office (I've now got a whole team of ornery Software Engineers reporting to me), I've been crazy swamped.
Hopefully life will finally be settling down. As it does, you'll see some more movement on the Wiki changes (Kat has done a terrific job taking over this project), as well as the release of a big Recruitment Drive your Summit has been planning. Additionally, with Aftermath wrapping up and a new Galares Quaestor and Battleteam Leader selected, we'll be writing and releasing Sins III, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
In the meantime, Stay Cool and…

Arcona Invicta!
Augur Terran Koul
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma
Battlemaster Maenaki
Aedile, House Qel-Droma
Such a glitterific report. Also enjoyed the answer to my query immensely. Good stuff!
Excellent report, K'tana! Loved the fiction and think it will be exciting to see where Mae goes from here :)
Thanks guys... narrows eyes Still needs moar glitter/gifs..
Great report, Kat! ^5 gurl for stomping them hooves! Terran, glad to see your busy rl leveling out again. Congrats, Cel! Keep up the great work Qel-Dromans!