Recruitment Tribune Report: The one where Windos failed


Recruitment Tribune Report: The one where Windos failed

This is going to be an very quick, and maybe soppy, report. There will be a proper long form report in about two weeks (the middle of the month... when normal people post reports.)

I failed.

It's a hard thing to say (it's probably a male thing), but it's true. There was a period a while back when I was trying to manage a few of the social media profiles alone, while also handling incoming applications, while also working massive overtime IRL.

I got burnt out, and as a result I failed the Brotherhood. I failed you.

So what the hell are you doing about it, tin-man?

Works calming down now, and luckily there is a team managing the various social media profiles now. So while I may have been off the rails for a little while there, things were still going up to the public. For that I am very, very grateful to my team and I'm also very, very sorry that I wasn't as available to offer guidance as I should have been.

Blah, Blah Blah, I'm sure most of you don't care about that, just know that I am back in full swing. Also my issues with Undernet seem to have settled a little over the past month or two, so you should see me on IRC a lot more again.

Get thee to Tumblr!

When I opened applications for the team, I mentioned needing someone to manage a Tumblr blog. Jeric Cyrin answered the call and has been doing a great job and he reminded me the other day that the general DB doesn't actually know about it yet...


Go. Follow the blog. The the Tumblr thing, seriously it's foreign to me.

(Jeric... I'll add a tumblr logo to the links at the bottom of the post soon, I promise.)

Randoms stats for your face

  • Twitter followers: 355 (+26)
  • Facebook likes: 672 (+37)
  • Google+ followers: 60 (+5)
  • Tumblr followers: 2

I'll include these in each report to track progress.

Follow the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

deviantART icon from Twitter icon from Facebook icon from Google+ icon from Tumblr icon from YouTube icon from RSS icon from

Hey guys as you can see our tumblr account is just starting off only two followers. If anyone out there has a account please follow and if you don't have an account make one for your character and follow your only helping by doing that ;)

If you need Tumblr help, Rhiann and I reblog the hell out of a lot of stuff. We'll gladly give you a boost. :D

So, I don't really jump on these "internet fads", since they seem to lose their popularity quickly... but, what exactly is Tumblr? Like, what purpose does it serve/what does it do? All I can see are a bunch of SW-related images on the page from across the interwebs.

It's essentially a way to network and share stuff. Like, let's say I have my Tumblr and I follow x Star Wars tumblr user, Y Pokemon tumblr user, and Z RL friend. I can post my own unique content or reblog (share) someone else's content - text posts, images, discussions, videos, whatever - and the people that follow me can see all the things I post or reblog. Whether it's from X, Y or Z, all my followers will see it. You can share things of relative interest to people, and so a tumblr's a great way to make a hub network - DJB's tumblr can repost tons of SW stuff, and people who look up Star Wars will probably find it through the internet's ubiquitous tag system.

You can also ask questions (anonymously, if you so choose).

I still don't understand how Twitter or Tumbr work (The lack of comments features on social media sites still boggles me,) but I'll give it a shot.

Tumblr has comments :P

I'm on twitter @Seadansr. On Facebook it's Sean Sith Daniels Sr. On Google+ its Brimstone

Feel free to add me.

Blogging/reblogging stuff on Tumblr is fine, but if you really want to use it as a platform, you should probably actively reach out to the Star Wars RP groups found there, as they are the one's that are most likely to be interested in the DB. Though most often in Tumblr RP, it seems that people latch on to previously established characters and tend to RP them versus making up their own characters.

Great report boss!

Great report Solari! Remember all of us minions are able to help you anytime. Just lets us know what you need us to do and we are on it!

You've never failed me, Kiwi. And you never will...

Also, social media? You mean like MySpace?

I was thinking more like Bebo...

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