Regent/MAA Joint Supplemental: Restored Dossiers


Regent/MAA Joint Supplemental: Restored Dossiers


Noobis Regent

Good evening everyone,

This is a quick joint supplemental from the Master At Arms and Regent. It was brought to our attention tonight that a member whose dossier was restored last year was not granted the Sacramental weapon items that he had earned prior to dossier restoral. Zxyl's investigation yielded that he was not in fact granted these items, and had rectified the issue by granting these items to him. The question remains though if any other restored dossiers are affected the same way.

In that light, we are asking anyone who had their dossier restored after the possessions system launched (2016 to now) to email the Regent Staff Mailing List at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] directly so that Zxyl can do an investigation into these dossiers to ensure that the proper sacramental weapon items have been granted.

This is a self-selection process: we will not hunt you down, and we ask that anyone who does not meet the above requirement to not email the Regent Staff about this. If your dossier was restored prior to the launch of possessions, you are unaffected.

Thank you everyone, and enjoy the rest of your holidays.

Howlader Taldrya
Master At Arms

Zxyl Taldrya
Regent of the Brotherhood

aka the Kamjin Clause. Thank you again for the review today. It was totally a low priority item that you guys knocked out super quick!

Thank you for offering to review those affected, guys. It demonstrates a commitment to fairness from your offices that is appreciated. ^^

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