Regent Report #2


Regent Report #2


Splinter: A Booster Release

Feels like it’s been a while since we’ve had a booster release. For this go around, we have a 20 item release with a variety of items. From the tactical to the cute, this release includes a number of unique items that have been featured in recent Star Wars media and some that have not. It was giving me SplinterCell vibes, so hence the name "Splinter".

I’d make special note of the Baffleweave cloak, a sensor blocking Back Item of legendary rarity. I’m definitely going to get me one of those!

Additionally, we’ve added the Harrower-class Dreadnought. This item came at the request of Clan Naga Sadow. So, expect to see at least one of these in their fleet soon!

Super huge shout out to Teebu and Korvis for getting this booster ready. Korvis did most of the upfront legwork and Teebu helped immensely with the system input. Their help in this has been invaluable. I’m so grateful to have both of these fine folks on my staff. I’d also be remiss If I didn’t shout out Aiden, who’s graphics turnaround time has been lightning quick. I appreciate you and the rest of the Herald staff!


Items List:

==Brotherhood Trading Company== 

-  Lullibies - You’ll never take me alive!   
-  Proximity Mine - Don’t get too close!   
-  Night Vision Goggles - [They’re not that noticeable](   
-  Multi-Vision Goggles - I think Batman had these   
-  Dual Vision Goggles - Predator vision  

==Regent's Rarities==

-  Baffleweave Cape - Sensor-blocking cape    
-  Kuati Signet - Shiny necklace  

==Utilis Innovations==

-  T3-Series Utility Droid - Beep-Boop   
-  B2 Groundmech - It’s still looking for Maarva  

==Antei Armorers== 

-  Kashyyykian Hunting Armor - Wookie Armor.   

==Antei Armaments==  

-  Kyuzo War Shield - Down+B  
-  Kukri - A Ghurka’s best Friend   
-  One-handed Battle Axe - Berzerker!  
-  E-11P blaster - E-11, but smaller.  

==Arx Starship Acquisitions==

-  RP82 Fiend fighter - Don’t Blink, it’s Shin Hati’s fighter!  
-  StarSpeeder 1000 - Great for touring the stars!   

==The Iron Garage==
-  Zambi-35 speeder chariot - Tons of these in downtown Eos city  

==Iron Menagerie==

-  Merqaal - It’s cute!

==Arx Fleet Systems==

-  Harrower-class Dreadnought - Back in my day…

Don’t forget you can go to the Item Search and search by Release. Just select “Splinter” in the release dropdown and you can see all the items in this booster.


Lifeday Announcement


I can’t believe it’s already almost that time of year. In the distance, Mariah Carey can be heard emerging from her frozen cave. Villagers fear for their lives. We can hold her off until Halloween, but she is nigh.

As we all cower in fear, take some solace in knowing that the Regent staff will be hosting our Annual Lifeday Competition. The Lifeday event will run from November 17th to December 8th. There will be a variety of competitions and a chance at some super special awards.

This year’s theme is Jawas. Get ready to scavenge your way to the top!


Crafting Primer and Updates

Crafting is and has been my white whale. I’ve been at sea for two years hunting this beast. We aren’t done yet. We’ve made some progress on the larger project, but there is still a long way to go. I routinely have to remind myself that the scope of this project is absolutely monumental and I shouldn’t expect immediate satisfaction.

With that said, our big focuses haven’t changed. We are still clearing the overburden (doing the actual legwork required for this project), but we’re also focusing on the feedback we’ve received so far. Progress in this area will come slowly, but then all at once. We’ve submitted our appropriate tickets and permits, but there are many things that take priority over what we’re working with. While the necessary frameworks are being built, we continue to push forward on what we can. I don’t want to share too many updates, but you’ll definitely hear more in the future.

One update I can share is that Korvis has written up a Crafting Primer. It can be found on the Wiki. It will be expanded as the project releases, but this should help navigate what is presently available.

Check it out here: WIKI


What would you say ya do here?


I think the Regent’s Office has always kind of operated in obscurity. As Regent, I want to try and bring some transparency to what it is that we do in our office.

If any of you have ever emailed the Regent’s Staff mailer, even when I was Praetor, I have always tried my best to explain our reasoning, rationale, and process when we make a decision on what you have requested. I will always try my best to explain the “why” behind a decision. I’m defiant enough that the reason “Because I said so” just doesn’t cut it with me. Sometimes, I will articulate the rationale in long emails, sometimes it’s more direct. We also try to take time to think, discuss, and evaluate an item before a final decision is rendered. So, it may take us some time to get back to you.

If you use the suggestion boxes, you may not ever get that explanation. Rather than give you each the full details of the individual submissions, I want to lift the curtain and show you what goes on before we add items to a release like a booster pack.

My hope is that by revealing a bit of the Regent’s process, members may gain a sort of understanding as to why an item is added or why it is denied. Also, It might help you to make stronger suggestions in the future. This isn’t really a codified process, but it’s a general abstraction of what we do when looking for items. It is by no means law. An item may pass all of these criteria and still not be added or an item may fail these criteria and still be added.

When you’re on staff, you learn to quickly be able to make an assessment of the viability of an item while doing research. Eventually, you sort of have a 6th sense for what is going to be a good item and what isn’t. Behold, a flow chart for determining if an item should be added to a release:


The first step is always research. When we open the suggestion box, or when a new piece of Star Wars media hits the market, we start by researching. As any of the Regent staff can attest, there are hours lost in diving down holes on the Wookiepedia. As a rule of thumb, there needs to be some substance on the wookiepedia pages, star wars databank, or sourcebooks before we consider it. Ships in particular, we need things like Length, armament, general characteristics, before we can fill in the gaps that exist and create a viable prototype. On the opposite side of that, just because there is a wikipage doesn’t mean it automatically makes the cut. There’s alot of wild and wacky stuff in Star Wars lore, part of the job is sifting through what is a little too wacky for our system.

Next, we do the Iconic test. If you see this item and immediately think of a certain piece of Star Wars media, we’re probably considering adding it or it’s already in the system. Canon items take precedence over Legends items. Then we look at the purpose it serves, items that do a unique thing that nothing else does get valid consideration. The last step is the “cool” factor. This is totally subjective. Sometimes, the rule of cool prevails and items are added just because they are rad.

Again, this process is not law. There are as many exceptions as there are examples that pass the tests. But, I just wanted to share this with you all. Hope it helps or at the very least I hope you find it interesting.


Changes to ACE Facilities

Someone let Zxyl blow up Mattock Station, the headquarters of Arx Capital Exchange, so the staff and I are workshopping some new ideas for a new base. It will be bigger and more unique thank our previous HQ. It may or may not end up in future fictions, but I just wanted to let you all know that we’re getting new diggs.

If any of you artist-types out there are interested in rendering my cockamamie design ideas, reach out to me and let me know!

Additionally, the ACE fleet will be getting a revamp. Think…Merchant Marine meets Amazon. There will be a wide variety of craft that can deliver clean socks directly to your door.

You’re still here?

Thank you for reading and remember: any questions relating to the Possessions system, item mechanics, or features can be emailed to Regent Staff at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Important Links:
* Item Research
* Item Stores
* Item Aspect Approval Policy
* Item Prototype Approval Policy
* Regent Suggestion Box
* Item Error Reporting Box

-The Usurper



Awesome item drop. Those Medical Suites have me thinking I should switch back to a member corvette again.

So, many rabbit holes in research.

Loot drop!

Very nice!

Great stuff Thran. Thanks for doing what you do.

BOOYA! Thanks for all the goodies!

I like the flow chart. Does that mean the Assault Transport (ATR from TIE Fighter) be available soon?

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