Hello there.GIF

Post Great Jedi War Rewards
Every member who participated in at least one event is being granted the Ring of Transcendence. In addition for their accomplishments (participating in every non-gaming competition and at least one competition in each gaming bin) the following members are being granted the Ethereal Crystal.
- Tali Sroka
- Alaris Jinn di Plagia
- Kamjin Lap’lamiz-Palpatine
- Marick Tyris Arconae
- Selika Roh di Plagia
- Nora Olen di Plagia
The Ring of Transcendence will be granted around the same time as your Seals of Transcendence (to make it easier on James, he's just going to do both at once). The Ethereal Crystal has been granted to the six members above.

As stated in my previous report, the credit formula has been changed (and will be used for all future vendettas, whether it's an Rite of Supremacy or Great Jedi War). Some clans (particularly the highest placing clans) will notice a drop from previous Great Jedi Wars, while lower scoring clans (particularly the lowest placing clans) will notice a substantial jump, all things considered. The same will be said for Rites of Supremacy, in which there was a staggering 70 million credit difference during the last RoS between the lowest and highest scoring clans. The previous Great Jedi War formula only took into account clan and member placement, resulting in regular participation efforts going to waste. The new formula is an amalgamation of both previous formulas put together, with the largest chunk coming from club-wide participation numbers. Every member that contributed at least one entry to the Great Jedi War, even as a Rogue, contributed to the overall DB participation points value and ensured everyone received a bigger "bulk" portion of credits. This new formula will ensure an even spread of credits for all clans no matter what type of vendetta is happening.
Clan Arcona
- 98,895,000 Credits
- TBA Capital Ship/Starfighters
- Ascendant Null Burst Projector
An Ascendant Null-Burst Projector has been installed at the fore of this capital ship, allowing it to fire a pocket of negative energy at an enemy ship that does little damage but is capable of disorientating or in some cases incapacitating the target vessel’s crew for low-resistance boarding. It can also be used to create an opening to flee the battlefield.
Clan Naga Sadow
- 80,965,125 Credits
- TBA Capital Ship/Starfighters
- Ascendant Sensor Suite
The sensor systems on this capital ship have been augmented with an Ascendant Sensor Suite, allowing long-range tracking and detection of ascendant crystals, crystal ascendants, and any weapons or equipment that has been infused with ascendant crystals with pinpoint accuracy within two parsecs.
Clan Odan-Urr
- 76,841,838 Credits
- TBA Capital Ship/Starfighters
- Purified Ascendant Crystal Medical Retrofit
This vessel has undergone a Purified Ascendant Crystal Medical Retrofit, reducing its total armaments and weapon systems by half to make way for advanced medical and rehabilitation facilities that take up the majority of the ship but are powered by ascendant crystals captured from the Children of Mortis and purified, converting this vessel into an advanced medical starship un-matched by traditional technologies.
Clan Plagueis
- 90,250,000 Credits
- Bulwark Mark I Prototype
- Ascendant Crystal Phase Cannon
An Ascendant Crystal Phase Cannon similar in design and firepower to orbital bombardment autocannons has been installed on this vessel. This specialized phase cannon deals extraordinary amounts of damage, and bypasses all known shield generators. It uses experimental technology paired with ascendant crystals, and takes several minutes to charge or recharge after firing before it can fire its devastating blast.
Clan Scholae Palatinae
- 78,640,619 Credits
- Inquisitor-class Electronic Warfare Corvette
- Ascendant Crystal Gravity Well-Tractor Beam
An Ascendant Crystal Gravity Well-Tractor Beam Generator has been installed on this vessel, allowing it to create strong gravitational fields to pull vessels out of hyperspace much beyond the range of standard gravity well generators, while featuring a secondary mode allowing it to pull targeted starships up to and including frigate-class ships in its general direction. These generators are much smaller in size due to the usage of ascendant crystal technology.
Clan Taldryan
- 85,665,000 Credits
- Predator-class Battleship
- Ascendant Crystal Cloaking System
An Ascendant Crystal Cloaking System has been installed aboard this vessel, allowing it to mask its visual and sensor signatures from view, shielding the vessel from prying eyes and sensor scans. The vessel is not rendered completely invisible, as a small shimmer akin to a Force-user's Cloaking power can be seen during movement and grows more distorted the faster the vessel is going.
Clan Vizsla
- 80,317,500 Credits
- x4 Ordo-class Beskar Starfighter Squadrons
- Ascendant Crystal Composite Beam Cannon
An Ascendant Composite Beam Cannon has been installed at the fore of this capital ship, firing a coherent beam of energy powered by ascendant crystals that quickly disperses regular heavy shielding with a single hit. After a long recharge rate, the vessel may fire a second charge that does large amounts of damage to an enemy capital ship.
Some clans have already started submitting their capital ship rewards, the approved ones have been added above.

Other Things

As always...
- If you have any questions/comments/concerns about a possession or the possessions system, or have found an error, please email us at the Regent Staff mailing list (linked below).
- If you have a canon/legends item prototype or droid/starship/weapon upgrade suggestion, please use the suggestion box (linked below).
- If you want to propose a non-canon/non-legends item prototype for inclusion in possessions, follow the Item Prototype Approval Policy (linked below) and send us the full proposal outlined therein.
Important Links

Ooh, credits!
I have the ghost crystal!
The store link just comes to the report. :(
Blast you fast typie hands.
Fixed, Sven!